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interlude [L2J]L2Conway


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Good afternoon to all of you, a new world is underway in a few days we will rise up again as hell , consider yourself lucky since you've just found the BEST private L2 server. We are constantly in development and have an load of working features. Not to mention VERY active GM and DEV teams. If you will enjoy the server just let us know your opinion and write some words for us to every one that want to play one stable and perfect server!














* Experience: x1000

* Sp Experience: x1000

* Party Experience: x1

* Party Sp Experience: x1

* Adena: x1500

* Consumable Cost: x1

* Drop Item Karma : x40

* Spoil : x1

* Manor : x1


Enchant Rates


* Safe : 4


* Max for Armors : 8


* Max for Jewels : 8


* Max for Weapons : 10



* Max for Weapons with Conway Scroll : 14


* Max for Armors with Conway Scroll    : 12


* Max for Jewels with Conway Scroll    : 12



Enchant Chanse System


*  Normal Scrolls Chance  : 50%


*  Blessed Scrolls Chance : 60%


* With Conway Armor/Jewel  Scrolls the main start enchanting  chance on +8 is : 60%  after  start to decrease.


For Example : +8-60% , +9-55% , +10-50%, +11-45% , +12-40%


* With Conway Weapon  Scrolls the main start enchanting  chance on +10 is : 60% after  start to decrease.


For Example : +10-60% , +11-55% , +12-50%, +13-45% , +14-40%


Notice that : When the weapon or armor breaks, the enchantment item will go -1, example: you have one item +10 and you want to enchant it with a Conway Scroll and you break it, it will go back to  +9.




* This is our Enchant panel in game, when you enchant one item you have to decide if you'll continue with enchant or not, for more informations in game.










*Starting Adena: 250kk


*Max BUFFS: 26


Notice that : We have 2 Ancient books that u can increasse your buff slots +2,  more informations in game.


*Alliance: 3


*Subs: 5


*Max Level: 80



Farm Zones Drops


Farm Solo Zone drops  : 50-100 Gold Coin each mob


Farm Party Zone drops : 5 Silver / Gold upgrade 60% - 70% - 80% - 90% - 100%  ( This items are for upgrade your armor )



* Enchant rate drops at each enchant, always see message before confirming your enchant.


* All Skills are working, we have tested almost everything and we are really hopping to fix any other skill that comes up, so please report them if u can!


* Shift  +  Click on mobs to see their stats and drops.



PvP Systems - Ranking


* Added other method for pvp counting. Its secured by time limiter, and basic protections like same IP, clan etc.

  This Time Limiter allow killing player every part of time (1 hour).


* Rank System:

- Based on PvP System, it means, killer earn exp for killing other players, which increases his rank.

  (exp is based on current Rank Points [RP]).

- 42 ranks.

- Ranks provide player with different Name and Title colors.

- Included images for ranks and exp bar.


* DeathManager:

- Additional buttons in Death PvP Status Window showing details of killer like (CP, HP, MP, equipment (enchant) only for kill moment).


* War Counter:

- Count kills if target is in War Clan. Legal kills rules are used.


*  Combo Kill System:

- Shout messages (local/global) about the killer who is doing a combo.

- Combo system allows multiply Rank Points by special ratio.


* There's a chance to increase enchant level of a random equipped item.


* There's a chanse to increase enchant level random skill of your current class.


Notice that : From every pvp you can obtain 1 Pvp Token item that u will need it to exchange it for upgrade your armor.



* Anti-feed system with many protections and players don't take PvP point from the same player more than once.


* Top PvP/PK players are being automatically announced on their enter.








* NOTICE THAT : Vote reward gives you Vote Coin.


* Vote reward also you can obtain from Advanced shop items like cp-qhp-shields etc.


* Augmentable items are now tradeable, they can't be traded only if there's a skill on weapon.



* Champion mobs : higher stats and triple the rewards than normal mobs.


* Casino : Are you feeling Lucky? Casino offers a simple chance to win  game and a Kino Game.


* Name Changer Item : Dropped at Raid Zone, can be used to change your name.


* Skill Enchanter Item : Dropped at Raid Zone , can be used to enchant one of your skills to +12 with 100% success rate.



* Clan Reputation Item : dropped at Party Zone, used by clan leader, gives 1000 reputation points to clan.


* Body Reconstruction Item : Dropped at Raid Zone, can be used to change your appearance without changing your class.


* Sex changer item : Dropped at Raid , can be used to change your sex.


~ All the items listed above have higher chances to be dropped from our Custom Raidbosses + Party Zone. ~



* Hero skills are maintained only to main class.


* Players in combat can't use gatekeepers, to avoid players fleeing from pvp.


* Academy members don't provide clan with reputation points.


* Events are protected by anti-afk system, making sure nobody stays afk.



Chat Channels


* Trade chat ( Global ) requires 100 PvPs and has reuse delay according your PvPs.


* Shout chat ( Global ) 50 PvPs


* Hero Voice has 100 Seconds reuse Delay.


* All debuffs have high success rate, higher reuse delays and hit times. Making PvP more fun, than using just 1-2 skills.


* All Skills deal damage but they have their reuse delay and hit time increased.


* Weapon Mastery restrictions apply, if you use a weapon you don't have a mastery for, you receive reduced stats.


* Augentation stats are important. Notice that : Patk, Matk, Pdef, Mdef, Max - cp/hp/mp augments are multiplied by 10 and not what they appear on weapon.


* All cancel based debuffs return the cancelled buffs in 10 seconds.


* Healers consume more mana while flagged, Greater Battle Heal consumes a lot of mana even while not flagged.


* Some player buffs replace buffs ( example : Attack mxca replaces Might ) and give slightly better stats.




* You start with S Grade 50% Armor your motivation is to upgrade your armor to 100%.


* You can upgrade your armor every 10% on each upgrade you will receive +1.5 on base stats.


* When you will have 100% upgradeable your armor u have 2 options , #1 : you can keep your armor with S Grade style - #2 :  you can change your armor to Apella Style ( Retail like ). 











Here is our list of our Raid Bosses ,  respawn times and their names.


Epic Raid Bosses + Barakiel 


~ Valakas _ Retail place  ( Drops : Valakas / Frintezza )


RT : 24 Hours -/+



~ Antharas _ Retail place  ( Drops : Antharas / Zaken )


RT : 24 Hours -/+



~ Baium _ Retail place  ( Drops : Baium / AntQueen )


RT : 20 Hours -/+



~ Core _ Retail place  ( Core / Orfen )


RT : 3 Hours -/+



~ Barakiel _ Retail place  ( Nobless items )

Notice that : The boss drops 3 Crowns to every member of pt - the pt with the last hit will owned the boss.

RT : 2.5 Hours -/+



Conway Raid Bosses 


~ Conway Armor Boss _ custom place  (  2-3 Conway Scrolls )


RT : 1 Hour -/+



~ Conway Weapon Boss _ custom place  (  2-3 Conway Scrolls )


RT : 1 Hours -/+




Custom  Raid Bosses 


~ Conway Commander Boss _ custom place  (  100 Event Medal )


RT : 1.5 Hour -/+



~ Varka's Chief Horus Boss _ custom place  (  1-3 Life Stones Top Grade with chance 60%  )

Notice that : On shop LifeStones have 20% Chanse

RT : 1.5 Hour -/+



~ Ketra's Hero Hekaton Boss _ custom place  (  Coins / Gold Bar / Body Reco / Sex Changer / Name Changer )


RT : 2 Hours -/+





~ Boss jewels are not only dropable from epics u can obtain them from shop too but with high prices!


~ All Raid Zones Are Chaotic place - autoflaged.








* You can Join Olympiad Only with S Grade Items.


* All Enchant Values of Armor - Weapons - Jewels are set to +4, after the game the items will return again the to main enchant value.


* Waiting list displays of last month and not current.


* Everyone is displayed as Disguised to prevent feeding.


* Participation requires at least  80 LeveL and expirience by yourself.







TvT Event 


* It's a team vs team vs team  event ( we have 3 teams ). You have to fight against the other team and kill them all.


Rewards :

  • 3 Event Medals For winning team.
  • 1 For lose team + 1 For Top Killer.




CTF Event 


* Capture the flag and defeat your opponets! Team with the most flags wins the event.


Rewards :

  • 3 Event Medals For winning team.
  • 1 For lose team.



Clan War Event 



In this event you can take your clan and request a war against any clan you want any time your want. Once you make the request, you will have to wait until the opponent leader approves the clan war! If he approves then its up to you and your mates to beat them and win the Rewards!

Rewards :[/colors]

  • 50k Reputation Points For winning clan.



Treasure Chest Event 



Try to find as much lucky chests as possible. Only 5 out of the 400 chests are lucky chests. Chests have a chance of exploding, the more lucky chests you found, the higher the chance.

Rewards :

  • 1/5 : 1 Event Medal
  • 2/5 : 2 Event Medal
  • 3/5 : 3 Event Medal
  • 4/5 : 4 Event Medal + 3 Heart Stones 
  • 5/5 : 5 Event Medal + 5 Heart Stones




Server War



Every Tuesday - Thursday and Saturday everyone in the server goes crazy, since the whole server gets separated into 2 teams ( Red & Blue). The teams fight with each other, even inside towns and the top 3 PvPers from each team get Rewarded!

Rewards :

  • 1st  : 30 Event Medal and 5 Top Grade Life Stone ( Higher Chanse )
  • 2nd : 15 Event Medal and 2 High Grade Life Stone ( High Chanse)
  • 3rd  : 10 Event Medal and 1 Mid Grafe Life Stone ( Normal Chanse)


Quiz Event


* Find the correct answer on our quiz when admin runs it and win

Rewards : Random.















Skype : conway.server


E-mail : support@l2conway.com





The Best Interlude Pvp server @ Conway TEAM 2013





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