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Diamond I Account Eu East


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The account is my brother account he is bored so he sell it. :)


I want to sell a amazing Diamond I account has Diamond border from season 2


Has no bans all champs and is the end all be all best account you will ever need to buy. 12 rune pages all runes.






Has over 70 skins including 1 Legendary all together worth over $300




Longhorn Alistar

Sad Robot Amumu

Bird of Prey Anivia

Woad Ashe

Riot Blitzcrank

Cyrocore Brand

Officer caitlin

Lochness Cho Gath

Lord Darius

Executioner's Mundo

Frosted Ezreal

Hired Gun Graves

Nightblade Irelia

Darkforge Jarvan IV


Mecha Khazix

Statue of Karthus

Deep One Kassadin

Sandstorm Katarina

Monarch Kog'Maw

Winter Skin Leblanc

Dragon Fist Lee Sin

Sorceress Lux

Obsidian Malphite

Assassin Master Yi

Road Warrior Miss Fortune

Blackthorn Morgana

Infernal Mordekaiser

Riot K9 Nasus

Subterrenean Nautilus

French Maid Nidalee

Demolisher Nunu

Eternum Nocturne (Legendary)

Forsaken Olaf

Gothic Orianna

Full Metal Pantheon

Royal Shaco

Asylum Shaco

Workshop Shaco

Masked Shaco

Boneclaw Shyvanna

Mad Scientist Singed

Lumberjack Sion

Pax Sivir

Arcade Sona

Bloodstone Taric

Guerilla Tristana

Tango Twisted Fate

Gangster Twitch

Primal Udyr

Battlecast Urgot

Aristocrat Vayne

White Mage Veigar

Blood Lord Vladamir

Thunder Lord Volibear

Firefang Warwick

Mad Scientist Ziggs

Debonair Jayce

Astro Nautilus

Steel Legion Lux

Arclight Varus

Special Forces Gangplank

Scorched Earth Xerath

Soul Reaver Draven

Tyrant Swain

Warlord Shen

Reaper Hecarim

Bloodknight Hecarim

Heartseeker Vayne

Scarlet Hammer Poppy

Hyena Warwick

Reverse Annie

Cottontail Teemo



send me via Pm ...Sure i don't go first send me offer in messages. :)

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