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interlude [L2J]L2KendaL


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Hello all guys!

New pvp server comming up at 03.06.2013! We are working very hard to be a enjoyable game and not a boring game!

If you want give a chance to join us!








- Exp: x5000

- SP: x5000

- Party Exp/SP: x1.5

- Drop: x10

- Adena x5000



- Safe: +5

- Maximum: B.Scrolls +18 C.Scrolls +20

- Normal scrolls: 70%

- Blessed Scrolls: 100%

- Crystal Scrolls: 60%



  Other Features:

- Hall System

- No Clan Penalty

- No Weight Penalty

- No Grade Penalty

- Sub-Class System [Maximum 5]

- All Class Balanced

- Castle Siege System

- Noblesse System

- PvP Color System

- PK Color System

- Hero System

- Duel System

- Augmentation System [1 Active + 1 Passive]

- All Nobless Skills

- All Hero Skills

- All Augmentation Skills

- Retail-Like Enchat Skills System

- Buffs Time 3 Hours

- C4/C5 Interlude Skills

- Interlude Skills 99% Working

- Unstuck Command 15 Seconds

- Protection Spawn 7 Seconds


  Custom Events:


- TvT Event

- CTF Event

- DM Event

- Events every 2 hours


    Custom Commands:


- .Repair

- .Online



    Server Machine:

- OS : Windows 2012 R2 Server Standard 64bits

- CPU > Intel® Core i7-3930K CPU @ 3.20GHz 3.20GHZ

- RAM 16 GB

- HD : 1000 GB + 2x120 GB SSD

- Internet:100 Mbit/s / 1Gbit/s OnBoard

- Traffic : Unlimited





- DDoS Protection: On


Check out our preview video

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