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New Icon Lindvior

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Dear All.


I'm having trouble creating a new icon from pts. I used to import UE as new icon pic - then save the newicon.utx.
I used to mount the item l2 FileEditor newicon.test in ectitem.dat and change the icon in the xml. When I create items in the game with new icons, the system error and crash the game out the window.
Please help me on this. Thanks in advance.
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as say frs95 you need encrypt with l2encdec -e 121 newicon.utx after do it via cmd, you got a enc-newicon.utx, just rename to newicon.utx and paste into systextures, is all.

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make sure you run it through l2 encdec ALSO note that your shader is also the same name as your icon. you have a blank shader there which could also be a issue so i'd recomment removing that

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