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interlude [L2Off] L2Arcadis 55X (23.12.13 19:00 Gmt+1)

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Arcadis based on latest L2OFF files (Vanganth)
Hello guys
The server will launch at 20.12.2013 19.00 +1 GMT
We are trying to do our best and advertise the server on every way that is possible.
We will also have an open beta, wich will be at 17.12.2013 19.00 +1 GMT and will run for 2 days.
In this open beta we would like to search you for stuff that could be improved or that is missing.
Also look for developing mistakes, for example a wrong price in the shop etc.
Start gathering your people because you will not regret playing our server.
- 55x experience rate
- 55x adena rate
- Scheme buffer
- Global gatekeeper
- Weapon shop up to a-grade
- Armor shop up to b-grade
- Jewellery shop up to b-grade
- TvT manager (first update)
- Donation manager
- Special shop
- Arcadis shop
- Heine main town
- Aden Olympiad town
- Monastery of silence as main zone
- Elven fortress as party zone
- Max +8 on weapon and +4 on armor
- 2 weeks rotation
- Hero weapons equal to +12 s grade with SA
- Subclass retail like with red pepit knife inside the shop
- Noblesse retail like
- Epic quest items at shop
- Buff coin in other to have access towards 3rd class buffs.
- Duration of 1H
- Scheme’s available
- Arranged epics
* Monday AQ 21.00 +1 GMT
* Tuesday Frintezza 22.00 +1 GMT
* Wednesday Baium 23.00 +1 GMT
* Thursday Zaken 21.00 +1 GMT
* Friday Antharas 22.00 +1 GMT
* Saturday Valakas 23.00 +1 GMT
- PvP zones, with rewards if killing someone
- Epics are nerfed, u get rewarded with the jewel for winning the mass PvP
- Epics will start spawning after 1 week.
Arcadis raid bosses
- Subclass raids 8H +/- 1
- Noblesse raid
* Retail barakiel 8H +/- 1
* New barakiel 16H +/- 1
- 3 ketra raids with various drops and 8H +/- 1 respawn time
- 3 varka raids with various drops and 8H +/-1 respawn time
- 2 party zone raids and 2 main zone raids 8H +/-1 respawn time.
- Red/blue/green stones
- Sa fragments, Sa crystal
- S-grade weapon shafts
- PvP coin
- Donation coin
- Buff coin
- Offline shopping token
- Aden castle/Goddard
- Sunday
- Winner gets special goods.
Updates that will come in the near future (adding step by step)
- Era's
- Upgrade armor
- Upgrade weapons
- Augmentations
- TvT
- New zones
- Jewellry upgrades
- New raids
Starter-event added. Check out the FORUM to get more informations !
- running stability test to check if there are random crashes.
- Added red/blue/green arcadis stones towards the server files.
- Cleared 2 l2server small  errors, inspector and petitioncategory.

- company changed our server machine from dual core to quad core
- added light/dark arcadis stones (update) to server files
- added donation coin to server files
- added offline shopping coin to server files
- added raiding token to server files (drops from raidbosses)
- added vip coin to server files
- enabled marriage and YES WE DO HAVE GAY MARRIAGE
- enabled infinity shots to prevent laggs
- added gold bar to server files and enabled it inside the extender (500.000.000 adena is one gold bar)
- enabled autoloot, remember this does not count for party/raidbosses (you can disable the autoloot in the .menu)
- enabled class change manager in .menu (10.000 for first class, 100.000 for second class and 1.000.000 for third class)
- enabled offline shopping system in extender
- enabled siegereport inside the SQL database
- deleted all clan penalties
- changed the max enchant rate to +16 on weapons and +8 on armor
- changed the enchant rate
- disabled augmentation system(update)
- changed the max enchant rate inside olympiad to +8 on weapons and +4 on armor

- Added global gatekeeper to the files
- Added teleport location to AI
- Added HTML for the text that the gatekeeper will show- Tested ingame and the gatekeeper is working perfectly
Edited by Jesterdotcom

Free Bump :)

Good luck with server plus network :)

btw your singter have something wrong this lanugh its not Arabic btw 

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