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Is that a scam or new trick ?


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hehhe  :D it has happened to me several times..and when I'm with A duals they say there is a bug for A duals...if in B grade blunt "there is a bug for exactly your weapon"...bla-bla-bla...don't trust such people...if there is really a bug they will not tell you,they will use it for themselves  8)

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as :DarkNtomatas say:


first u go and u find a NOOB ...

u invite him in RANDOM pt and u tell to him <drop your weapon i will sit here bla bla bla>

then he do that without think a moment that RANDOM PT..


and u takes his weapon (STEAL IT)



so,it's 101% SCAM


i know that as there is fucker scame me with it , i was have sov+a+3 on dragon network .

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i Would say 110% Scam xD.

Yesterday a Dude ask me too see my weapon (ARcana Mace +25) and i Show him in the Trade.

He give me a Scroll to enchat it.

while i was tradding the Weapon. He say take it and enchat it.

I tell him im taaking a Screen you are getting banned in 5 mins. Smile pliz!.

And he starts Beggins, Screaming and Shouting :P

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thats an old bug indeed...

i knew that bug when i played bnb c2...

Anyways... can i ask you guys something?

I was on a net with some friends... one friend of mine had an arcana mace +17 and he was trading it with a draconic bow +20.

One accepted the trade and they start trading... in the trading my friend put the +17 and the other guy put the +2 and the +20...

i saw that and i told him to watch out cause it is impossible for him to be such a noob... we dubble checked he had a +2 and a +20 in the trade...

he confirmed and we checked again... he had again the +2 and the +20 on trade and confirmed....my friend had the am in the trade... he pressed ok

but he only got the +2... wtf? How is that possible??? can someone make a topic or reply me on how to do that?Anyways i want to do that too :D

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