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hello guys i decided to share a cool code for online statistics and Announcements!

Its something simple.


online statistics


Adding to DB:



CREATE PROCEDURE [dbo].[playersnumber]
--@pl_number int output
--SELECT @pl_number=count(*) FROM user_data WHERE login>logout AND logout>0 AND login>0
SELECT count(*) FROM user_data with (nolock) WHERE login>logout



And here is the Script...(Php)

PHP Code:


$flogin = fsockopen ("",2106, $errno, $errstr, 1);//Instead Ip Server
        if ( $flogin )
                $login_s = "Online";
                $login_s = "Offline";

$fgame = fsockopen ("",7777, $errno, $errstr, 1);
        if ( $flogin )
                $game_s = "Online";
                $game_s = "Offline";

$mssql_server=""; //Instead Ip Server
$CONN = mssql_connect($mssql_server, 'user', 'pass');
if ($CONN) {
$result = mssql_query("exec playersnumber", $CONN);
else $on_line = 0;

//image size $im = imagecreate(X, Y);
$im = imagecreate(100, 45);
$str = "Online: ";
// $bg - the background color, $textcolor - text color
$bg = imagecolorallocate($im, 213, 248, 225);
$textcolor = imagecolorallocate($im, 0, 0, 0);

// Output lines in the picture
//imagestring($im, The font size for the X coordinate, coordinate, Y, "Login: ", $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 0, 0, "Login: ", $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 53, 0, $login_s, $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 0, 15, "Game: ", $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 53, 15, $game_s, $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 0, 30, $str, $textcolor);
imagestring($im, 3, 53, 30, $online, $textcolor);
// output the image
header("Content-type: image/png");



Online Announcement


PHP Code:


DEFINE("SELECT_ONLINE","select count(*) from user_data where  account_id>0 and online=1"); 

function connectdb($db, $dbaddress, $dbuser, $dbpass){ 
$dbconnect = mssql_connect ($dbaddress, $dbuser, $dbpass); 
  mssql_select_db ($db, $dbconnect); 
connectdb('lin2world', '', 'sawa', 'dfsdfFdvh'); 
$result = mssql_query(sprintf(SELECT_ONLINE)); 
$accounts = mssql_fetch_array($result); 
$accounts = trim($accounts[0]); 

send_announce("Now online: ".$accounts." users"); 


function send_announce($announce){ 
$cachedsocket=@fsockopen("","2012",$errno,$errstr,1) or die($notconnected); 

function tounicode($string){ 


Thats all!If i made mistakes let me know!


More shares soon


I don't think it's a good way to define an "online" player:

SELECT count(*) FROM user_data with (nolock) WHERE login>logout

Same here:

DEFINE("SELECT_ONLINE","select count(*) from user_data where  account_id>0 and online=1"); 

I mean... It works in 99% of the cases, but the results can be random, count crashed players etc.



Tomoya of L2Sublimity



The hAuthD script works with any hAuthD version, and for what i know any server works with hAuthD.


hAuthd doesn't support Auto Registration - like GF AuthDaemon \  AuthGate does.


So there's that niche possibilty.


hAuthd doesn't support Auto Registration - like GF AuthDaemon \  AuthGate does.


So there's that niche possibilty.

GF doesn't support it as well, it was some crap added by some of the previous owners of the files, not NcSoft, its just a stored procedure that has to me modified in order to disable that function. But we are talking about online status and players, what has to do that with ?


GF doesn't support it as well, it was some crap added by some of the previous owners of the files, not NcSoft, its just a stored procedure that has to me modified in order to disable that function. But we are talking about online status and players, what has to do that with ?


hAuthd script only works with hAuthd.

And you try use the modified GPwdWithFlag with hAuthd tell me what happens.


Thus a similar script like this is needed - in those niches.


I know but we were talking about online and offline scripts, not about auto-registration :D I was talking about the hAuthD script for online and offline status, beacause its the Auth that most people use.

The only thing that needs to be removed in that SP for deactivating the Auto-Registration feature is exec ap_AutoReg @account thats all, anyway  extending other Auth like C4 there is a posibility of adding such feature.

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