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As the topic title says:


I WTS Asterios.tm source files, they are based on L2Phoenix engine.

Date of creation: Year 2012

Or i want to trade them for some things i need.

PM me for more details.


Price: 60 Euros or pm me for offers.


I will  trade using a middleman (Lain for example), whom both Buyer and Seller will agree before the transaction.

This is because i need to create a trusted seller/buyer reputation.


I welcome every Global/Gaming/L2 Section Moderator to check via teamviewer  the authenticity of my files.


Proofs of source files:





For any question or offer pm me here.


Have fun.




If you will say one more time 'UP' i will post a link, it's shared files, so stop selling already shared files.


Please do if you actually have them.

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