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selling GODLIKE DIAMOND account


Hey all i have decided to sell my godlike EU WEST LoL acc, becouse i dont use 90% of the stuff i have on it, and im in need of money !


The account is in DIamond 1 and i dont play on it anymore i play on my smurf http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/view/130901/gg_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.png


The acc was diamond in 3v3 5v5 and soloq in the previous season aswell, so i got the diamond icons and boarders!


I literally only played like rankeds on the acc since s1 it still has 509normal wins


The account is maxed out interms of IP content it has every champion, 20 runes pages and every kind of runes on it, 19907 ip on the acc right now and 237 rp http://www.kepfeltoltes.hu/view/130901/runez_www.kepfeltoltes.hu_.jpg


skins: i dont even know i have 100+skins on the acc a lot of legendary skins ( olaf vlad blitz ezreal nunu etc.. ) ican show u all the skins ihave if ur interested..

and a lot of rare skins which u could never buy via riot shop (ufo corki king rammus triumhpant ryze victorius jarvan riot nasus judgment kayle)



so Yea, these are the basics of the acc but ican show u every single detail about it if ur interested in buying ( ican stream on twitch.tv and show u all the stuff about my acc)


Im a pretty known player in LoL i stream usually every day, and i love this game, but i dont use 90% of the stuff i have on the acc ( i won several tournaments and spent all the rp on random skins and stuff)

and im rly in need of money right now , so thats why im selling it

been palying LoL since beta ( thats where i got the king rammus and the ufo corki skin ) and will continue playing it on my smurf acc after i sold this one .


Price : i want 1200€ for the acc i know its a shit ton of money, but i also know that my acc easily worth more than this,

payment can be via paypal.


we can also use a rly trusted midleman, if u dont trust me, but after u notice who iam u prolly will, as i said i stream on a daily basis and ihave won lots of tourneys etc in LoL

thanks guys hope ican see some serious stuff in the topic






leave skype name if u wanna contact me



ps 1: after u bought the acc i can coach u for cheap moneyz if u need help to stay in diamond 1 :)

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