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Your ideas..


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I am some kind of newbie in programming and I would like to practice more and more... (Im using visual basic)


I came here to ask you what would you suggest me to create?(a program) since I've run out of ideas. So far I've created a fake DDoS attacker, a fake FarmVille cracker with fully working key generator.. a program for my cousin's shops(he owns some shops where he sells professional equipment for rest@urants) so it would be a way easier for him to show what products he has/ their features,etc... Also I've created a fake virus program (http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279613.0) with a registration key and bla bla.(Shared for free) It's not something super, but you know im newbie :P


So, what would you suggest me to create? (Please not something crazy, like Nasa's programs) :p

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I created a contact me- program.


You put your name, your message and then you send it! :)


then the guy who you sent the email has to check his inbox to see it.

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