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Newbie Alert!few Questions.



Well what i want to know is where do i start if i want to get into l2off?

What do i need to start?

What's hard/easy to manage on l2off servers?


Hope this topic won't get answers like "you're a newbie don't get into l2off, there's so many newbies around we don't need new ones"



3 answers to this question

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Depends what exactly you want to start to do. I mean setting up and running a server isn't hard at all. Modifying the scripts isn't hard at all as well, its plain text in English, easy to read. It might be a little bit tricky when you start with the AI but with time you can get the hang of it.


Now if we are talking about extenders, you should start by learning some assembly and basic analysis by the use of reverse code engineering techniques, and a language that can manipulate unamanged code, C++ being the most common, but ASM can work as well.

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Well i would like to get into everything eventually but for now one step at a time.I've seen files on a pack and realized scripts and other stuff are actually pretty easy to understand.

Now where it really gets complicated for me is the AI and extenders.Now from what i've read so far i guess extenders are files that add new features/fix bugs etc on a server(correct me if i'm wrong).Let's say i want to start getting into AI.What do i need to get started with AI and this might sound stupid but how it will help me with the server.Meaning what exactly is AI?(Damn this question sounds stupid even to me, i can guess how it sounds to you guys).


Well thanks for your reply.


Btw Merry Christmas!

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