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[L2J]L2 Realm


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Welcome To Lineage II Realm




The Grand Opening will be the 21.06.13 at 16:00 GMT+2







General Information




-50x Experience , 50x Skill Points , 50x Adena , 30x Drop Item, 30x Drop Spoil , 30x Drop RaidBoss , 10x Drop Quest , 10x Quest Reward , 10x Manor.

-Safe enchant +4 , Max enchant +16.

-Enchant rate with normal enchant scroll 66% , 66% with blessed enchant scroll.

-Server based in the pvp.

-There aren't custom items.

-New heroes every Two weeks.

-You haven't to make quests , automaticaly class changer.

-No exclusively donated items (You can get everything donable item in game)




Unique Features



-Not powered donations , 1 donator = 1 normal player.

-PVP system similar to retail. Class balance is almost complete.

-Fully operational skills.

-Olympiad without any powered class there.

-Well developed custom events, team vs team , capture the flag!

-Custom GMSHOP (Up to TOP S grade)/Buffer

-Custom Buffer (All Buffs you need)

-Custom Npc Password Changer.

-Custom Npc PvP/Pk/Clan Rank List .

-0 Weight for items/armors/weapons!

-Top No-Grade in start!

-All Skills AutoLearn!

-Auto server restart:Every day..!


Epic Bosses


-All epics bosses are re-worked for give to the players the best l2 experience possible.

-Antharas 4 Days Respawn (lv.85)

-Valakas 4 days Respawn (lv.85).

-Baium 3 Days Respawn (lv.85).

-Beleth 1 Day Respawn (lv.85).


Dedicate Host


-Intel® Core™ i7-920 Quad-Core,4 physical kernels,4 virtual (hyper-threading)- 2 x 750 GB HDD SATA2 (software RAID1) - 24 GB DDR3.





Custom Commands


- .control

- .online

- .whoiam

- .petition





Server Protection



- Anti-Bot System.You can't join with programs like L2Net , L2Walker.

- Anti-Cheat System. You can't join with l2phx , l2haplex .

- DDOS Protection System. High security versus attacks.





WEBSITE http://www.l2realm.com/

Forum http://l2realm.com/forum/

Facebook https://www.facebook.com/L2Realm

(Is not a my server i find it on facebook and i think that server deserve a try

i don't know server on what is based so i writed private)

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website looks nice ;) the rates are nice too ;)



and as i see already 3clans decided to play :P thats fast :P

well is smth difference that every x20, so i might try

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i am ready for my 671585407981586 th grand opening of my miserable l2 career.

My life has purpose now...

maybe this server works out and i don't ragequit at 2 weeks...

kidding...not even gonna join...





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i am ready for my 671585407981586 th grand opening of my miserable l2 career.

My life has purpose now...

maybe this server works out and i don't ragequit at 2 weeks...

kidding...not even gonna join...






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