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[Guide] OOG Lineage 2 Walker 10.6.4 Full Guide

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This guide is copy-paste from here. I made these thread in order to include this guide to our forum so we will have everything gathered here, and because some are bored/afraiad to visit external links  ;) :D


Guide To L2walker




Main Screen:

-USA should be selected in the white box to the far left.

-Now select the server in the second box (to the right of "HOST").

-Now select which character u want (1 through 7).

-Enter the account name and password in the two boxes right of those.

-Login, Logout and Restart are the same as in-game.

-Begin Combat/End Combat starts and stops the bot to attack mobs.

-Sit/Stand will make your character sit or stand.

-Basic Actions is like your actions menu in game. (drop down list)

-Social is the emotes that are in game ie. /socialsad (drop down list)

-Enable/Disable toggles on and off your walker settings (bot is on if u see enable, off if u see disable)

-Right under the login options are your health and mp bars, as well as current weight and exp

-Right under those are the hp/mp bars of your target, along with its name and level, if it's a monster.

-Virtual Map, right under the health bars, is an overview of what is actually happening.

-Monsters will be displayed as Green squares, Npc's as Yellow squares, Players as Blue squares, Party Members as Dark Blue squares, your target as a Purple square, and your self as a Red square.

-The wide, red square is your current Radius (The area in which you will get mobs).

-The slider will zoom in or out the map, down to a 1:1 scale or up to a 1:36 scale.

-Realmap will display the terrain overview.

-Z-Range will make you see monsters that are within the set Z coordinates that your character is currently at. (For example, if I set it at 200, and my char is on a Z coordinate of 2000, it will display any mobs that have 1800 to 2200 as Z coordinate.)


Top Windows on the right

-The window to the right of the Virtual Map contains mostly character data.

-Char is your character stats.

-Party displays your partymates, their hp/mp, level and class.

-Inv displays equipped items as well as inventory items. Equipped items will be shown with a checkmark on the right of those.

-Skills is a listing of all your skills, active and passive. You also want to use this window if you wish to use any skills manually (Double Click the name of the skill).

-Buffs is a listing of all the buffs you currently have on and their level.

-Buddy is a realtime display of your friendlist.

-Clan displays all your clanmates, as well as their level, and class, and offline/online status.


Bottom Windows on the right

-Player will display all the player names within your vicinity, as well as their class, clan title and exact location. You can also click their names to see a resume of their apparent equipements. You can also double click their name to target them.

-Mons lists all the monsters in the vicinity, as well as their exact location. You can also target a monster double clicking their name. You can also right click and set the attack type for these kinds of mobs - very useful for not attacking chests.

-NPC will display a listing of all the NPC, and works the same way as the other two.

-Items will display a listing of the items on the ground.

-Pets will obviously display all the pets in your surroundings the same way this window displays monsters and PCs.

-Map will display the in-game map, as well as your current location on it.

-Report is a very useful window. It's a simple report of all the monsters you have killed, the exp you have made, the levels you have made, the items you picked up, the adena per hour and your botting time.


L2 Information

-The lower, larger window is your chat window. Obviously lists all the chats available in game. Its not like In-Game chat however u must select the chat channel u wish to speak in on the left hand side of where u enter text.

-The settings window will allow you to change any colors of the text in this window, as well as let you set an auto-shout.


Basic Options


Base Setting

-Relogin is for relogging if your bot gets disconnected. I'd recommend setting no lower than 60 seconds, so you won't flood the server.

-Dead Return will make your character go back to town after the time period has passed after your character died.

-Dead logout will make your character log out once the period of time has passed after your character died.

-Enable login delay should always be checked. Don't uncheck it and don't touch the options under it.

-Logout when X mins exp not add will make your character log out if it doesn't get any exp for the set period of time.

-Logout when X mins party members less than Y will make your char logout if your party drops under Y members and stays this way for X mins.




Other Setting

-Down Level is a useful features for Farmers. It will automatically make your char attack NPCs that will attack you back, thus making you die and lose exp. If you set this feature, make sure to set dead return. You will also have to set the guards that your character will force attack. (Every time u attack a guard after you respawn from the death it will come back after you, for one more kill)

-Level will obviously make your character attack the NPCs until it has reached the set level.

-Auto Make Item is for Dwarves to set up for crafting items

-Auto Fishing - Automatically fishes

-Use Fishing Show "drop down list" - Select the type of fishing shot you wish to use.




Safe Card




Nothing that you need to know about Safe Card. This was a feature for korea only.




Heal Options

-Use Relax Skill - Check if you can use Relax. (Human Fighter Skill, they regen HP faster at the cost of MP)

-Sit and Stand percentages will make your char sit and stand and the set percentages. If you don't check stand, your char will stand up at 100%. Now I don't recommend using any of the sit/stand settings if you have a party with a healer.

-HP/MP Protect are heals for your character. The first one will make your character use heal potions at the set percentage in combat. All of the other ones are set for skills. Check Use in Combat if you want your char to use it in combat.

-HP < X% logout will make your character logout once he reached this specific percent. (don't set this to low takes 15 secs for char to disappear when in combat, set for around 25% at the least)

-Flee will make your character run once it reaches the set % or when you're aggroed by the set number of mobs. I've never used this because it will make your char run in a random direction and it will most likely get stuck, and you will die anyways, and will have no ideas where you dropped your stuff

-Abnormity Buff settings will make your char auto-use items to cure bleeding and poison, and if no items are available, it will use skills. (self-use)

-Delays on the far right column are to delay the time in-between what u have set (notice heal pots are at 10 sec delay by default, it takes 10 secs for 1 heal pot to wear off, no need wasteing pots)




Self Buffs


-Check the squares for the buff lines you want to use, then select the buff in the drop down menu. You can change the delay if you want, but most buffs last 1200 secs. (120 secs for dances/songs) MP > will make your char buff itself only if its MP is above the set amount.

-Auto Detect will re-buff if the buff is gone ie. cancel (i don't recommend using this because if your self buffing Might/Shield someone with lvl 3 can come and buff you and you will keep spamming your buffs because it doesn't detect them since their lvl 1-2, shows your a bot)




Combat Heal

-Combat Heal isn't really heals, it's the soulshot/toggle skill menu.

-Use Shot menu obviously makes you use Soulshots.

-The first line is: If target has over X Health Points, use [select type] shot at a X ms delay.

-The second one is: If target's level is above X, use ...

-The Third one is: If you are surrounded by X mobs and up, use...

-The Fourth one is: If your HP drops below X Health Points, use...

-The Fifth one is: If your MP drops below X Mana Points, use...

-The Sixth one is: If you're in a situation that your character needs to protect another member of the party, use...

-Skills shot is a menu that allows to set shot use for single skills.

-Open skills are basically toggle skills, doesn't work well for any other types of skills. It will automatically start a toggle skill before entering combat, and toggle it off after combat. MP > means that it will only use it if MP is above the set number.

-The only use I can see to Target Dead Use Skill is for the Corpse Life Drain skill. It will make you use skills like this if you beat a mob and your character is under the set percentage of HP.

-In the Dwarf Settings, checking autosweep will make you spoil a mob each and every single time before you attack it, unless you don't have MP anymore.

-Fail retry will make you retry it if you fail your spoil.

-Automake is a feature that will make your dwarf craft the selected item when it is above the set number of MP.




Party Setting Main & Member Section

** Note ** All the names you input in here, and everywhere in the bot are Case Sensitive!!!! That means you have to respect the lower case letters and the upper case letters if you want it to work well! otherwise it just won't work and might get you killed!! **


-Send Party Invite will make your character automatically send a party invite to the character you will choose from the drop-down menu or that you will punch there.

-Party Loot is pretty self explanatory: It's the party loot settings, Same options as in-game party settings.

-Sleep When XXXX's mp is under XX% and stand once it's above XX% (will sit down for healer to regen and stand when full, on healer select "Follow Healer Sit" for this to work)

-Dismiss When I is Header (means that if char is leader of party kick everyone out of party, new feature since in c3 when party leader leave party next to be invited becomes leader)

-Active follow will make your character follow the set names there. (if u have more then one name i don't think it will auto follow anyone)

-Auto accept invite will make you accept any party invites from the names you will put their

-Follow healer sit is to be used in conjunction with the sleep when helper's MP is lower than XX settings. Have your fighter sit when your healer's MP is low and set your healer to follow your tank and it's sits.

-Follow healer action will make your bot imitate any social action (Dances, Laughs, Greetings) that the characters set in active follow will perform.

-Active Follow Attack will make your character attack after the character that is set in Active Follow has landed the first attack.

-Don't solo counteratk mons (means when using Active follow atk, don't solo the mobs if other can't get to it)

-Attack when healer selected target will make your character attack as soon as the person set in active follow targets a monster. (ie. setting up healer to root and fighter to attack)

-Protect Party Member ( will attack any mobs that are attacking the players in this list, high priorty will leave what its killing and go for those)

-When atk run behind "name" (if attacked runs behind player u have in list)

-Auto Sleep (not sure)

-Sleep Mons,Num > xx (will sleep mons if u have more then set amount, ie use 1 and healer will sleep 2nd mob that aggros)




Other Section

-When member dead wait XX s. (I'm not sure about this one, its either log out or rez)

-When XXXXX logout, wait XX (s) logout (Will make your char logout if the selected chars logout after the set period of time)

-When Party Members less than X, wait X min then logout (When your party has less than X members, your character will logout on its own after the set period of time)

-Aptitude Dance and Song (if party leader has a check on this, it will auto kick the bd and sws when they sing and dance (if auto invite is on will also reinvite them right after they sing and dance, This is so the bd and sws don't get any of each others buffs)

-Follow NPC Chat Follow Member XXXX (set up to pm others in name list to follow the same npc chat)

-Follow Go Home (uses a soe when char they are following does)




Party Buffs

** Note ** Again, please remember that the names settings are case sensitive and it won't work well if you don't respect Upper and Lower case Letters **


-Rect is the distance at which your buffer should run to buff your character if it is due for buffs

-For the rest, it works just like normal buffs, except you can input name

-Check the left checkbox to activate the buff line, choose the buff from the dropdown menu and set the delay, which should be left at 20 minutes.




Party Heal

-Range is the range you want your healer running to heal your party members if they are below the heal settings.

-Check the boxes on the left to activate the line.

-Set the percentage of HP you want your healer to heal your party at.

-Choose the heal from the dropdown menu, check the checkbox if you want your healer to heal while in fight or not.

-MP > is to set an amount of MP you want your healer to stop healing when it is under.

-MP works the same way as HP, except it's for the recharge spell (SE & EE only)

-When X or more party members are under X% HP, use XXXXX skill (Group Heal)

-Auto Rez PartyPlayer (set the name of player u want to rez if it dies, must be in party)

-Allow use item will use a scroll if u don't have rez skill

-Clear Party Abnormity buffs will make your char use the appropriate skills if any of your party members gets hit by poison, bleeding, paralysis or sleep (waking scrolls)




Control Setting

** I don't recommend using this section, if u run 2 walkers on same computer it will auto detect HP/MP just like if in party, even on 2 different computer walker will still cure abnormity buffs, and it looks funny if GM's check your chat logs (which they do if your reported) **


-Control settings are basically commands you can send to your bot to use certain skills. The first box on the top is for sending commands automatically, and the second one on the bottom is for setting what to do when receiving a command.

-Send request (Check this if you want your bot to send typed commands on certain conditions)

-Recv Name (Type the name of the person you want your bot to send the command to)

-Now from the drop down menu, you can choose a list of options to use with those commands.

-Self HP % < Means if your HP is under a definite percentage.

-Self MP % < Means if your MP is under a definite percentage.

-Delay (s) is if you want to set a delay to send the vocal command periodically.

-Check Recv Request if you want your bot to react to certain requests.

-Send Name is the name of the person who will be sending the request PM.

-Text is the received text in PM to react to when your bot gets it. Then you choose a skill from the dropdown list, and click add.




Auto Trade

-When number of X items in inventory is less then x it will Auto request trade the player that has been set in the Target drop down list.


Player Incoming Trade

-On the player that wants the items traded to them select "When Item x < x" and select the player you wish to send trade to


Player Outgoing Trade

-On the player you want to trade the item from, select "Auto Trade", select the player names it is to accept invite from.

-Change the Delay on accepting and Cancel trade to whatever u wish.

-Select "Trade" x Give x, select player name it is doing trade with.





-Rand will make you run around randomly, killing monsters as you see them. (for expert users only plz)

-Combat begin is center point will set your combat ranges from the place where you click begin combat, drawing that familiar red square around your char

-Center point is to be used if you want to determine a precise point to start combat (.Cur. is a button to put ur current location in the box's)

-Radii is the unit radius you want your red square to cover around the Center point. The higher it is, the wider your combat range will be.

-Define range is to be used after you have established many pathing points. If you have ever used walker, you will notice that when you create pathing points, it draws a black polygon linking all of the pathing points. Define range will make you hunt mobs in that range only. (sometimes the terrain gets in way so u make ur range go around it)

-Define Pathpoint (Points that your character will run from one to the other when no mobs are around)

-Z Limit is the height limit you want your bot to get mobs at. Very useful when you are in a multiple floors building. It will keep your bot from targeting monsters on other floors.

-No Mons, Move with PathPoint (if you have pathpoints set. It will make your character move along the pathpoints you have set when it sees no monsters, but will stop when it sees one within range of the redsquare and start running towards it.)

-To set pahtpoints select either Define PathPoint or Define Range above the grid (which ever u go with) and clicking Cursor Pos at the spot u want ur pathpoint to start at, then click add, move to next location and redo same (i use this for when i use Center Point + No Mons, Move with PathPoint, i then set a path point on one corner or close to of the red square and then another pathpoint on opposite corner, that way it will run from one end to the other until it finds a mob, usually with bigger radii walker can't see all the mobs within the radii and will just stand their until a mob spawns close to it)





Both are pretty similar, so I will cover both at once. The only difference about them is that when you're outside of the short attacks range, the far attacks will be considered, and if you're in range for short attacks, the far attacks will be ignored and replaced by the short ones.


-Check the Use XXXXX Settings square if you want your settings to work. Otherwise, these settings will be ignored.

-Set the range settings, I'd recommend 600 if you're using long range attacks on far attacks, and 900 if you're a caster (Spellhowler, Sorcerer or Spellsinger). And I would recommend 60 or so on short attack settings (melee range), unless you're using a polearm, which I think has 100 range.

-Attack and Run will make your char run after each attack, wether it be spell or bowshot. Don't use short attack settings with that, because they just won't work.

-You shouldn't need to use the equip weapon settings either, unless you're using a bow and a dagger. Then just set your bow from the dropdown menu in far attacks, and check the first box, and do the same with your dagger in the short attack settings

-First line should be read as: First, use XXXX skill when my HP is under XX % (setting in 0 will nullify this option) and my MP is above XX %. Check repeat if it applies.

-Second line should be read as: Second, use XXXX skill when my target's HP is above XXXX. Check repeat if applies

-Third line should be read as, Third, use XXXX skill when my target's hp is UNDER XXXX. Check repeat if applies

-Fouth line should be read as: Use XXXX skill if you are in a situation where you need to protect a party member. Check repeat if applies

-Then, in Attacking type, you can either set your char to attack normally once he's done with the options above, or you can set it to chain two skills instead of attacking normally. Please note that if you set your char to run after it attacks, it will execute its series of first skills, then execute the first skill in the chain, then start running.

-The last checkbox if you want your char to switch to simple attacks when the mob is under a certain percentage of HP.




Mons Setting

-On the top, is a list of all the registered monsters. It gives you a resume of all of their settings. You can use the find function, but remember that it's case sensitive

-Once you selected a mob, its settings appear at the bottom.

-Attack type is to set if you want your character to attack the mob or not.

-Attack alone is a setting to allow it to attack only if no social mobs with it are standing around.

-Atk aggro first (does what it says)

-Check auto-sweep if you're running a dwarf, this will make your dwarf auto spoil/sweet the mob if it's checked in Other Heals options. (leave alone if not using dwarf only change if u want your dwarf to not spoil something ie. spoils sucks waste of mp)

-Check initiative if you want the bot to think a monster is aggro and check Colony if you want the bot to think it's social

-Race is to set which mob your current mob is social with. For example, all the felim lizardmen are set at 12, which could be interpreted as All mobs set at 12 are social together and will aggro you if you attack another mob with clan set as 12 near them.

-Mon Level limit is to set a limit to determine which level mobs your char will attack.

-Grab other player's monsters - Will make your bot KS (don't EVER, EVER use this setting)




Items Setting

-Pick will make you pick up an item or not (don't use this, scream bot when they is terrian littered with wooden arrows etc.)

-Sell - I'm not sure, someone please clarify this for me.

-Store - I'm not sure either, someone please clarify this for me.

-GM use - Will make you use this item if you detect a GM. Then again, I am not sure, someone please clarify this for me.

-Del - Works in conjunction with the Auto Del Load function. (use this instead for getting rid of useless items)

-All same button will set all the items to the same settings of the currently selected item.

-Pick up item. distance - Will make you pick up or not items within the distance (if you have this checked and don't have only pick mine someone can throw a item in front of you and you will run for it, its also how ppl make bots follow adena trails over cliffs, into boss mobs etc.) (i used to do this in AL to farmer bot parties, send em into a room full of aggros, make adena trail starting in room going towards their party, silent move ftw)

-Pick up items before ATK. (Will make you pick up the items on the ground before you attack other monsters)

-Only pick mine ( bot only picks up its own, however if u can't pick up something from a certain angle and bot moves on u have to manually go back to pick it up or uncheck this and hope u get near the adena next time or leave it be)

-Auto Del Load will make you delete the items you have checked as Del in the upper part when your weigh is above the set number of percents.




Pet Setting

-Follow ATK "name" Hunger%>60HP%>0 - Follows another player (not the master) till food and hp settings

-Auto feeding, Hunger <60%. - Automatically feeds the per when Hunger is below that setting.

-No Food CallBack Pet. - When food runs out the pet will be unsummoned.

-Auto Res Pet - Automatically rez's ones own dead pet, i'd assume with a skill if the summoner has the rez skill otherwise by scroll.

-Pets HP < 30% CallBack. - When pets HP gets below setting, pet is unsummoned.

-Auto res Party member's Pet. - Automatically rez's dead party member's pet.

-Player's HP <30% CallBack. - Pet is unsummoned when players HP is less then setting.

-TakeBack x Items x When Less x - Not sure what this does.

-Summon - Select the summon you wish to be summoned from the drop down list.


Pet Buff

-Check the left checkbox to activate the buff line, choose the buff from the dropdown menu and set the delay, which should be left at 20 minutes.

-Select the name of the player whos pet you wish to buff.




Pet Help

--Check the boxes on the left to activate the line.

-Set the percentage of HP you want your healer to heal your pet at.

-Choose the heal from the dropdown menu,

-MP > is to set an amount of MP you want your healer to stop healing when it is under.

-Select the name of the player whos pet you wish to heal.




Pet Skill

- Self MP <70%, Use Pet's Skill[Master Recharge] - When players MP is less then 70% pet will recharge




GM Strategy


GM Setting

-Only thing in here is set the Flash GM Name Delay to 9999999 (looks funny if u keep typing /gmlist all the time, if your reported they check chat logs)

-Checkup GM with Equip is when it finds a GM in area it will use whatever item u set in your item settings (not recommended, as far as i know GM's can move around invisible, walker can't detect them if they don't wanna be seen)

-On Found GM check box and then input text if u want your character to say something when it finds a GM (don't use that either)


Logout Setting

-Logging out on GM anything is going to get you banned

-On found GM in rect x - Logs out if GM is within that set range

-Relogin,Delay(s) x - Sets the amounf of seconds b4 it attempts to relog in.

-On GM Whisper,Delay(s) x - Logs out if GM sends whisper.

-Relogin,Delay(s) x - Sets the amounf of seconds b4 it attempts to relog in.

-On GM Petition,Delay(s) x - Logs out if GM sends petition.

-Relogin,Delay(s) x - Sets the amounf of seconds b4 it attempts to relog in.




Other Player

-Auto Accept Live "drop down list" - You will accept a rez when you are rez'd by x

-Auto-Reject Party invite: Never ever check this. This will make it obvious you are botting if you reject party invite within a millisec. If you don't check it, the party invite will just go away after awhile.

-Log player attack will allow you to keep a log of all the attacks you have sustained from players. It gives out the name of the attacker as well as the HP you had left after the attack. It outputs in the text file you will have chosen there.

-On found player in rect: YOU SHOULD CHECK THIS IF YOU ARE AFK BOTTING (rect means the distance 3000 is good enough, find a nice low traffic area to bot aswell, will minimizes ur downtime if u bot where no one goes less likely to have to log for this reason, pick at minimum 1200s = 20 mins

-On found red name in rect: Will make you log if a red name appears within the set distance...(Bot Pkers suck)

-On player in XXXX rect be X Mons locked (log if someone has got a train on them in set distance with set amount of mobs on them, possibly a train for you (worse then getting pked is trained, losing gear sucks more)

-Be player's attack delay: Will make you log on player attacks after the set delay. You can also set relogin options.

-The last box is for setting something that your player will say after being attacked once (don't use screams bot, if they log out and hit u again u will say exact same thing, they know ur a bot, or if somebody different hits u other then them the next time)




Names Setting

-GM Name - A list of gm names from all of the /gmlist, no matter what at start up walker retrives a GM List.

-Friends Name - A list of your friends list or names you have inputted into walker so you can set up buffs, heals etc. for that player.

-Other Players Name - A list you can put other players name in for use with setting up log out option, etc.

-Black Name - A list of ppl that have atked you, pk'd you while walker was running, can you used for future log out setting to made from those players.




AI Answer

-Smart Reply Whisper - Replys back went sent a private message

-Not Match Rand Reply - Doesn't match random replys

-Smart Reply Petition - Replys back to a petition

-Smart Reply x Range Player's Say - Replys back when a player within range says something

-Add a Word under Match, and under Answer put what you would like to say when someone says something under the Match section.





-Auto Set Up Shop When Enter - Automatically makes a configured shop when log in.

-ReSetup x m Delay - Re-sets up the shop every x amount of mins

-Cycle Put Item. - Cycles the items configured through the shop everytime it re-sets up, works if your trying to sell x items and the char can only sell so many in a shop at a time.

-Auto Set Up Shop, select which type of shop to be made

-Shop Title - Enter in the title you wish the shop to use.

-From the drop down list at the bottom, select the item you wish to add to the shop.

-In the Next box enter in the quantity of the item you wish to sell.

-In the last box enter in the amount of adena for the item, then select add.

-After items have been added to the list, you may high light the line and select delete to remove it from the shop, select chnage to edit the quantity or price for the item.




Sound Alerts


Sound Setting One

-Select the box to activate the sound alert

-Click the ".." button to select the file path of the desired sound file to be used as a sound alert

-Found GM - Plays a sound alert when a GM is in the area.

-GM Whisper or FriendSay - Plays a sound alert when a GM whipers you through private message or through the in game messenger using friends chat.

-GM Petition - Plays a sound alert when a GM Petition is recieved.

-Dislink - Plays a sound alert when you have been disconnected off the server.

-Char Death - Plays a sound alert when Your character has died.

-HP <25% - Plays a sound alert when your HP is less then x %

-ATK by Player - Plays a sound alert when you've been attacked by a player.

-Found Warn Items - Plays a sound alert when A GM adds items to you.

-Found BOSS in Ran x - Plays a sound alert when their is a boss monster in range.

-Pet Death - Plays a sound alert when your pet dies.

-HP <30% - Plays a sound alert when you pet is below x % hp.

-Food <2 - Plays a sound alert when you have less then x food.




Sound Setting Two

-Party Invites - Plays a sound alert when you are sent a party invite.

-Trade Invite - Plays a sound alert when when you are sent a trade request.

-Whisper - Plays a sound alert when you recieve a private message.

-Friends Chat - Plays a sound alert when you recieve message via friends list chat.

-Say In Range - Plays a sound alert when a player says something in x range.

-Found Player in x NameList "drop down menu" - Plays a sound alert when a player is found from the specified name list.

-When In Range x Player be x Mons Locked. - Plays a sound alert when player in range has x monster on them.

-On Teleportation - Plays a sound alert when you have been teleported.

  • 8 months later...

Guide To L2walker


* I start explaining from upper left to right.


Main Screen:

On the second box (up and left) we select the server that we are playing.


Then select which character you want to bot with. As you know only 7 characters are allowed.


After that, enter the Account ID and password to the next boxes.


Press Login if you want to log into the game.


Press Logout if you want to log out of the game.


Press Restart if you want to restart the game.


Begin Combat/End Combat as the title says makes the bot to start the combat. If we press this again the bot stops the combat.


If you press Sit button you character will sit. While seated, the button will change to stand. Press it and you character will stand.


Basic Actions are all actions that you do normally in the game. Set private store, return to town etc. Check the drop down list and click the action you want to do.


In the Social drop down list, all the social emotions listed in it. Some of them are greeting, bow, yes, no etc.


Enable toggles turns on your bot settings. Disable Toggles turns off your bot settings.


Right under the login options are your health and mp bars, as well as current weight and experience.


Right below the above mentioned bars, the hp and mp of your target is shown.


Virtual Map is right under the health and magic point’s bars of your target and it shows an overview of what is happening.


Monsters  Green squares, Npc's  Yellow squares, Players  Blue squares, Party Members  Dark Blue squares, target  Purple Square, and your character  Red square.


The two red lines show the area in which you bot can target mobs, pickup items etc.


You can zoom in and out with the slider of you mouse.


Tick realmap to display the terrain (recommend you always have realmap ticked).


Z-Range will make you see monsters that are within the set Z coordinates that your character is currently at.


Top Windows on the right


The window to the right of the Virtual Map shows us all the information about our character plus about clan and party (and its members).


In the Char menu your character status are displayed


Party displays the party members of the party and their hp/mp, level and class and exp.


Inv shows all the items that we have and which of them are equipped.


Skills show all the skills that your character has, passive and active. You can see the skills while they are recharging and you can use them from here.


In the buff menu all buffs that you have (not skills) on, will be displayed along with their level.


Buddy lists all you friends (friendlist).


Clan shows all the members of the clan you are in along with their level, and class, and offline/online status.


Bottom Windows on the right


Player shows all the players within the range that the bot can “see”. If we click at the name of a player some information will be showed, like class, equipment, level etc.


Mons lists all the monsters that are within the range that the bot can “see”. What we also need to know from here is that we can double click the name to target the mob and select a specific attack for it.


NPC will display a listing of all the NPC. Double click and targets the NPC.


Items will display a listing of the items on the ground. Double click to pick up the item.


Pets will display all the pets in our range.


Map will show the in-game map along with your location.


Report is a very nice feature. It shows all you have achieved while botting, like levels gained, experience gained, monsters killed etc.


L2 Information


The lower, larger window is your chat window. Obviously lists all the chats available in game. Its not like In-Game chat however u must select the chat channel u wish to speak in on the left hand side of where u enter text.


The settings window will allow you to change any colors of the text in this window, as well as let you set an auto-shout.


Basic Options


Base Setting


Relogin is for relogging if your bot gets disconnected. I'd recommend setting no lower than 60 seconds, so you won't flood the server.


Dead Return will make your character go back to town after the time period has passed after your character died.


Dead logout will make your character log out once the period of time has passed after your character died.


Enable login delay should always be checked. Don't uncheck it and don't touch the options under it.


Logout when X mins exp not add will make your character log out if it doesn't get any exp for the set period of time.

Logout when X mins party members less than Y will make your char logout if your party drops under Y members and stays this way for X mins.


Other Setting


Down Level is a useful features for Farmers. It will automatically make your char attack NPCs that will attack you back, thus making you die and lose exp. If you set this feature, make sure to set dead return. You will also have to set the guards that your character will force attack. (Every time u attack a guard after you respawn from the death it will come back after you, for one more kill)


Level will obviously make your character attack the NPCs until it has reached the set level.


Auto Make Item is for Dwarves to set up for crafting items


Auto Fishing - Automatically fishes


Use Fishing Show "drop down list" - Select the type of fishing shot you wish to use.


Heal Options


Use Relax Skill - Check if you can use Relax. (Human Fighter Skill, they regen HP faster at the cost of MP)


Sit and Stand percentages will make your char sit and stand and the set percentages. If you don't check stand, your char will stand up at 100%. Now I don't recommend using any of the sit/stand settings if you have a party with a healer.


HP/MP Protect are heals for your character. The first one will make your character use heal potions at the set percentage in combat. All of the other ones are set for skills. Check Use in Combat if you want your char to use it in combat.


HP < X% logout will make your character logout once he reached this specific percent. (don't set this to low takes 15 secs for char to disappear when in combat, set for around 25% at the least)


Flee will make your character run once it reaches the set % or when you're aggroed by the set number of mobs. I've never used this because it will make your char run in a random direction and it will most likely get stuck, and you will die anyways, and will have no ideas where you dropped your stuff.

Abnormity Buff settings will make your char auto-use items to cure bleeding and poison, and if no items are available, it will use skills. (self-use).


Delays on the far right column are to delay the time in-between what u have set (notice heal pots are at 10 sec delay by default, it takes 10 secs for 1 heal pot to wear off, no need wasting pots).


Self Buffs


Check the squares for the buff lines you want to use, then select the buff in the drop down menu. You can change the delay if you want, but most buffs last 1200 secs. (120 secs for dances/songs) MP > will make your char buff itself only if its MP is above the set amount.


Auto Detect will re-buff if the buff is gone ie. cancel (i don't recommend using this because if your self buffing Might/Shield someone with lvl 3 can come and buff you and you will keep spamming your buffs because it doesn't detect them since their lvl 1-2, shows your a bot)


Combat Heal


Combat Heal isn't really heals, it's the soulshot/toggle skill menu.


Use Shot menu obviously makes you use Soulshots.


The first line is: If target has over X Health Points, use [select type] shot at a X ms delay.


The second one is: If target's level is above X, use ...


The Third one is: If you are surrounded by X mobs and up, use...


The Fourth one is: If your HP drops below X Health Points, use...


The Fifth one is: If your MP drops below X Mana Points, use...


The Sixth one is: If you're in a situation that your character needs to protect another member of the party, use...


Skills shot is a menu that allows to set shot use for single skills.


Open skills are basically toggle skills, doesn't work well for any other types of skills. It will automatically start a toggle skill before entering combat, and toggle it off after combat. MP > means that it will only use it if MP is above the set number.


The only use I can see to Target Dead Use Skill is for the Corpse Life Drain skill. It will make you use skills like this if you beat a mob and your character is under the set percentage of HP.


In the Dwarf Settings, checking autosweep will make you spoil a mob each and every single time before you attack it, unless you don't have MP anymore.


Fail retry will make you retry it if you fail your spoil.


Automake is a feature that will make your dwarf craft the selected item when it is above the set number of MP.


Party Setting Main & Member Section


** Note ** All the names you input in here, and everywhere in the bot are Case Sensitive!!!! That means you have to respect the lower case letters and the upper case letters if you want it to work well! otherwise it just won't work and might get you killed!! **


Send Party Invite will make your character automatically send a party invite to the character you will choose from the drop-down menu or that you will punch there.


Party Loot is pretty self explanatory: It's the party loot settings, Same options as in-game party settings.


Sleep When XXXX's mp is under XX% and stand once it's above XX% (will sit down for healer to regen and stand when full, on healer select "Follow Healer Sit" for this to work)


Dismiss When I is Header (means that if char is leader of party kick everyone out of party, new feature since in c3 when party leader leave party next to be invited becomes leader)


Active follow will make your character follow the set names there. (if u have more then one name i don't think it will auto follow anyone)


Auto accept invite will make you accept any party invites from the names you will put their.


Follow healer sit is to be used in conjunction with the sleep when helper's MP is lower than XX settings. Have your fighter sit when your healer's MP is low and set your healer to follow your tank and it's sits.


Follow healer action will make your bot imitate any social action (Dances, Laughs, Greetings) that the characters set in active follow will perform.


Active Follow Attack will make your character attack after the character that is set in Active Follow has landed the first attack.


Don't solo counteratk mons (means when using Active follow atk, don't solo the mobs if other can't get to it)


Attack when healer selected target will make your character attack as soon as the person set in active follow targets a monster. (ie. setting up healer to root and fighter to attack)


Protect Party Member ( will attack any mobs that are attacking the players in this list, high priorty will leave what its killing and go for those)


When atk run behind "name" (if attacked runs behind player u have in list)


Auto Sleep (not sure)


Sleep Mons,Num > xx (will sleep mons if u have more then set amount, ie use 1 and healer will sleep 2nd mob that aggros)


Other Section


When member dead wait XX s. (I'm not sure about this one, its either log out or rez)


When XXXXX logout, wait XX (s) logout (Will make your char logout if the selected chars logout after the set period of time)


When Party Members less than X, wait X min then logout (When your party has less than X members, your character will logout on its own after the set period of time)


Aptitude Dance and Song (if party leader has a check on this, it will auto kick the bd and sws when they sing and dance (if auto invite is on will also reinvite them right after they sing and dance, This is so the bd and sws don't get any of each others buffs)


Follow NPC Chat Follow Member XXXX (set up to pm others in name list to follow the same npc chat)


Follow Go Home (uses a soe when char they are following does


Party Buffs


** Note ** Again, please remember that the names settings are case sensitive and it won't work well if you don't respect Upper and Lower case Letters **


Rect is the distance at which your buffer should run to buff your character if it is due for buffs


For the rest, it works just like normal buffs, except you can input name


Check the left checkbox to activate the buff line, choose the buff from the dropdown menu and set the delay, which should be left at 20 minutes.


Party Heal


Range is the range you want your healer running to heal your party members if they are below the heal settings.


Check the boxes on the left to activate the line.


Set the percentage of HP you want your healer to heal your party at.


Choose the heal from the dropdown menu, check the checkbox if you want your healer to heal while in fight or not.


MP > is to set an amount of MP you want your healer to stop healing when it is under.


MP works the same way as HP, except it's for the recharge spell (SE & EE only)


When X or more party members are under X% HP, use XXXXX skill (Group Heal)


Auto Rez PartyPlayer (set the name of player u want to rez if it dies, must be in party)


Allow use item will use a scroll if u don't have rez skill


Clear Party Abnormity buffs will make your char use the appropriate skills if any of your party members gets hit by poison, bleeding, paralysis or sleep (waking scrolls)


Control Setting


** I don't recommend using this section, if u run 2 walkers on same computer it will auto detect HP/MP just like if in party, even on 2 different computer walker will still cure abnormity buffs, and it looks funny if GM's check your chat logs (which they do if your reported) **


Control settings are basically commands you can send to your bot to use certain skills. The first box on the top is for sending commands automatically, and the second one on the bottom is for setting what to do when receiving a command.


Send request (Check this if you want your bot to send typed commands on certain conditions)


Recv Name (Type the name of the person you want your bot to send the command to)


Now from the drop down menu, you can choose a list of options to use with those commands.


Self HP % < Means if your HP is under a definite percentage.


Self MP % < Means if your MP is under a definite percentage.


Delay (s) is if you want to set a delay to send the vocal command periodically.


Check Recv Request if you want your bot to react to certain requests.


Send Name is the name of the person who will be sending the request PM.


Text is the received text in PM to react to when your bot gets it. Then you choose a skill from the dropdown list, and click add.


Auto Trade


When number of X items in inventory is less then x it will Auto request trade the player that has been set in the Target drop down list.


Player Incoming Trade


On the player that wants the items traded to them select "When Item x < x" and select the player you wish to send trade to


Player Outgoing Trade


On the player you want to trade the item from, select "Auto Trade", select the player names it is to accept invite from.


Change the Delay on accepting and Cancel trade to whatever u wish.


Select "Trade" x Give x, select player name it is doing trade with.

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