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Everything posted by A-error

  1. sou petaei error ston gameserver ti problima sou dixnei kai den sto kanei? ti pack server exeis
  2. file polu kali douleia kalos ir8es sto forum.. +1 apo emena giati i8ela na tetoio site
  3. me oti kai na to peraseis o idios tropos einai dn alla3ei tpt
  4. telika 3erei kaneis post ginete na to kano?
  5. file kati la8os exeis kanei ama einai kane post ta config na ta do kai na sta ftia3o
  6. ama exei problima pes to mou na sou to ftia3o na pernaei..
  7. re file poia version exeis kai exei ayto to bug.. giati to exoun fix ayto to bug edo kai kairo
  8. Name:FonikiSkatoula Armors s84: +20 Weapons s84: +20 Jewels s80: +15 Gold Bar: 200 3_Skill Server Bartz Server Site : http://www.white-eagle.com.pl/
  9. exo ena server kai to max kai to safe einai 15 ego tora 8elo na to kano 20 to max alla den 8elo i alli na exoun + 15 8elo na tous ta kano 0 oste na ta kanoun 3ana apo tin arxi to +
  10. hi paidia 8a i8ela na rotiso pos mporo na kano ekei pou ta exoun oloi + 15 na tous ta pao 0..
  11. pigene edo Game\data\jscript\custom\9999_NPCBuffer\__init__ kai bale ayto mea from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.datatables import SkillTable from com.l2jarchid import L2DatabaseFactory from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import State from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest import QuestState from com.l2jarchid.gameserver.model.quest.jython import QuestJython as JQuest kai meta kane restart tib server kai eisai ok
  12. ti pack server exeis l2j l2jfree l2dot l2emu ti ? oriste file kai ena link ama exeis kanei kati la8os stin buffer http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=40052.0
  13. ayto einai akoma kai stin teleftaia verion kai den to exoun fix ama exete 3erei kaneis as to dosi na to fix kai emeis
  14. file to exo katebasei kai ayto to idio problima mou bgazei..
  15. file to link de douleyei mou bgazei ayto The requested topic does not exist.
  16. hi paidia 8elo na balo ena Account_managers sto site mou na ftia3oun apo to site account alla exo to e3eis problima den mou bgazei ta captcha den 3ero giati ori3e mia photo na dite pos mou to dixnei kai edo einai to link pou to katebasa http://www.maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=56926.msg416348#msg416348
  17. file exoun 3anaginei alla kaneis den exei fix ta skill pou exoun problima kai oloi kanoun to ena post kai exoun alla3ei mono tis time ton buff ego exo fix ta skill pou exoun problima kai alla polla skill pou eprepe na douleyoun allios kai itan allios
  18. Hi paidia edo mporite na anoi3ete 2 server se ena login.. arxisoume pigene gameserver\config\server meta pigenete edo # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 8a alla3ete to (7777) kai 8a to kanete (7778) meta brite aytro # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= Login = root Password = kai mou leei (l2jdb) kanteto l2jdb_2 kai eistai ok meta klenete ta config kai pame sta tools kai brite to database_installer kante de3ei kleik kai 8a sas bgalei ayto edo patiste epe3ergasia kai molis anoi3ei 8a dite ola ayta mesa @echo off REM ############################################## REM ## L2Dot Database Installer ## REM ############################################## REM ## Interactive script setup - L2 Dot Team ## REM ############################################## :configure call :colors 17 title L2Dot installer - Setup cls set config_version=1 if NOT %upgrade_mode% == 2 ( set fresh_setup=1 set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin set lsuser=root set lspass= set lsdb=l2jdb set lshost=localhost set gsuser=root set gspass= set gsdb=l2jdb set gshost=localhost set cmode=c set backup=. set logdir=. ) set mysqlPath=%mysqlBinPath%\mysql.exe echo New settings will be created for this tool to run in echo your computer, so I need to ask you some questions. echo. echo 1-MySql Binaries echo -------------------- echo In order to perform my tasks, I need the path for commands echo such as 'mysql' and 'mysqldump'. Both executables are echo usually stored in the same place. echo. if "%mysqlBinPath%" == "" ( set mysqlBinPath=use path echo I can't determine if the binaries are available with your echo default settings. ) else ( echo I can try to find out if the current setting actually works... echo. echo %mysqlPath% ) if not "%mysqlBinPath%" == "use path" call :binaryfind echo. path|find "MySQL">NUL if %errorlevel% == 0 ( echo I found MySQL is in your PATH, this will be used by default. echo If you want to use something different, change 'use path' for echo something else. set mysqlBinPath=use path ) else ( echo Look, I can't find "MYSQL" in your PATH environment variable. echo It would be good if you go and find out where "mysql.exe" and echo "mysqldump.exe" are. echo. echo If you have no idea about the meaning of words such as MYSQL echo or PATH, you'd better close this window, and consider googling echo and reading about it. Setup and host an L2J server requires a echo minimum of technical skills. ) echo. echo Write the path to your MySQL binaries (no trailing slash needed): set /P mysqlBinPath="(default %mysqlBinPath%): " cls echo. echo 2-LoginServer settings echo -------------------- echo I will connect to the MySQL server you specify, and setup a echo Loginserver database there, most people use a single MySQL echo server and database for both Login and Gameserver tables. echo. set /P lsuser="MySQL Username (default is '%lsuser%'): " set /P lspass="Password (will be shown as you type, default '%lspass%'): " set /P lsdb="Database (default is '%lsdb%'): " set /P lshost="Host (default is '%lshost%'): " if NOT "%lsuser%"=="%gsuser%" set gsuser=%lsuser% if NOT "%lspass%"=="%gspass%" set gspass=%lspass% if NOT "%lsdb%"=="%gsdb%" set gsdb=%lsdb% if NOT "%lshost%"=="%gshost%" set gshost=%lshost% echo. echo 3-GameServer settings echo -------------------- set /P gsuser="User (default is '%gsuser%'): " set /P gspass="Pass (default is '%gspass%'): " set /P gsdb="Database (default is '%gsdb%'): " set /P gshost="Host (default is '%gshost%'): " echo. echo 4-Misc. settings echo -------------------- set /P cmode="Color mode (c)olor or (n)on-color, default %cmode% : " set /P backup="Path for your backups (default '%backup%'): " set /P logdir="Path for your logs (default '%logdir%'): " :safe1 set safemode=y set /P safemode="Debugging messages and increase verbosity a lil bit (y/n, default '%safemode%'): " if /i %safemode%==y (set safe_mode=1&goto safe2) if /i %safemode%==n (set safe_mode=0&goto safe2) goto safe1 :safe2 echo. if "%mysqlBinPath%" == "use path" ( set mysqlBinPath= set mysqldumpPath=mysqldump set mysqlPath=mysql ) else ( set mysqldumpPath=%mysqlBinPath%\mysqldump.exe set mysqlPath=%mysqlBinPath%\mysql.exe ) echo @echo off > %config_file% echo set config_version=%config_version% >> %config_file% echo set cmode=%cmode%>> %config_file% echo set safe_mode=%safe_mode% >> %config_file% echo set mysqlPath=%mysqlPath%>> %config_file% echo set mysqlBinPath=%mysqlBinPath%>> %config_file% echo set mysqldumpPath=%mysqldumpPath%>> %config_file% echo set lsuser=%lsuser%>> %config_file% echo set lspass=%lspass%>> %config_file% echo set lsdb=%lsdb%>> %config_file% echo set lshost=%lshost% >> %config_file% echo set gsuser=%gsuser%>> %config_file% echo set gspass=%gspass%>> %config_file% echo set gsdb=%gsdb%>> %config_file% echo set gshost=%gshost%>> %config_file% echo set logdir=%logdir%>> %config_file% echo set backup=%backup%>> %config_file% echo. echo Script setup complete, your settings were saved in the echo '%config_file%' file. Remember: your passwords are stored echo as clear text. echo. echo press any key to continue... pause> nul goto loadconfig :ls_section cls call :colors 17 set cmdline= set stage=1 title L2Dot installer - Login Server database setup echo. echo Trying to make a backup of your loginserver database. set cmdline="%mysqldumpPath%" --add-drop-table -h %lshost% -u %lsuser% --password=%lspass% %lsdb% ^> "%backup%\loginserver_backup.sql" 2^> NUL %cmdline% if %ERRORLEVEL% == 0 goto lsdbok REM if %safe_mode% == 1 goto omfg :ls_err1 call :colors 47 title L2Dot installer - Login Server database setup ERROR!!! cls echo. brite ayto edo to simio :configure call :colors 17 title L2Dot installer - Setup cls set config_version=1 if NOT %upgrade_mode% == 2 ( set fresh_setup=1 set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin set lsuser=root set lspass= set lsdb=l2jdb set lshost=localhost set gsuser=root set gspass= set gsdb=l2jdb set gshost=localhost set cmode=c set backup=. set logdir=. ) kai ekei pou exei to (set lsdb=l2jdb) 8a to kanete eseis (l2jdb_2) kai meta 8a to kleisete kai 8a kane installer kai fiska prin na kanete installer tin database pigenete stin Navicat kai kante ta exeis bimata kai meta kante to installer meta molis teliosei to installer pigenete sto login kai brite to RegisterGameServer kai kante ta e3eis pragmata meta 8a se bgei to hexid kai kanteto metanomiza apo (hexid_2 pou bgenei kanteto (hexid) sketo meta pigene anoixte ta config tou 2 server kai balte to hexid mesa kai o server einai ok meta 3ero oti exoun ginei polla post tetoia alla pisteyo oti to ekana polu diaforetiko apo ta alla.. ama exete problima me to post kanteto delete..ty
  19. o server 2 8a exeis ena pack pou den 8a exei to idio hexid me ton proto
  20. file pigene gameserver\config/server kai kane ta e3eis # Bind ip of the gameserver, use * to bind on all available IPs GameserverHostname = * GameserverPort = 7777 <===== edo bale 7778 # Database info Driver=com.mysql.jdbc.Driver #Driver=org.hsqldb.jdbcDriver #Driver=com.microsoft.sqlserver.jdbc.SQLServerDriver URL=jdbc:mysql://localhost/l2jdb <====== edo kanto etsi l2jdb_2 #URL=jdbc:hsqldb:hsql://localhost/l2jdb <====== edo kanto etsi l2jdb_2 #URL=jdbc:sqlserver://localhost/database=l2jdb/user=sa/password= <====== edo kanto etsi l2jdb_2 Login = root Password = MaximumDbConnections = 100 meta pigene sta tools bres to database_installer pata de3i klik epe3ergasia kai 8a einai px opos ayto @echo off REM ############################################## REM ## L2Dot Database Installer ## REM ############################################## REM ## Interactive script setup - L2 Dot Team ## REM ############################################## REM Copyright (C) 2009 L2J Dot ServerPack REM This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify REM it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by REM the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or (at REM your option) any later version. REM REM This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but REM WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY REM or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License REM for more details. REM REM You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along REM with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., REM 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA. Or contact the Official L2Dot REM DataPack / ServerPack Project at http://www.L2Dot.com, http://forum.l2dot.com set config_file=vars.txt set config_version=0 set workdir="%cd%" set full=0 set stage=0 set logging=0 set upgrade_mode=0 set backup=. set logdir=. set safe_mode=1 set cmode=c set fresh_setup=0 :loadconfig title L2Dot installer - Reading configuration from file... cls if not exist %config_file% goto configure ren %config_file% vars.bat call vars.bat ren vars.bat %config_file% call :colors 17 if /i %config_version% == 1 goto ls_section set upgrade_mode=2 echo It seems to be the first time you run this version of echo database_installer but I found a settings file already. echo I'll hopefully ask this questions just once. echo. echo Configuration upgrade options: echo. echo (1) Import and continue: I'll read your old settings and echo continue execution, but since no new settings will be echo saved, you'll see this menu again next time. echo. echo (2) Import and configure: This tool has some new options echo available, you choose the values that fit your needs echo using former settings as a base. echo. echo (3) Ignose stored settings: I'll let you configure me echo with a fresh set of default values as a base. echo. echo (4) View saved settings: See the contents of the config echo file. echo. echo (5) Quit: Did you came here by mistake? echo. set /P upgrade_mode="Type a number, press Enter (default is '%upgrade_mode%'): " if %upgrade_mode%==1 goto ls_section if %upgrade_mode%==2 goto configure if %upgrade_mode%==3 goto configure if %upgrade_mode%==4 (cls&type %config_file%&pause&goto loadconfig) if %upgrade_mode%==5 goto :eof goto loadconfig :colors if /i "%cmode%"=="n" ( if not "%1"=="17" ( color F ) else ( color ) ) else ( color %1 ) goto :eof :configure call :colors 17 title L2Dot installer - Setup cls set config_version=1 if NOT %upgrade_mode% == 2 ( set fresh_setup=1 set mysqlBinPath=%ProgramFiles%\MySQL\MySQL Server 5.0\bin set lsuser=root set lspass= set lsdb=l2jdb <=== edo bale l2jdb_2 set lshost=localhost set gsuser=root set gspass= set gsdb=l2jdb <=== edo bale l2jdb_2 set gshost=localhost set cmode=c set backup=. set logdir=. ) set mysqlPath=%mysqlBinPath%\mysql.exe echo New settings will be created for this tool to run in echo your computer, so I need to ask you some questions. echo. echo 1-MySql Binaries meta kantin inst kai meta pigene sto loginserver kai bres to RegisterGameServer kai pata 2 na ftia3ei ena hexid kai 8a to balei ston 2 server sta config kai meta 8a eisai ok pisteto na se boi8isa
  21. file pigene edo gameserver\config/altsettings kai bres ayto # Alternative skill learn rules: # - all classes can learn all skills # - skills of another class costs x2 SP # - skills of another race costs x2 SP # - skills of fighters/mages costs x3 SP AltGameSkillLearn = False <==== edo kanto true
  22. exeis kanei 3 fores post to ena pano sto allo anti na grapseis ti akribos 8eleis se ena -1
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