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From a newbie, he turned into a good dev. I hope you will have a great server bro. Keep up the good work !


very good server dude.. i really enjoy playing on it!


thx for your kind words 




Take a look at our last changelog waiting every highrate freya lovers into server

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Today we have created an events section and we have started two events.

Feel free to check them and join if you are applicable!


Edited by L2Coyote
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1.5k ?prolly the db had sword shield; the only thing that i noticed about db is that the range of rush is too high.

Another thing :lighting barrier/shock lands too much on light users,with archer every 2-3 hits i get lighting barrier,same with gh :/ and they land pretty easy lighting shock.I got also Lighting strike from sk (in freya is kinda lame).


Rest atm seems ok..nothing can be perfect.If the community will increase,can have alot of pvps.

Edited by |Ambra|
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1.5k ?prolly the db had sword shield; the only thing that i noticed about db is that the range of rush is too high.


Another thing :lighting barrier/shock lands too much on light users,with archer every 2-3 hits i get lighting barrier,same with gh :/ and they land pretty easy lighting shock.I got also Lighting strike from sk (in freya is kinda lame).


Rest atm seems ok..nothing can be perfect.If the community will increase,can have alot of pvps.


lighting barier/ shock already on check list soon will get fix 

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1.5k ?prolly the db had sword shield; the only thing that i noticed about db is that the range of rush is too high.


Another thing :lighting barrier/shock lands too much on light users,with archer every 2-3 hits i get lighting barrier,same with gh :/ and they land pretty easy lighting shock.I got also Lighting strike from sk (in freya is kinda lame).


Rest atm seems ok..nothing can be perfect.If the community will increase,can have alot of pvps

dont think so

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DB's are really OP i make them with my WR 1k max and i know WR dosent make many dmg's bcz he play with Evasion...but when i saw db hit me for 2.5k in 4.3k p.def i said something wrong with this char!!

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