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interlude [L2J]L2TNA


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FORUM: www.l2tna.com/forum

Today , 18 July 2013 a new server is starting to be developed.

L2TNA team has experienced developers (c++/java/jscript/mysql/html) who will work together to build best interlude server that can be done.

All news about server/hosting machine and our team will be posted here or in website.

Our website is curently under construction , same we say about the forum.

Here on Maxcheaters.com is very first time that we talk about our project , so for a time this thread will be our communication channel , please feel free to give any opinion or suggestions , things that you think that aren't fit for an MASS-PVP based server , without custom items!

About PROTECTION and HOSTING MACHINE money , no need to worry we already have our funds saved for an LINUX OS dedicated server and decent DDOS PROTECTION.

(If you have any ideas/suggests post here.)


About server basic exp/sp/adena and other informations:


[basic Rates]

x1000 XP

x2000 SP

x4 Adena

x1 Spoil

x1 Quest

x1 Drop


[Enchanting Rates]

Safe enchant will be set to +10 , scrolls will be bought with Adena & Ancient Adena.

Maximum enchant will not be higher than +16 (we didin't decided yet but +12 seems good)

Crystal scrolls rate -> 33%

Normal scrolls rate -> 66%

Blessed scrolls rate -> 100%


[Lifestone & Augmentation)

Top-Grade Life Stone -> it will drop(low chance) only at Epic/Custom Raid Bosses and will have a chance of 80%.

Life Stone -> can be bought with Adena & Ancient Adena , chance 4%.


[Noblesse / Olympiad]

In main town , will be spawned an noblesse trader NPC , you will need to kill Antharas in order to receive Antharas Crown and to have a sub-class 70+ level.

Olympiad will start every day at 18:00 and ends at 22:00.

New heroes will be formed weekly or every 2 weeks.


[Main Town & Custom Areas]

Main Town will be set as Elven Village , there all characters will start and all NPCs will be spawned.

Fobbriden Gateway will be a place where players will get Adena & Ancient Adena.

Ruins Of Agony will be another place where players will get Adena & Ancient Adena.

Two Custom Bosses will be created soon.


[Epic Bosses & Respawning]

RaidBoss informations about respawning will be available in-game.

-Valakas 4+1

-Antharas 4+1

-Baium 3+1

-Core 3+1

-Queen Ant 3+1

-Orfen 3+1

-Frintezza 3+1


[shop/Buffer & Gatekeeper]

Maximum buffs slots will be 26+4 ( we still thinking)

Scheme Buffer / Automatic Buffer will be available for free at same NPC.

Armor Shop including S-grade will be spawned in Main Town.

Misc Shop including Enchanting Scrolls,Mana Pots,Recovery and others will be spawned in Main Town.

Weapons Shop including S-grade without SA will be spawned in Main Town.

SA Manager will be spawned in main town , you will need an S-grade weapon , Adena & Ancient Adena.


[Donations/Vote Rewards/Events]

Donations will be available , all of money will be dedicated to server (Protection,Hosting,Ads,Desing)

Players will receive in-game currency for the contribution and with that item can be bought Accesories and others.

Donators will not have any item that can't be made in-game by any random player.

Vote Rewards will be available , with that rewards players can buy Blessed Scrolls/Epic Jew or Accesories.

Most of events will be hosted by GMs but we have also Automatic Engine for TVT/CTF.



Clan level-up requirements will be changed , because we can't afford as many players as official server , so:

Level 6 -> 10 Members.

Level 7 -> 25 Members.

Level 8 -> 40 Members.

Clan reputation item will be droped by Raid Bosses.

Items needed for clan-skills will be dropped by Raid Bosses.










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Naming it tna is a really bad move. Also, the moto is then, now, forever.


Good luck.

the motto = name , it describes that server will be an long term project and also is easy to memorate  >:D

if we reach +5 opinions like that about the name i will start considering changing it :)


thank you

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Until we wait for DNS propagation , here you have an temporary forum addres http://l2tna.freeforums.net/. WWW.L2TNA.COM/forum [edit]

There you can check our very first events , talk with us and post your clan or look for one !


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Datapack status:


-Almost all NPCs complete 90% !

-Almost all skills checked , repaired if needed or edited to maintain balance for +12 maximum enchant !

-Custom Areas created !

-Spawned all NPCs in Elven Village


Patch status:


-Edited S-GRADE weapons glow effect !

-Added custom images in systextures (FOR NPCs)

-Edited system messages


Server status:


-Linux Debian 6.0

-16 GB RAM

-Intel i7 processor

-1GB/s internet connection

-1 TB hard-disk memory


Protection status:


-IPtables DDOS Protection mitigate system

-We are thinking to buy a protection from hyperfilter those days , we will check more companies for more informations to get best deal !



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Datapack updates:


-Party Zone (Elven Fortess) (Bigger Drop)

-Added .online voice command

-Checked and edited class balance

-Added PK Guards in Ruins Of Agony (Ancient Adena & Adena spot)


Beta Period starts on 25 but we still have alot of work , so there might be a delay till 27.

After Beta Period -> Wipe & Start server to function 24/24.

We still wait an good offer for DDOS protection , don't wanna spend that much money on fake protections.



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Thank you our forum is ready WWW.L2TNA.COM/forum


You can check there News,Change Logs talk about check for Clans or make a Suggestion , talk about everything you want register and stay tunned !

The official start can be delayed , we want first to buy some banners !

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