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As a personal experiment I have decided to sign up to Probux with an initial investment of $20. The aim of this experiment is to determine how profitable PTC sites are as well as to earn some stable $$$ for myself. I understand PTC sites aren't meant for big earnings but a few dollars for a few minutes of work is quite a good reward for the time spent. In saying this, I am also aware that many users on this forum have troubles earning even $5 per day so hopefully this thread will be able to give them some motivation and some guidance to earn some online money.


As the thread title suggests, I will be re-investing EVERY SINGLE CENT that I receive into renting more referrals so that my earnings can continually grow.


Please note: I will be relying on the earnings of my reffs rather than my own clicks and I will only be clicking the minimum of 4 clicks daily in order to receive the earnings from my reffs.


For those of you PTC experts, please feel free to give me some tips or guidance as well, seeing as though I haven't done PTC myself in ages


If anyone want to help me with my earnings and want to make his journey too please join to probux from THIS LINK

and pm me with ur username.. i will send u an ebook with many methods on how to be Successful on ProBux




I will need to wait 7 days before I can make my initial investment of $20




7 days are up and I just purchased 100 reffs, party has officially started :)


Main balance: $0.2310





recycled 20 Referrals earlier today as they didnt click for 4 days straight.








My RR clicks seem to be increasing day by day, I'm quite amazed by the results that I am achieving. I recycled 7 of my referrals who haven't clicked for the past 4 days so hopefully that boosts my earnings as well :)



Here's the graph showing my referral clicks for the past few days:




Not much has happened today, only earned 30 cents but keep in mind I have auto pay on :)





No image.

AVG: 1.99




218 clicks today, purchased an additional 10 RR seeing as though I had some money in the account



No Image.

Rented Referrals: 110

Clicks: 254



Btw my autopay value :





clicks: 222



referral clicks for the past few days



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