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[Report] Karma Abuse


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tryhard mode though, without a clue




well i dont need to understand greek to read karma descriptions and see that your karma got restored only because of you tried to be a pain in the ass in the spam section :D



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lol every single staffer hates xdem so again get your facts together before posting please :D


Also you are an asslicker scum simply because the moment i reopened this topic and said that the overruling of cobras dekarma may be invalid because it doesnt matter where we give the dekarma, you instantly ignored the topic and went on attacking me so you can get some good points with xdem so please if you want to go into bed with the guy just tell that to him in pm but dont make a fool out of yourself

I answering cuz it was closed mby? :/

xDem attitude is the best but atleast he got the brain to understand it and sometimes to accept it.

I didnt atk you.When someone said that karma on spam sections are illegal,that means that you cant dekarma either.

I dont have something against you,but pls stop acting pathetic cuz you are xdem's hater.

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well i dont need to understand greek to read karma descriptions and see that your karma got restored only because of you tried to be a pain in the ass in the spam section :D




You don't even understand a single word in that topic still you wanna be the superduper mod.





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I answering cuz it was closed mby? :/

xDem attitude is the best but atleast he got the brain to understand it and sometimes to accept it.

I didnt atk you.When someone said that karma on spam sections are illegal,that means that you cant dekarma either.

I dont have something against you,but pls stop acting pathetic cuz you are xdem's hater.


and you should stop acting like a retard, i alredy freekin told you Maxtor(aka the owner of the forum fyi you moron) stated that you CAN give -1 anywhere and that includes the spam section too. So nobody abuses karma if someone gets dekarmaed in spam section, got it mr smartass?


You don't even understand a single word in that topic still you wanna be the superduper mod.






Shut up useless pixel hunter, i just told a rule to cobra/fighterboss so they can fix your karma back to -1 again(because i know for a fact that cobra never abused anything and only give +1 or -1 if its really well deserved). But i can see now why you get -1 in the 1st place, tipical piece of shit netfighter :)

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Look how upset you are.. Talking about xdem's attitude like yours isnt that better at all.




Be serious

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lol every single staffer hates xdem so again get your facts together before posting please :D


Also you are an asslicker scum simply because the moment i reopened this topic and said that the overruling of cobras dekarma may be invalid because it doesnt matter where we give the dekarma, you instantly ignored the topic and went on attacking me so you can get some good points with xdem so please if you want to go into bed with the guy just tell that to him in pm but dont make a fool out of yourself

are you serious?

you are here to give dekarma if someone flame and you flame like a god flamer?

check what you say..

Mathew speak nice to you and you just flame and flame all the time as the most of staffs here and then you give dekarma if someone flame?

If flame is dekarma then you must had -1 only from this post!i will not speak for other posts!


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are you serious?

you are here to give dekarma if someone flame and you flame like a god flamer?

check what you say..

Mathew speak nice to you and you just flame and flame all the time as the most of staffs here and then you give dekarma if someone flame?

If flame is dekarma then you must had -1 only from this post!i will not speak for other posts!



Well i guess i just ignore you guys...seriously think before you speak. Also please tell me than how come i never ever had a dekarma for flaming? See i back up what i say matthew or whatever hes name is, just an xdem fanboy who wants to fight because hes feeling better now. I stated a simple rule in this topic and reopened the case because even if you flame in spam topic it can result in dekarma theres no rule that says "you cant be dekarmed in spam section" so the report for that reason can be invalid and the karma fix can be invalid also. Matthew cant stand the fact that someone is actually do something by the rules. In hes mind rules = shut up and let everyone flame the living daylight of you so they can feel bigger kids.


Sorry but for me everyone with the attitude of that is useless. And im still not flaming, but telling the same thing over and over without him beeing able to understand it.

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Now im xdem's fanboy? Dude you are so pathetic seriously.

If you know greek or just translate my quotn to Nikoloudos you would have seen that im against flame,but since there is not a rule there ,is not a abuse either.


Since its a spam section and everyone troll there ,and staffs said that you cant give karma even for some contest there,there is no reason for dekarma also.


Also if you want to punish someone on a dead forum cuz he is not following the rule,feel free to dekarma all the forum.


Edit:grammar mistakes

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Well i guess i just ignore you guys...seriously think before you speak. Also please tell me than how come i never ever had a dekarma for flaming? See i back up what i say matthew or whatever hes name is, just an xdem fanboy who wants to fight because hes feeling better now. I stated a simple rule in this topic and reopened the case because even if you flame in spam topic it can result in dekarma theres no rule that says "you cant be dekarmed in spam section" so the report for that reason can be invalid and the karma fix can be invalid also. Matthew cant stand the fact that someone is actually do something by the rules. In hes mind rules = shut up and let everyone flame the living daylight of you so they can feel bigger kids.


Sorry but for me everyone with the attitude of that is useless. And im still not flaming, but telling the same thing over and over without him beeing able to understand it.

You wasn't staff so simple :)

@topic now!

i didn't say anything about xdem to you i just say that you speak here for flame and you flame almost on your all posts on this topic..

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You wasn't staff so simple :)

@topic now!

i didn't say anything about xdem to you i just say that you speak here for flame and you flame almost on your all posts on this topic..


I ofc do because its annoying when i state a simple rule and someone attacks me in a way that he does it only to get good points with xdem. I get pissedd off when someone dont understand something so simple, theres no rule that says you cant dekarma on spam section, people just assume you cant because its spam anyway(ofc your not going to get a dekarma for spamming in spam section that would be stupid :D ), but you can get dekarmed for flaming anywhere on the forum which includes the spam section too. Also its pissing me off when someone open a topic with someones name as title with the intwention to flame that person and than when gets dekarmed starts a report topic and starts to fight for that pixel.


So yes for that i always going to say whats on my mind with 0 filter because its annoying.

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I ofc do because its annoying when i state a simple rule and someone attacks me in a way that he does it only to get good points with xdem. I get pissedd off when someone dont understand something so simple, theres no rule that says you cant dekarma on spam section, people just assume you cant because its spam anyway(ofc your not going to get a dekarma for spamming in spam section that would be stupid :D ), but you can get dekarmed for flaming anywhere on the forum which includes the spam section too. Also its pissing me off when someone open a topic with someones name as title with the intwention to flame that person and than when gets dekarmed starts a report topic and starts to fight for that pixel.


So yes for that i always going to say whats on my mind with 0 filter because its annoying.

mate you forget something :)

i don't say that is or isn't right move to give dekarma on xDem i see why you give him dekarma and i totally agree with you but the thing is that if you flame too you can speak for anyone else..i say this for you i don't speak for xdem!

i just say that if you flame and you will not take dekarma if i flame and i take dekarma i will start "crying" on every post on this and this is why those things starts..


P.S. sorry if you don't understand what i say my english level is low :/

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mate you forget something :)

i don't say that is or isn't right move to give dekarma on xDem i see why you give him dekarma and i totally agree with you but the thing is that if you flame too you can speak for anyone else..i say this for you i don't speak for xdem!

i just say that if you flame and you will not take dekarma if i flame and i take dekarma i will start "crying" on every post on this and this is why those things starts..


P.S. sorry if you don't understand what i say my english level is low :/


anyone is free to dekarma me i dont really care its just a pixel nothing more but to stay ontopic anyway i close it again so fighterboss and cobra can read it and fix the karma or not.

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To topic ksekinise sta ellhnika.... meta ksekinate ta dika sas pou den me endiaferoun. PARAKALW ENAS G.MOD NA TA DIAGRAPSH OLLA OSA EINAI OFF TOPIC.


Ο Gmod(Zake) του φόρουμ είχε αναφέρει πως επιτρέπεται το flame στα spam topics -με το οποίο διαφωνώ- οπότε το -karma δεν ισχύει,fixed και θα το έκανα lock αν κάποιος μου έστελνε σε pm ότι είχε προσβληθεί, διότι είχαν αρχίσει πολύ νωρίτερα τα flame/insults από άλλους.


Και σταματήστε να στρέφεστε στο προσωπικό επίπεδο καθενός.


Den me endiaferh file pios g.mod to eipe. dld epidh einai spam topic mporo na sou vrisw olli tin oikogenia? Den steki ayto opios g.mod kai an to eipe apla xani ston engefalo aytos pou to eipe.


Preph na yparxh SEVASMOS ston omilith mpenete olli staffers kai users Pios nomizh oti eiste isoi? Ktaraxhn ayto einai lathos tou Maxtor pou sas afinh kai kanetai oti thelete... digma asevias kai apla nta3 ena psofio forum einai siga... Ayto einai ena apo ta lathh.


Den exw milish ston Maxtor apo ta liga pou exw dei...


Kai opiws pei "ela more o ksexasmenos twra tha mas tin leei" Poly apla den asxoloume me ayta ta atoma-pitsirika pou akoma einai sto gala. ayto


Den thelw na mou pantish kaneis peri tayta. Mono o thigomenos i kapios staff.



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