παιδια οταν παω στο gm shop και παταω στολες a grade μου βγαζει ολα τα raid boss rings και δεν μου βγαζει τις στολες τι παει στραβα ?? το gm shop ειναι το frozen
Hello, as per title. Im looking for a boosted Tank (It can actually be any class if it has weapons with double augments for tank)
Mainly looking for: -Improved Epics (Imp. Antharas, Imp. Baium, Imp. Valakas, Imp. Tezza .....)
-Amulet stones (lvl 3 +)
-Amulet + STR
I am looking for a Modded maps with underground zones like catacombs/necropolis/zaken.... I am much interested in the zaken one?
How I could do it??
ALT + click buff removal feature is available as part of the game in higher chronicles (gracia ++) and you cannot remove dances or songs, but ofc you can allow to remove it in IL, its just retail limitation
παιδια οταν παω στο gm shop και παταω στολες a grade μου βγαζει ολα τα raid boss rings και δεν μου βγαζει τις στολες τι παει στραβα ?? το gm shop ειναι το frozen
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