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Based On L2J,freya Pvp Pack (With Source) Updated! 24/12/2013 Price 25 Euros Buy Now

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Posted (edited)

It is 100% ready for a PvP/mid server since all the quests and instances work perfectly.

This Pack is based on L2j Freya Last Stable Rev I believe.

Anti Dual Box system
Anti Feed PvP/Clan Rep System
Anti Olympiad feed System
Standard TvT
PvP/Pk Announcements
Configurable Announce Hero Login
Siege End reward System
Vote reward system for hopzone/Topzone
Custom Spawn Location Engine
Custom Start Title
Custom Subclass Level
Custom Start Level
PvP/Pk awarding System
Hero Status until Login System
Full Geodata + Pathnode
Reworked 80% of the skills from L2j
Castle Sieges/Olympiad fully Working
Community Board Fully Working
All Quests working
Special Farm areas made
Special Boss Zones made- Going through only with a Pass


Full GM shop up to Dynasty(can have it to vorporal if you wish I have all multisells)
Buffer By Nevermore v2 With Edited Html's
Item enchanter
Augument Manager
Top PvP/PK manager
Teleporter with Kingdoms, Farm Zones, Boss Zones
#      Vote Reward System  =
#Set it "True" if you want to Enable Vote Reward System.
EnableVoteReward = False

#If you enable Vote Reward System you must fill your Html Patch.
#e.g. VoteHtmlPatch = http://l2.hopzone.net/lineage2/moreinfo/yourserver/65487.htm
# Html Patch for Your Vote Site
# Works with HopZone/HopZones/TopZone and other HopZone Like
ServerNameForVotes = L2ServerName

VoteHtmlPatch =

VoteReward1Count = 1000

VoteReward2Count = 1000

VoteReward1Id = 57

VoteReward2Id = 57

VotesForReward = 5

#Max amount of reward items that you want to stop reward
#the player that have more than "MaxRewardCountForStack".
MaxRewardCountForStackItem1 = 2000000000

MaxRewardCountForStackItem2 = 2000000000

#DelayForNextReward in seconds
DelayForNextReward = 600

# Allows user to use .online Command
# Displays The Number of The Players That are Currently Online.
# Default : False
OnlinePLayers = True

#        Custom Start Title        =
# Set this option to true to enable custom titles on new chars.

CharTitle = True

CharAddTitle = *L][Desciples*

# AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK
AltFlagedPlayerCanUseGK = True

# Olympiad allow matches from same ip
AltOlySameIp = True

# Set true for custom spawn location.
CustomSpawn = True

SpawnX = -86415

SpawnY = 135489

SpawnZ = -3133


# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Costum PVP/PK settings
# -------------------------------------------------------------
# Costum pvp/pk message
# after pvp: "Good fight,enemy pwned:)"
# after pk: "Nice kill!You are so dangerous!"
AllowCostumPvPMessage = True

# Pvp reward system
AllowPvpRewardSystem = True

# Pvp reward itemId
PvpRewardItem = 5570

# Pvp reward amount
PvpRewardAmount = 20

# Pk reward system
AllowPkRewardSystem = False

# Pk reward itemId
PkRewardItem = 57

# Pk reward amount
PkRewardAmount = 1

# Allow the default PK system(+1 pk,+karma)
UseDefaultSystem = True

# Allow costum pk system (pvp point for pk,no karma)
# UseDefaultSystem need to be False!
UseCostumSystem = False

# Allow custom starting lvl default:false
AllowCustomStartLvl = True

#Custom Start lvl for 85 lvl and 100% put 86
CustomStartLvl = 20

# ---------------------------------------------- #
# Hero Status (until restart) for kills System
# ---------------------------------------------- #
# Enabled Hero status for kills? (Default: False)
HeroStatusForKills = False

# Kills (PvP+PK) for Hero Status (Default: 20)
HeroStatusForKillsCount = 20

# Death for removed Hero Status (Default: 2)
DeleteHeroStatusDeathCount = 2

# Classes balance
# Note:
# Class: Too long...
# Damage: Current damage emperor to 2
# ClassID 90 = Phoenix Knight
ClassID = 90

WeaponType = DAGGER

Damage = 2

#Author TheEnd
NameColorSystem = False

NameColor = 808080

# This is the amount of goldbars that a new character starts their character with.
# Default: 0
StartingGBCount = 0

# This is the id of goldbars
# Default : 3470
StartingGBId = 3470

#Exp and SP Award System By Cobra
# 0 Is by Default!
AddExpAtPvp = 0

AddSpAtPvp = 0

# PK protection
# Disables attacking char if the attacker's lvl minus victim's lvl is over
# specified difference and the target is not flagged. For example, if you want
# to disable PK'ing chars that are more than 20 lvls below attacker's lvl, set
# the value to 20. Setting the value to 0 disables the feature.
DisableAttackIfLvlDifferenceOver = 0

# If player has more than specified number of PKs in the monitored period,
# he/she is automatically punished. If set to zero, this feature is disabled.
PunishPKPlayerIfPKsOver = 0

# For what period (in seconds) the PKs should be monitored
PKMonitorPeriod = 3600

# Punisment type:
#  jail - char will be jailed
PKPunishmentType = jail

# Punishment length (in seconds)
# If punishment type is jail then the punishment period should be divisable by
# 60 as jail punishment is counted in minutes
PKPunishmentPeriod = 3600

EnableAutoVoteEngine = False

AutoVoteEngineSaveLoad = True

Some shots of the npcs :)


For a Better look Check this - http://imgur.com/BCHa4vN

[move]Some of the codes that I added, more are in the pack !

You can either have with the npcs or just a clean one with the custom configs and the reworked skills that I made.

Here are some of the skills that I reworked:

Chance of Bluff In PvP- Decreased initial turning rate, however increased the stunning success rate.

Cancellation (PvP skill/ Non PvP)- Decreased initial landing rate

Added 2% more reuse on all mages skills.

Decreased Tanks initial Damage by 2%

Decay/Fear/Titans stuns= Decreased landing rate by 5%

Switch/Trick/Blinding blow- Increased landing Rate by 2%

As I said before this pack is perfect for PvP/mid servers, I wouldn't recommend it for Low servers, however with some extra work it would be suitable for a low server aswell.

Pack + Source + Geodata + Pathnode - 25 Euros

Edited by ExtreameR

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