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[L2Off - Tauti] Www.lineage2.gr


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there are not custom buffers or gm shops


awakening system works like retail.only difference is that items will be acquired through dimensional merchant


regarding online count last winter we had 1600-1800 on sieges with usually online 1400-1500


Now its too early to site about current update

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there are not custom buffers or gm shops


awakening system works like retail.only difference is that items will be acquired through dimensional merchant


regarding online count last winter we had 1600-1800 on sieges with usually online 1400-1500


Now its too early to site about current update

are you kidding me? who cares about last winter? lol.

"my server is okay, before 5 years i had 2k online so.. thats just fine"

already left srv coz there were not many new ppl. SO WE COULD NOT FORM A PROPER GROUP TO DO xp

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you start on server and what you see old ppl have gear vorpal/elegia on +6 120 also vesper/freya wepons ++++ 300 atrib and this is not enough thay have all epic's i dont see why any 1 new will stay on server

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Well, Imo a wipe should have been done before launching to tauti...
I also started, and though I'm kinda a low level, I see barely no people, or parties.
Server seems not to be bad in quality, but again old people have a great + in front of newbs.

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new server will be good many ppl dont start on server cyz old ppl have epic's/wepons/armors on ++ and full atrib armors and wepons is acceptable but epic''s change everything                                                       

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 but epic''s change everything                                                       



i accept that but also dont forget that you can find them more easy because some of them will be sold in market or you can get them by joining a clan


On the other clan, a good clan will never have a problem find jewels such as baium/aq

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Sorry for the delay.If server will be launched it will be either Hi5 low rate or GOD high rate so main server will not be influenced

I need approximately 2 weeks from now so for such decision since its really early since the launch of tauti chronicle on current server

Edited by www.lineage2.gr
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Launch a GoD Mid rate around 25x. With the files you have + the reputation for stability you will pull in a large community since there is no English based GoD mid rate with legit files.

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If you want to bring new people/clans in your server JUST make bigger rates.Noone gonna come and play x2 server to spend months to reach 99 w/o know if you wake up one day and make wipe.Ppl prefer to play official x1 and the main reason is that they know that server will not close and always will make updates and everytime they log server will be up.Dont need to have high IQ to understand what i am saying,also dont need high IQ to understand that your server gonna fail for these reasons and population will be around 100-200 ppl like before God update.Dex made this mistake and server was dead from the begining,if you want big community make bigger rates like x10 x15 to give people a reason to quit or dont play official and play your server.Also atm dont exists mid rate euro God server,you could be the first and take all fame and the people too.But no brain at all,sorry its the bloody truth

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New users , from new clan, are already 90+ even with current rates only using premium account


Increasing rate , means that everyone will be 99+ in few days from today


regarding dex-GD: i dont want to speak for others server, i just noticed their donation list full of rune/xp/vitality items.

Edited by www.lineage2.gr
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    • well i didnt used to had that issue u reffering , u can always lower the page value that would show on each page . keep in mind it was taken  from h5 that it can handle more html length than interlude .   package handlers.admincommandhandlers; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.handler.IAdminCommandHandler; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.WorldObject; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.actor.Player; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.model.item.instance.Item; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.SystemMessageId; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.network.serverpackets.NpcHtmlMessage; import org.l2jmobius.gameserver.util.Util; public class AdminInventory implements IAdminCommandHandler { private static final String[] ADMIN_COMMANDS = { "admin_showinv", "admin_delete_item" }; @Override public boolean useAdminCommand(String command, Player activeChar) { WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); if (target == null || !target.isPlayer()) { activeChar.sendPacket(SystemMessageId.INVALID_TARGET); return false; } if (command.startsWith(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0])) { if (command.length() > ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length()) { String com = command.substring(ADMIN_COMMANDS[0].length() + 1); if (Util.isDigit(com)) { showItemsPage(activeChar, Integer.parseInt(com)); } } else { showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } } int count = 1; if (command.contains(ADMIN_COMMANDS[1])) { String[] parts = command.split(" "); if (parts.length == 3) { try { count = Integer.parseInt(parts[2]); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { activeChar.sendMessage("Invalid quantity format."); return false; } } if (count == 0) { activeChar.sendMessage("Quantity must be 1 or above, or left blank for default."); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); return false; } String val = parts[1]; target.getActingPlayer().destroyItem("GM Destroy", Integer.parseInt(val), count, null, true); showItemsPage(activeChar, 0); } return true; } private void showItemsPage(Player activeChar, int page) { final WorldObject target = activeChar.getTarget(); final Player player = target.getActingPlayer(); final Item[] items = player.getInventory().getItems().toArray(new Item[0]); int maxItemsPerPage = 13; int maxPages = items.length / maxItemsPerPage; if (items.length > (maxItemsPerPage * maxPages)) { maxPages++; } if (page > maxPages) { page = maxPages; } int itemsStart = maxItemsPerPage * page; int itemsEnd = items.length; if ((itemsEnd - itemsStart) > maxItemsPerPage) { itemsEnd = itemsStart + maxItemsPerPage; } final NpcHtmlMessage adminReply = new NpcHtmlMessage(0); adminReply.setFile(activeChar, "data/html/admin/inventory.htm"); adminReply.replace("%PLAYER_NAME%", activeChar.getName()); StringBuilder sbPages = new StringBuilder(); for (int x = 0; x < maxPages; x++) { int pagenr = x + 1; sbPages.append("<td><button value=\"" + pagenr + "\" action=\"bypass -h admin_showinv " + x + "\" width=20 height=20 back=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.button_df\"></td>"); } adminReply.replace("%PAGES%", sbPages.toString()); StringBuilder sbItems = getStringBuilder(itemsStart, itemsEnd, items); adminReply.replace("%ITEMS%", sbItems.toString()); activeChar.sendPacket(adminReply); } private static StringBuilder getStringBuilder(int itemsStart, int itemsEnd, Item[] items) { StringBuilder sbItems = new StringBuilder(); sbItems.append("<table width=270>"); sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td width=24><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=120><b> </b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=90><b>Count</b></td>"); sbItems.append("<td width=65><b>Quantity</b></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); for (int i = itemsStart; i < itemsEnd; i++) { Item item = items[i]; sbItems.append("<tr>"); sbItems.append("<td><img src=").append(item.getTemplate().getIcon()).append(" width=24 height=24></td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getName()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>").append(item.getCount()).append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td>"); sbItems.append("<edit var=\"itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=40>"); sbItems.append("</td>"); sbItems.append("<td><button action=\"bypass -h admin_delete_item ").append(item.getObjectId()).append(" $itemCount_").append(i).append("\" width=16 height=16 back=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\" fore=\"L2UI_ct1.Button_DF_Delete\"></button></td>"); sbItems.append("</tr>"); } sbItems.append("</table>"); return sbItems; } @Override public String[] getAdminCommandList() { return ADMIN_COMMANDS; } } Since i did jumped to mobius here the mobius one with quantity field aswell .  feel free to adapt it back to acis or wherever    <html><body><title>Inventory : %PLAYER_NAME%</title> <center> <table width=270> <tr> %PAGES% </tr> </table> </center> <br> %ITEMS% </body> </html>
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