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[Collection] Stinkymadness [[ Last Update: 3-7-2013 ]]

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Welcome to my Collection. I will upload here my NpC and other things. I hope help some guys.

Lets see my NpC


1) GM Shop (for Interlude)




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Password: stinkymadness


2) Buffer (for Interlude)




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Password: stinkymadness





3) BlackSmith (for Interlude)





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Password: stinkymadness


4) WareHouse (for Interlude)





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Password: stinkymadness



5) SkillEnchanter (for Interlude)





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Password: stinkymadness


6) Gatekeeper (for interlude)





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Password: stinkymadness

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Augmenter is by Cronia.. you made mistake

btw this icons in gm shop's buttons isnt S Grade armor... lol

this armor/weapons icons is A Grade..


1) I just use new Icons... and i make HTML man... and you ask me about A grade icon on button... if you want you can change it with clear button...

<button " Armor " ....bla bla "sm_icon.buttonon / sm_icon.buttonoff" >


2) Augmenter is by Cronia..? Agumenter is from l2jFrozen Cronia make just one HTML only... i make new SQL and new HTML.

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I just use new Icons... and i make HTML man... and you ask me about A grade icon on button... if you want you can change it with clear button...

<button " Armor " ....bla bla "sm_icon.buttonon / sm_icon.buttonoff" >

I love to design html's so i do not using ready npc's.. just inform you , to make your share better.. but np.

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