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high five [L2J]L2World Of Ages


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I seriously dont know why you put that sarcasm with the developing thing since you dont have any idea about lineage2, daggers hitting 15k on 5k p def, boosting mages with percentage cuz "formulas are pretty fine", geodata which returns you to the spot you were 3 seconds ago just by running, totally custom debuff land rate/resist rate and most of all- ignorant server staff who dig info about the game from some java database from the middle east, "fixing" stuff like they want instead of how it should be. After all its just another peace of java garbage. I wish you to keep your server online more time, because more time you keep the server, more and more you embarrass yourself


I could not ressit to answer on this ..


Huh, first lets start with your understanding about l2, mine ... its (none as you say), maybe you should return to c4/c6 there everything is based on pdef/patack :)

Which mage dmg was boosted ? (yes you dont have idea) ... :P

One small secret sorcer/necro + ol dmg was boosted coz compared with SH, they do too low dmg, and woa its mid-pvp, why ppl to make sorcer/necro when SH doing most dmg and have almost same usage on pvp...? (p.s. the boost is around 5-10%, can you count how much more dmg they have ? :P)

Anyway the boost was done with the idea, to have more necro/sorcer at pvp, coz they are pretty good classes just most ppl want to use dmg not tactic in pvp.


About formula, did you ever saw formula in your life, to speak about "broken formula".

We have made tons of tests so buffs/fast economy compensate the calculation of thing so they can be balance on pvp/olympiad.

Not everything made to work on retail can work on mid-pvp server, thats why we made changes.


New geodata? :P do you make difference between geodata and geoengine ? :D (oh i forgot you are developer so wont explain you).


Land rate of debuffs its pretty ok compared with the tons of modification as buffs/jewels/sets and etc making .... i wont say perfect coz it have many variables...


We dont use l2jdb :D and i can say 99% doing that :P (it have few real offi calcuators with correct data but i will not tell them :P)



When you start talking with facts and evidence, then we can argue, till then tnxbbhf :P


I dont feel embarrassed in any way coz when i do something i prove it.

What about you ? :P (now you can join pto developer team and go learn koreans how to make l2)


Best Regards l0l3d.

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I could not ressit to answer on this ..


Huh, first lets start with your understanding about l2, mine ... its (none as you say), maybe you should return to c4/c6 there everything is based on pdef/patack :)

Which mage dmg was boosted ? (yes you dont have idea) ... :P

One small secret sorcer/necro + ol dmg was boosted coz compared with SH, they do too low dmg, and woa its mid-pvp, why ppl to make sorcer/necro when SH doing most dmg and have almost same usage on pvp...? (p.s. the boost is around 5-10%, can you count how much more dmg they have ? :P)

Anyway the boost was done with the idea, to have more necro/sorcer at pvp, coz they are pretty good classes just most ppl want to use dmg not tactic in pvp.


About formula, did you ever saw formula in your life, to speak about "broken formula".

We have made tons of tests so buffs/fast economy compensate the calculation of thing so they can be balance on pvp/olympiad.

Not everything made to work on retail can work on mid-pvp server, thats why we made changes.


New geodata? :P do you make difference between geodata and geoengine ? :D (oh i forgot you are developer so wont explain you).


Land rate of debuffs its pretty ok compared with the tons of modification as buffs/jewels/sets and etc making .... i wont say perfect coz it have many variables...


We dont use l2jdb :D and i can say 99% doing that :P (it have few real offi calcuators with correct data but i will not tell them :P)



When you start talking with facts and evidence, then we can argue, till then tnxbbhf :P


I dont feel embarrassed in any way coz when i do something i prove it.

What about you ? :P (now you can join pto developer team and go learn koreans how to make l2)


Best Regards l0l3d.

just like i said in my previous post- ignorant and delusional server staff, inappropriate customizations and what is that pto? as u can see im not the only one who thinks that your server is simply disgrace for lineage2 as a game, im finished here

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Test center of bugs and exploits, we da best our antharas/valakas raids dont even move or attack, you can kill it with 5 ppl ! best AI ever! we offer tons of exploits/bugs corrupt gms selling epics for 5 euro on MXC. our top fake online shows 2.2k online while there are 10 ppl in DV. Our top developer l0l3d is braindamaged and develops his own lineage 2 for you!


join now, and expierience the most bugged shity server in lineage 2 history.

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Test center of bugs and exploits, we da best our antharas/valakas raids dont even move or attack, you can kill it with 5 ppl ! best AI ever! we offer tons of exploits/bugs corrupt gms selling epics for 5 euro on MXC. our top fake online shows 2.2k online while there are 10 ppl in DV. Our top developer l0l3d is braindamaged and develops his own lineage 2 for you!


join now, and expierience the most bugged shity server in lineage 2 history.

EPIC DRAMA.I guess you know that there isn't perfect server.At least here gm's are trying to do anything for their server,not like l2tales - > 50 bug reports remain unfixed and without any answer,while post "how i can donate" get answer in 20 min after his creation.SO don't complain.Is your server better?Oh sorry i didn't found your server anywhere :( :( .I guess you sit all day front of the computer,judging other servers without a clue whats really going on.

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EPIC DRAMA.I guess you know that there isn't perfect server.At least here gm's are trying to do anything for their server,not like l2tales - > 50 bug reports remain unfixed and without any answer,while post "how i can donate" get answer in 20 min after his creation.SO don't complain.Is your server better?Oh sorry i didn't found your server anywhere :( :( .I guess you sit all day front of the computer,judging other servers without a clue whats really going on.


yes, selling  secret OP items for a few euros on maxcheaters with fake name :D

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Prove or empty talks?


I proved it here X days ago


Ok, so there are the proofs and true about this server    :


1) At first you should know about their donations  -    WE HAVE NOT OPENED DONATIONS!!!!  :lied:






first day after start, donation: full level main, subs , more things in 1-2 days he said.




2) At second you should know about this guys Mochuelo :  http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279188.0


  He was selling items on worldofages, veeeeery cheap. Me and my friend would buy from him EVERYTHING for veeery cheap price.  For example we had 60 bilions adena ( We could buy whole giran ) and here you can see only MINE equip:




I know whole time that He is for sure GM or hacker, so I was buying a lot of items/adena and selling them to other players for moore higher price, because he was too cheap  :troll:  :happyforever: .  Then some players started to speculate about me and my friend:



whaaaaat, secret donation ???  Where he got AQ :D,  we were killing all AQs, its not possible!! :D


3) He is dumbass, he was selling a lot of adena, and I could buy everything from it and sell it for money  - for example I bought 4kkk adena for 3€ and in game bought for the adena mid s84 skull edge, did dual daggers and sold it for 18 €  :troll:


Then there were a lot of people flaming about me, and I communicated with kam3ran.  Here you can see our communication + proofs that its true :


      a) http://imageshack.us/f/822/gb05.png/

      b) http://imageshack.us/f/826/5dus.png/

      c) http://imageshack.us/f/203/957g.png/


4)  Communication with l0l3d and proof that I am telling to you true. It was really GM -  Mochuelo (his nick here on mxc):


    a) http://imageshack.us/f/10/iqp.png/

    b) http://imageshack.us/f/405/j0c4.png/

    c) http://imageshack.us/f/62/cmdm.png/

    d) http://imageshack.us/f/837/00wn.png/

    e) http://imageshack.us/f/197/40db.png/

    f)  http://imageshack.us/f/560/8ayj.png/




:troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll: :troll:


he is saying that he traced all the items, but its impossible ;D and I know about people playing with my old eq,  and next thing, they have nice backdoors/exploit on their files,  one guy have acces to db and one of gm. He posted screens, sold items, and I saw it on my eyes via teamviewer.

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When someone is hacking the server and sell items,this doesn't mean that the server is corrupted,simply hacked :P

But yes you win 1 point for that mochuelo guy

But still this is rage flame

"I will change name,class,nobody will know about me" :D :D,you are begging to play here,but something went wrong and you rage flame?

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Ok, so there are the proofs and true about this server    :


1) At first you should know about their donations  -    WE HAVE NOT OPENED DONATIONS!!!!  :lied:


world of ages 




first day after start, donation: full level main, subs , more things in 1-2 days he said.




2) At second you should know about this guys Mochuelo :  http://maxcheaters.com/forum/index.php?topic=279188.0


  He was selling items on worldofages, veeeeery cheap. Me and my friend would buy from him EVERYTHING for veeery cheap price.  For example we had 60 bilions adena ( We could buy whole giran ) and here you can see only MINE equip:




I know whole time that He is for sure GM or hacker, so I was buying a lot of items/adena and selling them to other players for moore higher price, because he was too cheap  :troll:  :happyforever: .  Then some players started to speculate about me and my friend:



whaaaaat, secret donation ???  Where he got AQ :D,  we were killing all AQs, its not possible!! :D


3) He is dumbass, he was selling a lot of adena, and I could buy everything from it and sell it for money  - for example I bought 4kkk adena for 3€ and in game bought for the adena mid s84 skull edge, did dual daggers and sold it for 18 €  :troll:


Then there were a lot of people flaming about me, and I communicated with kam3ran.  Here you can see our communication + proofs that its true :


      a) http://imageshack.us/f/822/gb05.png/

      b) http://imageshack.us/f/826/5dus.png/

      c) http://imageshack.us/f/203/957g.png/


4)  Communication with l0l3d and proof that I am telling to you true. It was really GM -  Mochuelo (his nick here on mxc):


    a) http://imageshack.us/f/10/iqp.png/

    b) http://imageshack.us/f/405/j0c4.png/

    c) http://imageshack.us/f/62/cmdm.png/

    d) http://imageshack.us/f/837/00wn.png/

    e) http://imageshack.us/f/197/40db.png/

    f)  http://imageshack.us/f/560/8ayj.png/


Actuality it had levelup on 3rd or 4nd day i dont remmeber, and i was verry upset coz kam3 allowed it, we had serious talk and none donation was accepted till the opening of donation list. (oh yes level 85 ruined the economy).


No matter how much you trust to someone, he is human and he can backstab you... like that real life works. I will not explain in details but think what you want.

(you are some kind of secret agent who know everyinfo from the inner circle of woa team ? )


When was the "corruption" topic before time i have checked personal every aq into DB, and logs and all was legit... ok for your "corrupted" aq...


Backdoor ? okkkkkkkk.........

Hacked DB ? okkkkkkkkkkk............

(man do you even know how stupid you look with such posts?)....

If hacking was so easy....

Who put the backdoor when only dev team have access to it ......


Lets not speak about how many protections ingame it have ....


Hope you to stop with this "corruption" and enjoy the game, not only troll around the community and make players to quit one great game as l2.


When you have evidence about something wrong, post it at our forum so we can take every possible action.

Not spaming around "OMG PANIC SUX SERVER OMG OMG"....


Best Regards l0l3d.

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go back to school l0l3d and learn some math you pathetic cunt


best regards


ur moma


Hello pto,

how is at korean servers, do you teach the developers how to math and develop a game ?


You wanted to be famous, now you are https://www.worldofages.org/forum/index.php?/topic/3892-dagger-dmg/page-2&do=findComment&comment=28349


Best retard for 2013, good job! :)


p.s. i would accept the advice for math from everyone but from you... :(

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Hello pto,

how is at korean servers, do you teach the developers how to math and develop a game ?


You wanted to be famous, now you are https://www.worldofages.org/forum/index.php?/topic/3892-dagger-dmg/page-2&do=findComment&comment=28349


Best retard for 2013, good job! :)


p.s. i would accept the advice for math from everyone but from you... :(

Some random copy paste java dev trying to flame the almighty pto huhuuuu ;D

nigga plz, ur too low to touch me. first learn how to code, and not only use copy paste :D

at ur shit server wr was doing 1.3k dmg while gh was doing 3.8k and ur still trying to prove anyone that ur right ;D



GET A BRAIN NIGGA PLZ  :dat: :not bad:

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Actuality it had levelup on 3rd or 4nd day i dont remmeber, and i was verry upset coz kam3 allowed it, we had serious talk and none donation was accepted till the opening of donation list. (oh yes level 85 ruined the economy).

no, it didnt ruin the economy, but 60kkk from gm mochuelo did :D I was buying bullshi.ts in giran



It was second day, you can see date of the day on the video :D nevermind, and I could get mooore things next day ;p


No matter how much you trust to someone, he is human and he can backstab you... like that real life works. I will not explain in details but think what you want.

(you are some kind of secret agent who know everyinfo from the inner circle of woa team ? )


:troll: yes


When was the "corruption" topic before time i have checked personal every aq into DB, and logs and all was legit... ok for your "corrupted" aq...


yep, GM mochuelo killed AQ and then sold it to me :(

He spawned it like other jewels^^ and next thing: I sold it to other player and he sold it to other. And the guy is still playing with our spawned equip and I know it on 100% !  :good sir:    It is not only AQ  :gtfo:



Backdoor ? okkkkkkkk.........

Hacked DB ? okkkkkkkkkkk............

(man do you even know how stupid you look with such posts?)....

If hacking was so easy....

Who put the backdoor when only dev team have access to it ......


Lets not speak about how many protections ingame it have ....


Thats your problem, not my. But you can be sure that the guy had (i dont know if now) to your database and to GM nik.


Hope you to stop with this "corruption" and enjoy the game, not only troll around the community and make players to quit one great game as l2.


I dont play l2 anymore, I posted this only because some guy told to me that I am talking without proofs.


When you have evidence about something wrong, post it at our forum so we can take every possible action.

Not spaming around "OMG PANIC SUX SERVER OMG OMG"....


nice bro, you forgot that you gave to me ban when I posted screens of  logged gm nik ?  :troll:




Best Regards l0l3d.


and why are u here writing as "kameran"  :LOL:

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