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That should works on some l2j server.It's very simple and old but i dont saw topic like that one here


What u need?


-Weapon which u want enchant

-some enchants

-safe place(i mean without ppl)


-L2j server

-server lags(for example overloaded server) but lags from server not fom your low pc :)




Enchant weapon to safe enchant(for example +3) ---> catch packet with enchant and add to send

Drop weapon---> catch packet with drop weapon

  U must stay at this same place all time!


packets must looks like it


1.Weapon Enchanting packet

2.Weapon Droping packet (still this same weapon)


now open ur inventory,double click on enchant,chose weapon for enchant(weapon which ID is on packets)but dont click OK.If all is done u can open again L2phx and click SEND.


it's something like fake enchant-if ur weapon ll broke from ground u can pick up weapon +3,but if enchant was succesfully u ll pick up weapon +4




it's very simple.When server is lagging packets from u are little slower with connection with PC server so thats why it works.


Why when enchant is failed i dont drop crystals from weapon?Do you see crystals ID in packets ?No :) It's very fast action


ps.That was working on DarkSide when server was in beta :)


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