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First problem:

OK my spoil boting, boting good if there sin't any trees or rock. When there is trees or rocks it walk in it and bot stoping. He dont avoid tree and rocks. In c4 bot nice avoided the rocks and trees. I playing in DN.


Second problem

My bot stoping boting... He dont move, attack mobs. Why?? Can some1 help me? If i click stop and start some times it helping,  but not every time...






1st you can define your pathway in Pathing menu of l2walker so that your bot wont stuck in trees or rocks.

2nd your walker sucks try to download a newer version of walker by searching in this forum leave the set.ini as it is now and you wont have problems. (probalby your second problem has something to do with Walkers Verification crack)


1st you can define your pathway in Pathing menu of l2walker so that your bot wont stuck in trees or rocks.

2nd your walker sucks try to download a newer version of walker by searching in this forum leave the set.ini as it is now and you wont have problems. (probalby your second problem has something to do with Walkers Verification crack)

i dont see divine pathway, only divine PathPoint.

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