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interlude [L2Off]Lineage 2 Arien Interlude 20X Beta: 22.03.2014


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he ban from shoutbox in forum cuz itell the true is gangstar server thats why ban me noob give back the money



this server is l2 gangstar same admin same all same forum same shoutbox and every say somthing to admin he give ban

we donate  we give you money ...

and after 10 days? close server give back the 3 days of playing time

i will tell you all people here do not join in this server cuz admin need only money like l2 gangstarr 10 days and he close the server

Edited by metallica1
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i have many proof for is same team and you will see when this server open and after  10 days he take the donate and close server like gangstarr

Edited by metallica1
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sorry retard i cant keep if you are not unterstand bb



You're new accout, your wild theories and hardly comprehensible due to your limited language skills and you can't even provide a single evidence to support them. So yeah, no.


To devs: The project looks very interesting! I'll give it a shot if I'll have some time :) Though, I have a suggestion - don't bother with lower level trolls such as MXCDev. They come here just to provoke ;)

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