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Veteran Elo Pusher, New Service


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Hello! I am a diamond 1 player, former challenger, been x3 diamond season 2.
I did alot of elo pushing/boosting in my time, worked for most of the big sites like  elo edge and elo boost.net
Anyway, i want to make a name for myself and i decided to share my services on this site aswell
For now prices are as follow: 
Bronze divisions V, IV, III , II: 8 euros Bronze 1:10 euros   BO3 - 4 Euros  BO5 - 6 Euros
Silver divisions V, IV, III , II: 14 euros Silver 1: 20 euros   BO3 -  6 Euros   BO5 -  8 Euros
Gold divisions V, IV, III , II: 22 euros Gold 1: 30 euros   BO3 - 9 Euros  BO5  - 12 Euros
Platinum divisions V, IV, III , II: 35 euros  Platinum 1: 45 euros   BO3 - 15 euros   BO5 - 25 Euros
These prices apply IF you get >15 lp per game
If not, prices per win are as follow:
  • 1.6 at bronze
  • 2.5 at silver
  • 4 euros at gold
  • 6.5 euros at platinum

I am opened to negociate, add me on skype and we can talk, a private messaje here is fine aswell

This is some of my work, i mostly play mid, the lee sin games are mid as well.




In case the picture doesnt work, http://postimg.org/image/iqyt5zfep/full/


You can contact me on skype, fily.boost is the adress.

Can do a couple of vouch games for the first couple of people


Also, i am free for couching, prices are as follow:

15 euros/hour

28 euros/2 hours

50 euros/4 hours


In this time we can the basics down, typical matchups, curent meta, runes/masteries, anything that might be needed to get to platinum or higher!

You can contact me via skype, at the adress fily.boost

Edited by FilyBoost
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So, he logged with my account. Told him that I am Silver 2 100 points, and he played 2 matches.. and he won both of them in a row! 


With very good scores.


A picture:





Edited by N1nj4Styl3
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