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please help me ... I wanna make area with block summon skills and Gate Chant. Any1 know how make this zone?




Thank You.


No one can help you with the information: "L2OFF IL" . 

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TerritoryData.txt from vanganth actually has some block summoning pc for his own op_cond.


but wether that is summon to, or from i dunno, but testing can be done i geuss.

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TerritoryData.txt from vanganth actually has some block summoning pc for his own op_cond.


but wether that is summon to, or from i dunno, but testing can be done i geuss.

Advext has to something similar as i know.

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Advext has to something similar as i know.

// no_wyvern      : blocks usage of wyverns.
// no_ride        : blocks usage of rides such as dragons and wolves for example.
// no_pet         : blocks usage of pets.
// no_summon      : blocks usage of summons.
// is_chaotic     : makes an area of type 'battle_zone' to count pvp points, and also allow these areas to drop the rewards of the pvp extras system
//                  (in case they are limited only to be dropped in chaotic zones at PvpSystem.ini)
// pvp_takexp     : Takes (leech) the experience and sp points of your enemy for yourself when you are doing PVPs (requires is_chaotic flag).
//                  you should use it as : pvp_takexp,perc (perc is a decimal number representing the amount in percentage of xp/sp that will be
//                  taken per PVP from your target/victim.
// dispel_all     : When a player 'teleport to this area' all buffs/debuffs are dispelled.
// protected      : When a player 'teleport to this area' he will be protected for XX seconds or until he performs any action !
//                  you should use it as : protected,time (time is the number in seconds the character will keep protected)
// restore_hp     : restores full hp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_mp     : restores full mp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_cp     : restores full cp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// trade_off      : blocks trading in the area.
// friend_off     : blocks friend invite in the area.
// joinclan_off   : blocks clan inviting in the area.
// party_off      : disable party in the area.
// check_item     : You should use this as : check_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, 
//                  in case he do not have this item he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// consume_item   : You should use this as : consume_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, it will automatically
//                  consume 1 item per second, in case the character run out of items, he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// blocked_items  : You should use this as : blocked_items,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304... so when the character join this area, 
//                  he will unequip and won't equip these items again while he inside the area.
// blocked_skills : You should use this as : blocked_skills,1000,1001,1002,1003... so when the character is 'inside' this area,
//                  he will not be able to use these skills.
// min_level      : restrict the area to a minimum required character level.
//                  You should use this as min_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'lower' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// max_level      : restrict the area to a maximum required character level.
//                  You should use this as max_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'higher' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// race_only      : restrict the area to work only with the specified races in this rule, usage example : race_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other race try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// class_only     : restrict the area to work only with the specified classes in this rule, usage example : class_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other class try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// sex_only       : restrict the area to work only with the specified sex in this rule, usage example : sex_only,sex_id,x,y,z 'sex_id' is the Sex ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other sex try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// door_open      : restrict the area to work only with the specified door open in this rule, usage example : door_open,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is closed, he will be teleported out.
// door_closed    : restrict the area to work only with the specified door closed in this rule, usage example : door_closed,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is open, he will be teleported out.
// not_welcome    : restrict the area to teleport out any player that walks over it, usage example : not_welcome,x,y,z

  • 0
// no_wyvern      : blocks usage of wyverns.
// no_ride        : blocks usage of rides such as dragons and wolves for example.
// no_pet         : blocks usage of pets.
// no_summon      : blocks usage of summons.
// is_chaotic     : makes an area of type 'battle_zone' to count pvp points, and also allow these areas to drop the rewards of the pvp extras system
//                  (in case they are limited only to be dropped in chaotic zones at PvpSystem.ini)
// pvp_takexp     : Takes (leech) the experience and sp points of your enemy for yourself when you are doing PVPs (requires is_chaotic flag).
//                  you should use it as : pvp_takexp,perc (perc is a decimal number representing the amount in percentage of xp/sp that will be
//                  taken per PVP from your target/victim.
// dispel_all     : When a player 'teleport to this area' all buffs/debuffs are dispelled.
// protected      : When a player 'teleport to this area' he will be protected for XX seconds or until he performs any action !
//                  you should use it as : protected,time (time is the number in seconds the character will keep protected)
// restore_hp     : restores full hp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_mp     : restores full mp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_cp     : restores full cp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// trade_off      : blocks trading in the area.
// friend_off     : blocks friend invite in the area.
// joinclan_off   : blocks clan inviting in the area.
// party_off      : disable party in the area.
// check_item     : You should use this as : check_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, 
//                  in case he do not have this item he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// consume_item   : You should use this as : consume_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, it will automatically
//                  consume 1 item per second, in case the character run out of items, he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// blocked_items  : You should use this as : blocked_items,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304... so when the character join this area, 
//                  he will unequip and won't equip these items again while he inside the area.
// blocked_skills : You should use this as : blocked_skills,1000,1001,1002,1003... so when the character is 'inside' this area,
//                  he will not be able to use these skills.
// min_level      : restrict the area to a minimum required character level.
//                  You should use this as min_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'lower' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// max_level      : restrict the area to a maximum required character level.
//                  You should use this as max_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'higher' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// race_only      : restrict the area to work only with the specified races in this rule, usage example : race_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other race try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// class_only     : restrict the area to work only with the specified classes in this rule, usage example : class_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other class try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// sex_only       : restrict the area to work only with the specified sex in this rule, usage example : sex_only,sex_id,x,y,z 'sex_id' is the Sex ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other sex try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// door_open      : restrict the area to work only with the specified door open in this rule, usage example : door_open,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is closed, he will be teleported out.
// door_closed    : restrict the area to work only with the specified door closed in this rule, usage example : door_closed,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is open, he will be teleported out.
// not_welcome    : restrict the area to teleport out any player that walks over it, usage example : not_welcome,x,y,z

Yes . That

  • 0
// no_wyvern      : blocks usage of wyverns.
// no_ride        : blocks usage of rides such as dragons and wolves for example.
// no_pet         : blocks usage of pets.
// no_summon      : blocks usage of summons.
// is_chaotic     : makes an area of type 'battle_zone' to count pvp points, and also allow these areas to drop the rewards of the pvp extras system
//                  (in case they are limited only to be dropped in chaotic zones at PvpSystem.ini)
// pvp_takexp     : Takes (leech) the experience and sp points of your enemy for yourself when you are doing PVPs (requires is_chaotic flag).
//                  you should use it as : pvp_takexp,perc (perc is a decimal number representing the amount in percentage of xp/sp that will be
//                  taken per PVP from your target/victim.
// dispel_all     : When a player 'teleport to this area' all buffs/debuffs are dispelled.
// protected      : When a player 'teleport to this area' he will be protected for XX seconds or until he performs any action !
//                  you should use it as : protected,time (time is the number in seconds the character will keep protected)
// restore_hp     : restores full hp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_mp     : restores full mp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// restore_cp     : restores full cp when the character is 'teleported' to this area.
// trade_off      : blocks trading in the area.
// friend_off     : blocks friend invite in the area.
// joinclan_off   : blocks clan inviting in the area.
// party_off      : disable party in the area.
// check_item     : You should use this as : check_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, 
//                  in case he do not have this item he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// consume_item   : You should use this as : consume_item,1000,x,y,z so while the character is 'inside' this area, it will automatically
//                  consume 1 item per second, in case the character run out of items, he will be automatically teleported outside this area !
// blocked_items  : You should use this as : blocked_items,1300,1301,1302,1303,1304... so when the character join this area, 
//                  he will unequip and won't equip these items again while he inside the area.
// blocked_skills : You should use this as : blocked_skills,1000,1001,1002,1003... so when the character is 'inside' this area,
//                  he will not be able to use these skills.
// min_level      : restrict the area to a minimum required character level.
//                  You should use this as min_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'lower' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// max_level      : restrict the area to a maximum required character level.
//                  You should use this as max_level,level,x,y,z so when the character is 'higher' than this level, he will be teleported out !
// race_only      : restrict the area to work only with the specified races in this rule, usage example : race_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other race try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// class_only     : restrict the area to work only with the specified classes in this rule, usage example : class_only,x,y,z,1,2,3,4... 'numbers' are Race ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other class try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// sex_only       : restrict the area to work only with the specified sex in this rule, usage example : sex_only,sex_id,x,y,z 'sex_id' is the Sex ID from SQL.
//                  In case some other sex try to enter in the area, it will be teleported out.
// door_open      : restrict the area to work only with the specified door open in this rule, usage example : door_open,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is closed, he will be teleported out.
// door_closed    : restrict the area to work only with the specified door closed in this rule, usage example : door_closed,door_name,x,y,z
//                  In case a player walks under this area, and the specified door is open, he will be teleported out.
// not_welcome    : restrict the area to teleport out any player that walks over it, usage example : not_welcome,x,y,z

I dont have Advext ... I have older version I think :/

  • 0



please help me ... I wanna make area with block summon skills and Gate Chant. Any1 know how make this zone?




Thank You.

Assuming you use vanganth files : check territorydata :)


begin	territory_id=110	MinX=52000	MaxX=58000	MinY=215500 MaxY=222000 MinZ=-4000	MaxZ=0	Type=BLOCK_SUMMONING_PC	end

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thx all for answering on my post ... I have idea how block it.


I hope evryone know this for block private stores in Giran Area... 


area_begin name=[giran_town_no_stores1] map_no = {22;22} type=peace_zone blocked_actions={priv_store;priv_rstore} range = {{83844;149373;-3400;48940};{83090;149385;-3464;47220};{83855;147836;-3400;16232};{83097;147857;-3464;16383}} area_end


I want make somethink like this but with blocked_actions={invite}


anyone tested it? Any experiences?


I need set it because if I give anyone to Jail he give party to anyone outside of jail and he summon him from the jail... this is damn ..


Thx for any help.





  • 0



thx all for answering on my post ... I have idea how block it.


I hope evryone know this for block private stores in Giran Area... 


area_begin name=[giran_town_no_stores1] map_no = {22;22} type=peace_zone blocked_actions={priv_store;priv_rstore} range = {{83844;149373;-3400;48940};{83090;149385;-3464;47220};{83855;147836;-3400;16232};{83097;147857;-3464;16383}} area_end


I want make somethink like this but with blocked_actions={invite}


anyone tested it? Any experiences?


I need set it because if I give anyone to Jail he give party to anyone outside of jail and he summon him from the jail... this is damn ..


Thx for any help.





I doubt it shall work....but try it

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