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Hello !


Im looking to add some delay (5 seconds) to mana pots , should i make the change in skilldata [mana]or itemdata [mana_potion]?


Thank you in advance .

8 answers to this question

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find mana potion in items if it has reusedelay just add the cd <set name="reuseDelay" val="5000" />, if not search if its combined with any skill or herb.

  • 0

find mana potion in items if it has reusedelay just add the cd <set name="reuseDelay" val="5000" />, if not search if its combined with any skill or herb.

This is l2off not l2j.
  • 0
skill_begin skill_name = [mana] /* [gmitem] */ skill_id = 25100 level = 1 operate_type = A2 magic_level = 1 self_effect = {} effect = {{i_mp;400;diff}} end_effect = {} is_magic = 2 mp_consume2 = 0 cast_range = -1 effective_range = -1 skill_hit_time = 0 skill_cool_time = 0 skill_hit_cancel_time = 0 reuse_delay = 1000 activate_rate = -1 lv_bonus_rate = 0 basic_property = none abnormal_time = 20 abnormal_lv = 1 abnormal_type = hp_recover abnormal_instant = 0 irreplaceable_buff = 0 buff_protect_level = 0 attribute = {attr_none;0} trait = {trait_none} effect_point = 0 target_type = self affect_scope = single affect_limit = {0;0} next_action = none debuff = 0 ride_state = {@ride_none;@ride_strider;@ride_wyvern;@ride_wolf} multi_class = 0 skill_end 
item_begin etcitem 728 [mana_potion] item_type=etcitem slot_bit_type={none} armor_type=none etcitem_type=potion delay_share_group=-1 item_multi_skill_list={} recipe_id=0 blessed=0 weight=180 default_action=action_skill_reduce consume_type=consume_type_stackable initial_count=1 maximum_count=20 soulshot_count=0 spiritshot_count=0 reduced_soulshot={} reduced_spiritshot={} reduced_mp_consume={} immediate_effect=1 ex_immediate_effect=0 drop_period=10 duration={-1;0} use_skill_distime=0 period=0 equip_reuse_delay=0 price=0 default_price=2000 item_skill=[mana] critical_attack_skill=[none] attack_skill=[none] magic_skill=[none] item_skill_enchanted_four=[none] capsuled_items={} material_type=liquid crystal_type=crystal_free crystal_count=0 is_trade=1 is_drop=1 is_destruct=1 keep_type=15 physical_damage=0 random_damage=0 weapon_type=none can_penetrate=0 critical=0 hit_modify=0 avoid_modify=0 dual_fhit_rate=0 shield_defense=0 shield_defense_rate=0 attack_range=0 damage_range={} attack_speed=0 reuse_delay=0 mp_consume=0 magical_damage=0 durability=-1 damaged=0 physical_defense=0 magical_defense=0 mp_bonus=0 category={} enchanted=0 base_attribute_attack={none;0} base_attribute_defend={0;0;0;0;0;0} html=[item_default.htm] magic_weapon=0 enchant_enable=0 elemental_enable=0 unequip_skill={} for_npc=1 item_equip_option={} use_condition={{uc_transmode_exclude;{tt_flying}}} equip_condition={} can_move=0 is_premium=0 /*마나치유약*/ item_end 

Changed reuse_delay = 0 to reuse_delay = 1000 , and still it has no reuse

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