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Some 1 help me.



1. ERROR in \PartyTeleporter.java <at line 74>

                For,L2Character character : zone.getCharactersInside<>.Values<>>


The method values<> is undefined for the tybe L2tintObjectHashMap<L2Character>


2. ERROR in \PartyTeleporter.java <at line 89>

                For,L2Character character : zone.getCharactersInside<>.Values<>>


The method values<> is undefined for the tybe L2tintObjectHashMap<L2Character>

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  [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:482: error: illegal start of expression

    [javac] public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()

    [javac] ^

    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:482: error: ';' expected

    [javac] public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()

    [javac]                                                         ^

    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:486: error: reached end of file while parsing

    [javac] }

    [javac] ^

    [javac] 3 errors


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  public void visualizeZone(int z)





      public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()


            return _characterList;




Try make it like that

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Try make it like that


javac] Compiling 1629 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\build\classes

    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:485: error: reached end of file while parsing

    [javac]         }

    [javac]           ^

    [javac] 1 error



C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\build.xml:59: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.



If i put like this >>            public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()


            return _characterList;




He give me the error


  [javac] Compiling 1629 source files to C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\build\classes

    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:482: error: method getCharactersInside() is already defined in class L2ZoneType

    [javac]       public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()

    [javac]                                           ^

    [javac] C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\java\com\l2jserver\gameserver\model\zone\L2ZoneType.java:484: error: incompatible types

    [javac]             return _characterList;

    [javac]                   ^

    [javac]  required: FastMap<Integer,L2Character>

    [javac]  found:    L2TIntObjectHashMap<L2Character>

    [javac] 2 errors



C:\Documents and Settings\Administrator\Desktop\WorckSpace\l2j-high-five\trunk\L2J_Server_High_Five\build.xml:59: Compile failed; see the compiler error output for details.

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Show me the whole part of this code.


* This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under

* the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software

* Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later

* version.


* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT

* ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS

* FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more

* details.


* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with

* this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.


package com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.zone;


import gnu.trove.TObjectProcedure;


import java.util.Map;

import java.util.logging.Logger;


import javolution.util.FastList;

import javolution.util.FastMap;


import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.L2Object.InstanceType;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.L2Character;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.actor.instance.L2PcInstance;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.model.quest.Quest;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.network.serverpackets.L2GameServerPacket;

import com.l2jserver.gameserver.util.L2TIntObjectHashMap;



* Abstract base class for any zone type

* Handles basic operations


* @author  durgus


public abstract class L2ZoneType


protected static final Logger _log = Logger.getLogger(L2ZoneType.class.getName());


private final int _id;

protected L2ZoneForm _zone;

protected L2TIntObjectHashMap<L2Character> _characterList;


/** Parameters to affect specific characters */

private boolean _checkAffected = false;


private String _name = null;

private int _minLvl;

private int _maxLvl;

private int[] _race;

private int[] _class;

private char _classType;

private Map<Quest.QuestEventType, FastList<Quest>> _questEvents;

private InstanceType _target = InstanceType.L2Character; // default all chars


protected L2ZoneType(int id)


_id = id;

_characterList = new L2TIntObjectHashMap<L2Character>();


_minLvl = 0;

_maxLvl = 0xFF;


_classType = 0;


_race = null;

_class = null;




* @return Returns the id.


public int getId()


return _id;




* Setup new parameters for this zone

* @param type

* @param value


public void setParameter(String name, String value)


_checkAffected = true;


// Zone name

if (name.equals("name"))


_name = value;


// Minimum level

else if (name.equals("affectedLvlMin"))


_minLvl = Integer.parseInt(value);


// Maximum level

else if (name.equals("affectedLvlMax"))


_maxLvl = Integer.parseInt(value);


// Affected Races

else if (name.equals("affectedRace"))


// Create a new array holding the affected race

if (_race == null)


_race = new int[1];

_race[0] = Integer.parseInt(value);




int[] temp = new int[_race.length + 1];


int i = 0;

for (; i < _race.length; i++)

temp = _race;


temp = Integer.parseInt(value);


_race = temp;



// Affected classes

else if (name.equals("affectedClassId"))


// Create a new array holding the affected classIds

if (_class == null)


_class = new int[1];

_class[0] = Integer.parseInt(value);




int[] temp = new int[_class.length + 1];


int i = 0;

for (; i < _class.length; i++)

temp = _class;


temp = Integer.parseInt(value);


_class = temp;



// Affected class type

else if (name.equals("affectedClassType"))


if (value.equals("Fighter"))


_classType = 1;




_classType = 2;



else if (name.equals("targetClass"))


_target = Enum.valueOf(InstanceType.class, value);



_log.info(getClass().getSimpleName()+": Unknown parameter - "+name+" in zone: "+getId());




* Checks if the given character is affected by this zone

* @param character

* @return


private boolean isAffected(L2Character character)


// Check lvl

if (character.getLevel() < _minLvl || character.getLevel() > _maxLvl)

return false;


// check obj class

if (!character.isInstanceType(_target))

return false;


if (character instanceof L2PcInstance)


// Check class type

if (_classType != 0)


if (((L2PcInstance) character).isMageClass())


if (_classType == 1)

return false;


else if (_classType == 2)

return false;



// Check race

if (_race != null)


boolean ok = false;


for (int i = 0; i < _race.length; i++)


if (((L2PcInstance) character).getRace().ordinal() == _race)


ok = true;





if (!ok)

return false;



// Check class

if (_class != null)


boolean ok = false;


for (int i = 0; i < _class.length; i++)


if (((L2PcInstance) character).getClassId().ordinal() == _class)


ok = true;





if (!ok)

return false;



return true;




* Set the zone for this L2ZoneType Instance

* @param zone


public void setZone(L2ZoneForm zone)


if (_zone != null)

throw new IllegalStateException("Zone already set");

_zone = zone;




* Returns this zones zone form

* @param zone

* @return


public L2ZoneForm getZone()


return _zone;




* Set the zone name.

* @param name


public void setName(String name)


_name = name;




* Returns zone name

* @return


public String getName()


return _name;




* Checks if the given coordinates are within zone's plane

* @param x

* @param y


public boolean isInsideZone(int x, int y)


return _zone.isInsideZone(x, y, _zone.getHighZ());




* Checks if the given coordinates are within the zone

* @param x

* @param y

* @param z


public boolean isInsideZone(int x, int y, int z)


return _zone.isInsideZone(x, y, z);




* Checks if the given object is inside the zone.


* @param object


public boolean isInsideZone(L2Object object)


return isInsideZone(object.getX(), object.getY(), object.getZ());



public double getDistanceToZone(int x, int y)


return getZone().getDistanceToZone(x, y);



public double getDistanceToZone(L2Object object)


return getZone().getDistanceToZone(object.getX(), object.getY());



public void revalidateInZone(L2Character character)


// If the character can't be affected by this zone return

if (_checkAffected)


if (!isAffected(character))




// If the object is inside the zone...

if (isInsideZone(character.getX(), character.getY(), character.getZ()))


// Was the character not yet inside this zone?

if (!_characterList.containsKey(character.getObjectId()))


FastList<Quest> quests = this.getQuestByEvent(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_ENTER_ZONE);

if (quests != null)


for (Quest quest : quests)


quest.notifyEnterZone(character, this);



_characterList.put(character.getObjectId(), character);






// Was the character inside this zone?

if (_characterList.containsKey(character.getObjectId()))


FastList<Quest> quests = this.getQuestByEvent(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_EXIT_ZONE);

if (quests != null)


for (Quest quest : quests)


quest.notifyExitZone(character, this);










* Force fully removes a character from the zone

* Should use during teleport / logoff

* @param character


public void removeCharacter(L2Character character)


if (_characterList.containsKey(character.getObjectId()))


FastList<Quest> quests = this.getQuestByEvent(Quest.QuestEventType.ON_EXIT_ZONE);

if (quests != null)


for (Quest quest : quests)


quest.notifyExitZone(character, this);









* Will scan the zones char list for the character

* @param character

* @return


public boolean isCharacterInZone(L2Character character)


return _characterList.containsKey(character.getObjectId());



protected abstract void onEnter(L2Character character);


protected abstract void onExit(L2Character character);


public abstract void onDieInside(L2Character character);


public abstract void onReviveInside(L2Character character);


public L2TIntObjectHashMap<L2Character> getCharactersInside()


return _characterList;



public L2Character[] getCharactersInsideArray()


return _characterList.getValues(new L2Character[_characterList.size()]);



public void addQuestEvent(Quest.QuestEventType EventType, Quest q)


if (_questEvents == null)

_questEvents = new FastMap<Quest.QuestEventType, FastList<Quest>>();

FastList<Quest> questByEvents = _questEvents.get(EventType);

if (questByEvents == null)

questByEvents = new FastList<Quest>();

if (!questByEvents.contains(q))


_questEvents.put(EventType, questByEvents);



public FastList<Quest> getQuestByEvent(Quest.QuestEventType EventType)


if (_questEvents == null)

return null;

return _questEvents.get(EventType);




* Broadcasts packet to all players inside the zone


public void broadcastPacket(L2GameServerPacket packet)


if (_characterList.isEmpty())



_characterList.forEachValue(new BroadcastPacket(packet));



private final class BroadcastPacket implements TObjectProcedure<L2Character>


final L2GameServerPacket _packet;

private BroadcastPacket(L2GameServerPacket packet)


_packet = packet;




public final boolean execute(final L2Character character)


if (character != null && character instanceof L2PcInstance)


return true;




public InstanceType getTargetType()


return _target;



public void setTargetType(InstanceType type)


_target = type;

_checkAffected = true;




public String toString()


return getClass().getSimpleName()+"["+ _id + "]";



  public void visualizeZone(int z)





      public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()


            return _characterList;



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-public L2TIntObjectHashMap<L2Character> getCharactersInside()
-        {
-		return _characterList;
-	}
+	public FastMap<Integer, L2Character> getCharactersInside()
+  {
+      return _characterList;
+	}



Press a lot of times Ctrl+Z till code gets to retail. Then try to change this

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