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Community Board Rb Status On Costum Rbs



on topbbsmanger.java

		if (fileName.equals("data/html/CommunityBoard/56.htm"));
			// Raid Status
			content = content.replaceAll("%antharas%", bossStatus(29019));
			content = content.replaceAll("%valakas%", bossStatus(29028));
			content = content.replaceAll("%baium%", bossStatus(29020));
			content = content.replaceAll("%antqueen%", bossStatus(29001));
			content = content.replaceAll("%core%", bossStatus(29006));
			content = content.replaceAll("%zaken%", bossStatus(29022));
			content = content.replaceAll("%frintezza%", bossStatus(29045));
			content = content.replaceAll("%orfen%", bossStatus(29014));
			content = content.replaceAll("%freya%", bossStatus(29178));
			content = content.replaceAll("%beleth%", bossStatus(29118));

and the way im taking the respawn infi is this

	 * @param bossId
	 * @return
	private static String bossStatus(int bossId)
		long delay=0;
				return "<font color=\"9CC300\">Alive!</font>";
				return "<font color=\"ff0000\">Dead!</font>";
		else if(bossId==29118)
				return "<font color=\"9CC300\">Alive!</font>";
				return "<font color=\"ff0000\">Dead!</font>";
		delay = GrandBossManager.getInstance().getStatsSet(bossId).getLong("respawn_time");
		if (delay <= System.currentTimeMillis())
			return "<td><tr><font color=\"9CC300\">Alive!</font></td></tr>";
			return "<font color=\"ff0000\">Dead!</font>";

For normal grandbosses is working fine, but since im using costum beleth and Freya with no AI since i dont have it .. The cb is not working.. I use %freya% on 56.htm and not replacing the respawn status of those 2 rbs.. :/


On database l2npc those 2 bosses are L2RaidBoss and Also there is no more than one "Beleth or Freya npc as name..


any idea? :/



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i think its like this right now ! but again its not  problem? I have added to many requests there :/


I want like this





I think is the best idea like on my npc :D

Edited by ČυяŞŀŅğ
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Fixed, It was on wrong html -_- Like this is working.. Thank you very much !


One question , i want to make Community board , refresh every X time. 


example from my respawn info npc 

        private void sendRaidBosses(L2PcInstance player, int bosslevel)
                TextBuilder tb = new TextBuilder();
                tb.append("<html><title>Grand Boss Info</title><body><br><center><img src=\"L2UI_CH3.herotower_deco\" width=256 height=32><table width=260>");
                for (Raidboss rb : RAID_BOSSES)
                        String name = rb.getName();
                        if(name.equals("Freya") || name.equals("Beleth"))
                        int level = rb.getLevel();
                        int min = bosslevel;
                        int max = min + 10;
                        if (level >= min && level <= max)
                                long delay = rb.getRespawn();
                                long currentTime = System.currentTimeMillis();
                                if (delay <= currentTime)
                                        tb.append("<tr><td><font color=\"00C3FF\">" + name + " (" + level + ")</color>:<br></td><td><font color=\"32C332\">Alive</color></td></tr>");

                              	 tb.append("<tr><td><font color=\"00C3FF\">" + name + "</color>:<br></td><td><font color=\"FF0000\">Respawn at :"+sdf.format(new Date(delay))+"</color></td></tr>");

Something like this for cb , to refresh every X time , and also to shows somewere when updated , and when the next update will be. I guess this should happen on TopBBSmanager , but how? :/

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