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LF Wall+Zoom Hack

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Ok, I have a big problem about Interlude Client >:( I am playing in L2Antique server  and Last time I play'ed on that server i download a Zoom/Wall hack. I could see through the wall's and have ultimate zoom. But I  change server and come back to l2antique, And now i can't find that hack. Please help me! But I NEED to see through the wall's becuase always in baium lair there is about 20 pk's and if you got to ToI13 you can attack from there. Anyone know that hack? I use search in here and i didn't find it  :'( plz heeeelllpppp

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may be this? (is old but the link of rs is not broken)



Here is the zoom patch for interlude and other patches



whit this u can see through the wall's but is not for that:





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may be this? (is old but the link of rs is not broken)



Here is the zoom patch for interlude and other patches



for 1'st want I have to change all file's so i can't log on to L2Antique,

2'nd I allready download

3'rd I looked at that but it's not what i Want. Just When i zoom, I want see though wall's >.<  heh.


whit this u can see through the wall's but is not for that:





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  • 6 months later...

may be this? (is old but the link of rs is not broken)



Here is the zoom patch for interlude and other patches


Thx :D


whit this u can see through the wall's but is not for that:








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may be this? (is old but the link of rs is not broken)



Here is the zoom patch for interlude and other patches



whit this u can see through the wall's but is not for that:





thx for search... for me :)

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