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SeriesForum.net - We are an uprising forum our main goal is to discuss and review TV series and movies!

Thanks for taking your time to read about seriesforum.net

We're an uprising forum our main goal is to discuss and review TV series and movies!
We have added the feature to be able to watch latest episodes on SeriesForum and will be adding Movies in the future!
We are working hard on bringing you a High Quality forum with everything you need only a mouse click away!
We not only serve TV Series and Movies but also a whole lot of other material!
Everyone who registers can post whats on there mind and share ideas or even there own videos/TV series, If there is something you think people should know about!

SeriesForum.net is still new and in need of members, we have great awards and a lot to offer you!
Our sections for now!

Official information
Watcher Section

We are proud of our Forum and we are proud to get you as a member!
Gamers, Movie/TV Serie lovers will definately love our forum!
We are looking forward to see you join!
Please feel free to post your Skype below ( This is in no way required! ) and you will be added to the official SeriesForum Skype group where we can answer all questions you might have!
If you dont use skype, you can simply join the Forum and ask any staff member all questions you might have!


SeriesForum Promoter - LightYagami


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