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Playing LoL has finally become dull?


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In a nutshell, my account was stolen(for which I gave 600 dollars+) and now I've decided to search for help here since the Riot support is flawless. If possible, please send me your account if you are quitting league of legends :D

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How exactly you got your account stolen?


If you gaveaway your password and your email, well, it is your fault, and it isn't even considered stole.


If not, you can take it back using your email.

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I'm not that dumb to give my information away :D. My account got hacked as well as my e-mail and there was nothing I could do about it. The scammer had somehow hacked into my PC. Riot actually believes it's his account :D. God that sucks....

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  • 1 month later...

the account is yours if you say so and riot can see where and where it was created.

so make them search for the ip that it was created.

i guess that's the only way and if you kept any code from the money you've added in there.

that's all they can do since they don't offer security questions and advanced account security.



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