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What is hentai?

Guest skaros

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In the 1914 translation of Richard von Krafft-Ebing's Psychopathia Sexualis, "psychology of abnormal sexuality" was rendered in Japanese as  Hentai Seiyoku Shinri.


In Japanese the word hentai is a kanji compound of hen meaning "change" "weird" or "strange"and  tai meaning "attitude" or "appearance". The term is used as a shortened form of the phrase hentai seiyoku, or "sexual perversion." In slang, hentai is used as an insult meaning roughly "pervert" or "weirdo". The term is not often applied to pornography in Japan. Instead, terms such as 18-kin  literally "18-prohibited" meaning "prohibited to those not yet 18 years old", and seijin manga  "adult manga" are used when referring to pornography. The English letters AV are also used, standing for adult video.


The English use of "hentai" is more similar to the way the Japanese use the slang term H, etchi, often spelled ecchi, which refers to any sexually explicit content or behavior. Etchi is simply the spelling-out of the Japanese pronunciation of the letter H. The origins of this term are uncertain, but it may be a shortened form of hentai used as a polite codeword in the 1960s.


"H" in Japan is now broadly used to refer to all sexual content or activity, so "H manga" are manga with sexual content. Also, the term "ero" , short for "erotic" but closer in meaning to "porn", is now used more often instead of "H".


Exactly how the term hentai came to refer to all sexually explicit content in American anime fandom is unknown. With the rise of the World Wide Web, however, the term was extensively promoted by pornographic sites selling access to (frequently bootlegged) erotic manga. Banner ads promoting these sites might, for instance advertise "live girls and hentai", with the latter meaning erotic manga as opposed to photographs. Compare otaku for another word altered somewhat in this transition.


Now what did u understand about this?


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its just sick. :o

Watch cartoons n' become horny


the imature and mature human brain cannot find the difference from reality and the cartoons...

we may understand it but our brain finds it sexy... so... HENTAI rox!

and im not masturbating like watching Sailor Moon or Pokemon ffs

just fetish anal hentai :D

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