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ama 8umamai kala einai  edo faction-custom.properties





# Faction Good vs Evil                   


# Enable faction Good vs Evil

# GvE Engine its a Faction engine called Good Versus Evil

# When GvE Engine is Activated the server is not in normal mode and

# if you try something like use a normal faction Example (Duel between factions) off course will not work.

# Note : When you Enable this YOU MUST KNOW WHAT YOU DOING.



# /// General Settings

#True Enable GvNvE , False disables GvNvE.

AllowFaction = False


# Title & Rank Settings

# Provide required Faction Killpoints to reach the Rank No


Rank1 = 500

Rank2 = 1000

Rank3 = 2000

Rank4 = 3000

Rank5 = 4000


# /// Restriction settings

#if Enabled Players can only join Faction if their Base class is

#specified in Factions table (allowed_classes)

EnableClassRestrictions = false

#True allows Trade between Factions.

AllowTrade = false

#True allows Partys between Factions.

AllowParty = false

#True allows mixed Clans.

AllowClan = false

# Disable Wedding Same faction (default true)

DisableWeddingSameFaction = True


# /// Reward settings

#True Enable Kill reward.

KillReward = False

#Kill Rate

KillRate = 1

#Quest Rate

QuestRate = 1

#How many unique items will player get for kill enemy.

AmmountUniqueItems = 50000

#Here you MUST specify your unique item's ID

UniqueItemID = 57


# /// Color settings


FactionColor = true

ColorNameGood = FFCC00

ColorNameEvil = 0066FF


# /// Name settings

EvilName = Evil

GoodName = Good


# /// Community Board alt layout

# Show a legend with the meaning of the different name colors in Community Board

ShowFactionLegend = False

#Show Factions in different colors on Region Community Board

ShowCBFactionColor = False


# /// special features

# Base Settings

# in Development leave @ false

EnableBase = false

# Coords

# Evil Base

EvilX = 147725

EvilY = -56517

EvilZ = -2775

# Good Base

GoodX = 82603

GoodY = 148631

GoodZ = -3469




kai ama 8eleis  otan o allos pernei pk\pvp na to bgazei se Announce pigene edo <pvp.properties> kai  des pos einai kai kanto





# ==================================================================

# -- KARMA VARS --

# ==================================================================


# Karma gain/loss

MinKarma = 240

MaxKarma = 10000

# the number to divide the xp recieved by, to calculate karma lost on xp gain/lost

XPDivider = 260

# The Minimum Karma lost if 0 karma is to be removed

BaseKarmaLost = 0


# Equipment loss

CanGMDropEquipment = False


# NOTE: Make sure the lists do NOT CONTAIN trailing spaces or spaces between the numbers!

# List of pet items we cannot drop

ListOfPetItems = 2375,3500,3501,3502,4422,4423,4424,4425,6648,6649,6650,9882,10308,10309,10310,10311,10312,10313,10426,10611

# Lists of items which should NEVER be dropped (note, adena will never be dropped) whether on this list or not

ListOfNonDroppableItems = 57,1147,425,1146,461,10,2368,7,6,2370,2369,6842,6611,6612,6613,6614,6615,6616,6617,6618,6619,6620,6621,7694,8181,5575,7694


# item drop related min/max

MinimumPKRequiredToDrop = 5


# Should we award a pvp point for killing a player with karma?

AwardPKKillPVPPoint = False


# player can drop adena ? false by default

PlayerCanDropAdena = true

# percentage of total adena drop. (if player had 100 adena, he drop 1 adena)

PlayerRateDropAdena = 1


# Announce PVP / PK Kills

AnnouncePk = true

# Announce this as Normal System Message

AnnouncePkNormalMessage = true


# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting an inocent (in ms)

PvPVsNormalTime = 40000

# Length one stays in PvP mode after hitting a purple player (in ms)

PvPVsPvPTime = 20000


CursedWeaponNpcInteract = False



pisteyo na se boi8isa....:P

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To Pack Tou Jizz Einai Idi Preconfigured Se KvN.. Dn Xreiazete Na Allakseis Tpt..


an k gnomi m einai an pas sovara gia anoigma server , na min sikwseis apo preconfigured pack...

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