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All World Of Warcraft Repacks From AC And DataBases And Some Useful Applications


UltiimateRepack 7.8


    * ArcEmu Revision 198

    * WhyDB Milestone 2

    * 2.4.2 Support

    * Moon++ Scripts (This means all instances should be scripted)



Full Feature List:


    * Supports Patch 2.4.2

    * Easy to use repack, No setup required

    * MySQL and Apache installed within Repack

    * Comes with ArcEmu (Based on Ascent)

    * The latest database from WhyDB

    * Account tables separated from game database for easy organization

    * Control Panel for easy server startup

    * Map extractors for US and EU clients

    * Latest DBCs

    * Lots of LUA scripts

    * Anti hacking security

    * Config files already setup

    * Over 80 Custom Vendors

    * All necessary instructions in readme

    * Supports latest wow patches/clients

    * Full TBC support

    * Normal WoW support (for you people without TBC)

    * Comes with fully customizable Joomla website

    * PHPBB 3 forum integrated into website

    * Stats Page

    * Account Creation Page


Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?4y0cj1mytjy


UltimateRepack 7.7


    * Ascent Trunk 4336

    * Final NCDB Revision

    * 2.4.X Support

    * Moon++ Scripts (This means all instances should be scripted)

    * Warp NPC has been removed temporarily (Sorry, will be back in next version)



Full Feature List:


    * Supports Patch 2.4.x

    * Easy to use repack, No setup required

    * MySQL and Apache installed within Repack

    * Comes with Ascent revision 3.5 Stable

    * The latest database from NCDB

    * Account tables separated from game database for easy organization

    * Control Panel for easy server startup

    * Map extractors for US and EU clients

    * Latest DBCs

    * Lots of LUA scripts

    * Anti hacking security

    * Config files already setup

    * Over 80 Custom Vendors

    * All necessary instructions in readme

    * Supports latest wow patches/clients

    * Full TBC support

    * Normal WoW support (for you people without TBC)

    * Comes with fully customizable Joomla website

    * PHPBB 3 forum integrated into website

    * Stats Page

    * Account Creation Page


Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/108759172/AC_Web_Ultimate_Repack.exe.html


Ultimate Repack 7.6


    * Ascent 3.8 Stable

    * NCDB Revision 1093

    * Control Panel Update



Full Feature List:


    * Supports Patch 2.3.3

    * Comes with teleporter NPC

    * Easy to use repack, No setup required

    * MySQL and Apache installed within Repack

    * Comes with Ascent revision 3.5 Stable

    * The latest database from NCDB

    * Account tables separated from game database for easy organization

    * Control Panel for easy server startup

    * Map extractors for US and EU clients

    * Latest DBCs

    * Lots of LUA scripts

    * Anti hacking security

    * Config files already setup

    * Over 80 Custom Vendors

    * All necessary instructions in readme

    * Supports latest wow patches/clients

    * Full TBC support

    * Normal WoW support (for you people without TBC)

    * Alot of custom gamemonkey scripts

    * Comes with fully customizable Joomla website

    * PHPBB 3 forum integrated into website

    * Stats Page

    * Account Creation Page


Download : http://rapidshare.com/files/91482698/AC_Web_Ultimate_Repack.exe.htm




NCDB Milestone 0.2.2 - The Blood Charger

NCDB Milestone 0.2.2 is a Features & Maintenance release which include over 350 random fixes, the new blood elf charger quest-line, new creatures, items and gameobjects from patch 2.2.


In this release we have also developed new extra stuff and custom queries like:

(All those not implented in base db, but you'll be able to find all those add-ons inside the package)


* GM Island, includes useful vendors and information, as-well the island is guarded by very strong creatures patrolling around the island, the only way to pass them is to use .invisible command.

* Halloween Pumpkins - You'll be able to add Halloween Pumpkins all around the world to your server.

* Brewfest - You'll be able to add 2 big brewfest camps near ironforge and orgrimmar.

* And more...




Structure fixes

- changed the column name map to mapid in th recall table since it prevented pple from making new recalls


World Environment

- The Blood Furnace isn't 70 lvl only anymore.

- Mobs are now pulling other to help!.

- Buzzbox 323: The gameobject spawn have been added!.

- Deleted Fake Salvageable Wood Object.

- Withered Corpse: now they will look and act like they should, a corpse.

- Changed Fake Salvageable Wood spawn to normal one ( will contain woods now ).

- Shattered Hand Orc: Faked creature, removed from the database.

- Gameobject: WANTED! changed the object from Tarren Mill to Tarren Mill and the one from the Barrens to the Barrens

- Gameobject: Set the right unkown1 value so the silithus geyser can give the buff (if you have the ascent patch)

- Added 91 new text enteries to npc texts database

- The following Creatures have been added to our database

* T'chali's Voodoo Brewery Apprentice

* Sir Thomas

* Traveling Orphan

* Masked Orphan Matron

* Shade of the Horseman

* Pumpkin Fiend

* Pulsing Pumpkin

* Headless Horseman Flame Bunny

* Head of the Horseman

* Headless Horseman - Earth Explosion Bunny

* Headless Horseman - Wisp Invis

* Headless Horseman

* Headless Horseman - Fire (DND)

* Touring Orphan

* Flynn Firebrew

* Costumed Orphan Matron

* Teldrassil Pink Elekk

* Azuremyst Pink Elekk

* Wild Wolpertinger

* Dreadmaw

* Felguard Smoke Image

* Legion Ring Event InvisMan Lg

* Mo'arg Extractor

* Crystalfused Miner

* Ogre Smoke Image

* Elwynn Pink Elekk

* Ethereal Smoke Image

* Banishing Crystal Bunny 02

* Banishing Crystal Bunny 01

* [PH]Knockdown Fel Cannon Dummy

* Crystalforge Bunny

* Warp-Gate Shield

* Felhound Defender

* Mo'arg Tormenter

* Gan'arg Underling

* Bombing Run Explosion Bunny

* Bombing Run Target Bunny

* Simon Game Summon Target

* Thunderbrew "Apprentice"

* Drohn's Distillery Apprentice

* Image of Commander Ameer

* Insidion

* Furywing

* Bash'ir Landing Boss Bunny

* Ipfelkofer Ironkeg

* Self-Turning and Oscillating Utility Target

* Swift Racing Ram

* Racing Ram

* Drunken Brewfest Reveler

* Socrethar Event Trigger

* Beer Goggles Gnome Male

* Ita Thunderbrew

* Goldark Snipehunter

* [DND] Brewfest Target Dummy Move To Target

* Thunderbrew Apprentice

* Thunderbrew Festive Keg

* Becan Barleybrew

* Gordok Brew Chief

* Gordok Brew Apprentice

* Barleybrew Festive Keg

* Maeve Barleybrew

* Gordok Brew Barker

* Brother Cartwright

* Belbi Quikswitch

* [DND] Brewfest Dark Iron Event Generator

* Daran Thunderbrew

* Keiran Donoghue

* Arlen Lochlan

* Gordok Festive Keg

* Anne Summers

* Barleybrew Apprentice

* [DND] Brewfest Face Me Bunny

* [DND] Brewfest Keg Move to Target

* Pol Amberstill

* Neill Ramstein

* Brewfest Reveler

* Brewfest Crowd

* Sinister Squashling

* Wolpertinger

* Black Cat

* Investigator Asric

- The following gameobjects have been added to the database

* Headless Horseman Pumpkin Table

* Skullpile 01

* Skull 01

* Pumpkin Shrine

* Headless Horseman Candle

* Water Bucket

* Fire Effigy

* Large Jack-o'-Lantern

* Water Barrel

* Water Buckets

* Ogri'la Crystal Smoke Image

* Sungrass

* Drohn's Distillery Festive Wagon

* Large Solid Chest

* Gordok Festive Wagon

* Thunderbrew Festive Wagon

* Flame of Stratholme

* Barleybrew Festive Wagon

* Flame of Blackrock Spire

* Flame of Veraz

* Round Table

* Syndicate Documents

* Syndicate Documents

* Wood Stack

* Cache of the Legion

* T'chali's Voodoo Brew Festive Wagon

* Ethereal Repair Kit

* Standing Brewfest Keg

* Thunderbrew Festive Keg

* Barleybrew Festive Keg

* Gordok Festive Keg


* Brewfest Music Doodad

* Complimentary Brewfest Sampler

* Fence

* Apple Trap

* Brewfest Keg Breakable

* Brewfest Food Tent

* Shoutbox

* Brewfest Beer Tent

* Huge Sitting Skeleton 02

* Brewfest Pony Keg

* Brewfest Banner

* Loosely Turned Soil

* Sitting Skeleton 01

* Laying Skeleton 03

* Bloodthistle Plant

* Brewfest Canopy

- Corrected Min & Max Health to the following creatures:

* Harb Clawhoof

* Dillord Copperpinch

- Corrected Aggro range and attack range for the following creatures:

* Rotting Ancestor

* Greater Duskbat

* Vampiric Duskbat

* Thurman Agamand

* Writhing Highborne

* Oasis Snapjaw

* Vile Bat

* Houndmaster Loksey

* Vorrel Sengutz

* Interrogator Vishas

* Charred Ancient

* Scarlet Gallant

* Scarlet Beastmaster

* Scarlet Diviner

* Scarlet Adept

* Scarlet Tracking Hound

* Scarlet Torturer

* Unfettered Spirit

* Argent Guard Thaelrid

* Twilight Reaver

* Twilight Loreseeker

* Twilight Shadowmage

* Twilight Elementalist

* Barbed Crustacean

* Aku'mai Snapjaw

* Deep Pool Threshfin

* Aku'mai

* Old Serra'kis

* Lady Sarevess

* Twilight Lord Kelris

* Murkshallow Softshell

* Aku'mai Servant

* Harvester Swarm

* Thistleshrub Dew Collector

* Thistleshrub Rootshaper

* Sandfury Hideskinner

* Sandfury Axe Thrower

* Sandfury Shadowcaster

* Sandfury Blood Drinker

* Sandfury Witch Doctor

* Anguished Dead

* Arcanist Doan

* Fallen Champion

* Astor Hadren

* Suffering Victim

* Tracking Hound

* Sandfury Shadowhunter

* Sandfury Soul Eater

* Scarab

* Witch Doctor Zum'rah

* Theka the Martyr

* Sandfury Executioner

* Sergeant Bly

* Raven

* Oro Eyegouge

* Weegli Blaplease be quietse

* Murta Grimgut

* Hydromancer Velratha

* Antu'sul

* Sandfury Acolyte

* Sandfury Zealot

* Borer Beetle

* Fellicent's Shade

* Lady Vespia

* Scarlet Hound

* Theradrim Shardling

* Theradrim Guardian

* Deep Borer

* Princess Theradras

* Landslide

* Primordial Behemoth

* Thessala Hydra

* Cavern Lurker

* Cavern Shambler

* Celebras the Cursed

* Meshlok the Harvester

* Spirit of Maraudos

* Razorlash

* Baron Aquanis

* Lorgus Jett

* Critically Injured Soldier

* Deeprot Stomper

* Deeprot Tangler

* Subterranean Diemetradon

* Rotgrip

* Stolid Snapjaw

* Cranky Benj

* Twilight Flamereaver

* Azure Templar

* Cursed Scarab

- Haleh: Corrected creature position on map.

- Added, Fixed, Updated or Adjusts Spawns to the following creatures:

* Vindicator Vedaar

* Gnarl

* Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper

* Eris Havenfire

* Anthion Harmon

- Unstable Shroom: Corrected creature displayID.

- Spawned missing creatures:

* Congealed Void Horror

* Vindicator Palanaar

* Architect Nemos

- Corrected wrong factions to the following creatures:

* Nemeth Hawkeye

* Manaclaw

* Akubar the Seer Faction

* Whisper

* Iorioa

* Keltus Darkleaf

* Eris Havenfire

* Fire Elementals

* Grulloc

* Shartuul

* Crystalcore Mechanic

* Fathom Sporebat

* Scrapped Fel Reaver

* Coilfang Engineer

* Coilfang Sorceress

* Coilfang Myrmidon

* Coilfang Siren

* Coilfang Warrior

* Coilfang Oracle

* Coilfang Slavemaster

* Coilfang Observer

* Coilfang Technician

* Coilfang Champion

* Coilfang Defender

* Coilfang Slavehandler

* Coilfang Soothsayer

* Coilfang Enchantress

* Coilfang Emissary

* Coilfang Scale-Healer

* Coilfang Tempest

* Lady Vashj

* Coilfang Priestess

* Coilfang Beast-Tamer

* Coilfang Serpentguard

* Coilfang Fathom-Witch

* Coilfang Shatterer

* Coilfang Hate-Screamer

* Coilfang Ambusher

* Coilfang Guardian

* Coilfang Elite

* Pyromancer Loregrain

- Corrected wrong npcflags to the following creatures:

* Deliana

* Gug

* Lana Thunderbrew

* Hurklor

* Grelkor

* Rohok

* Humphry

* Blacksmith Calypso

* Prospector Nachlan

* Kablamm Farflinger

* George Candarte

* Tunkk

* Jason Mathers None

* Connors Rivers

* Tork None

* Megzeg Nukklebust

* Rhonsus

* Moonrage Tailor

* Vindicator Vedaar

* Gnarl

* Sentinel Luciel Starwhisper

* Eris Havenfire

* Anthion Harmon


Trainers, Spells & Professions

- The Blood Elf Paladin Charger is now available through a series of


- Fixed all console errors which caused by corrupted data in trainer

tables & related columns.

- Converted trainer table from lasted UDB (0.8.0), over 2000 entries

Have been added, fixed / deleted(faked ones).

- Priests will be able to learn Desperate Prayer (Ranks 2-8) trough

the trainers.

- As of Patch 2.1.0 Trainers will be able to teach players Ice Barrier

Rank 6.

- Most paladin trainers now can teach Blessing of Might Rank 6.

- As of Patch 2.1.0 Trainers will be able to teach players Arcane

Brilliance Rank 1.

- As of Patch 2.1.0 Trainers will be able to teach players Gift of the

Wild Ranks 1-2.

- As of Patch 2.1.0 Trainers will be able to teach players Prayer of

Fortitude Ranks 1-2.

- As of Patch 2.1.0 Trainers will be able to teach players Prayer of

Shadow Protection 1.

- Correct Spell Requirement for Shadow Protection rank 3 and 4.

- Shaman trainers now can teach players "Cure Disease" at level 22.

- Corrected Trainer Texts for all the mage trainers.

- Windfury Totem: Corrected Spell Requierments at the trainers.

- Magma Totem: Corrected Spell Requierments at the trainers.

- Windfury Totem Ranks 4 and 5 works now! (totem spawn and enchant effect)



- We made a patch for the instant quests that kept happening after some rev's

- Claws From The Deep: added itemreqcount for Gobbler's head

- Call of Water added missing npc so that players can complete the quest

- Call of Water - Players will be able to fill Waterskin and finish the quest.

- Most Heads for quests have now 100% drop rate.

- Paladin Training: Setted up proper quest finisher.

- Agamaggan's Agility: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Agamaggan's Strength: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Spirit of the Wind: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Razorhide: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Rising Spirit: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Meeting with the Master: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff


- More 81 quests have been adjusted with Currect RewSpell/CastSpell data.

- Wisdom of Agamaggan: The quest won't reward the player a spell, only buff him.

- Special Delivery to Shattrath City: The quest won't reward the player a spell,

only buff him.

- Crown of the Earth: Adjusted provided item count.

- Felendren the Banished: Setted up correct items requirement.

- Salve via Hunting/Disenchanting/Gathering/Minning/Skinning : Set up Correct

PreQuests, Race Requirement and Quest Requirement.

- The Blood Elf-Paladin Charger mount will be available to players through a

series of quests.

- Fix flags for questgiver: Connors Rivers

- Ethereum Data Cell, added missing objectloot

- Becoming a Mooncloth Tailor (fixed itemloot)

- All quest items that are looted from objects have now 100% drop rate!.

- Alien Ecology, added missing gobject so the spellfocus works AND deleted the double recieveditem on the quest

- Fire plume Forged, added missing GO so the forging can be done

- Goodsteel Legder, added missing GO near the outhouse + added the objectloot

- Beached Sea Creature, added the second beached sea creature

- Adjusted drop rate for Corroded Shrapnel

- Adjusted drop rate for Stone of Relu

- Adjusted drop rate for Dragonmaw War Banner

- Adjusted drop rate for Sarltooth's Talon

- Adjusted drop rate for Murloc Head.

- Investigate the Amani Catacombs, Setted up correct Trigger Requirement and Item Requirment count.

- Reclaiming Goods: Remove Trigger Explore requirement from the quest

- Now That We're Still Friends... : The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Water Pouch Bounty: Corrected up XP Reward and Repeatable settings

- The Super Egg-O-Matic: Added Quest finisher

- Morrowgrain to Feathermoon Stronghold: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Troll Necklace Bounty: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Morrowgrain to Darnassus: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Morrowgrain to Thunder Bluff: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Winterfall E'ko: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Dalson's Tears Cauldron: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Writhing Haunt Cauldron: The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Your Fortune Awaits You... : The quest doesn't reward Experience anymore.

- Locked Away: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Catch of the Day: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Free Knot!: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Troll Charm: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- The Glowing Shard: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Alterac Valley Graveyards: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- The Graveyards of Alterac: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Honored Amongst the Clan: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Legendary Heroes: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- The Eye of Command: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Armor Scraps: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Enemy Booty: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Fallen Sky Lords: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Enchanted Thorium Platemail: Volume III: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Avenging the Fallen: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- The Battle for Arathi Basin!: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- True Believers: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.

- Proving Your Strength: Quest shouldn't be repeatable!.



The following items have been added to the database

* Time-Lost Figurine

* Filled Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Jack-o'-Lantern

* Filled Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Stewed Trout

* Smashed Pumpkin Loot

* Rickety Magic Broom

* Portable Brewfest Keg

* Water Bucket

* Brewfest Stein Voucher

* Elekk Dispersion Ray

* Thunderbrew Stout

* Ogre Mead

* Mudder's Milk

* Wolpertinger Net

* Stunned Wolpertinger

* Brewfest Brew

* Darkrune Fragment

* Fine Poking Stick

* Band of Eternity

* Flask of Chromatic Wonder

* Mana Potion Injector

* Healing Potion Injector

* Recipe: Flask of Chromatic Wonder

* Pattern: Shadowprowler's Chestguard

* Band of Eternity

* Hammer of Judgement

* Steady Talasite

* Filled Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Black Coffee

* Blix's Eyesight Enhancing Romance Goggles

* Gordok Grog

* Brewfest Ram

* Swift Brewfest Ram

* Brewfest Slippers

* Brewfest Pony Keg

* "Honorary Brewer" Hand Stamp

* Belbi's Eyesight Enhancing Romance Goggles

* Filled Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Pepe's Shroud of Pacification

* Band of Eternity

* Purple Brewfest Hat

* Brewfest Dress

* Blue Brewfest Hat

* Ram Racing Reins

* Brown Brewfest Hat

* Brewfest Boots

* Brewfest Prize Ticket

* Dark Iron Tankard

* Magic Broom

* Swift Magic Broom

* Band of Eternity

* Tabard of the Argent Dawn

* Swift Flying Broom

* Filled Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Merciless Gladiator's Barrier

* Green Brewfest Hat

* Brewfest Regalia

* Merciless Gladiator's Redoubt

* Necrotic Rune

* Shadowprowler's Chestguard

* Ragesteel Shoulders

* Sinister Squashling

* The Horseman's Helm

* Weighted Jack-o'-Lantern

* Wolpertinger's Tankard

* Yellow Brewfest Stein

* Flying Broom

* Ring of Ghoulish Delight

* Hallowed Helm

* Witching Band

* Dreary Candle

* Shroud of the Final Stand

* Tricky Treat

* The Horseman's Signet Ring

- Added updates from Questitemloot.sql

- Corrected % loot for:

* Fire Tar

* Vosh'gajin's Snakestone

* Hand of Sulfuron

* Hand of Shazzrah

* Hand of Lucifron

* Hand of Gehennas

* Tainted Wraith Essence

* Wraith Essence

* Mistvale Giblets


Download : http://www.mediafire.com/?cdvzyprhgmm


The Topic Will Keep Updating :)






Credits : AC

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