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hi.. maybe some1 know and can tell about enchanting on l2j




is there some bugs or else...coz im playing on l2j low rate so maybe some1 could help me...




thx :)




Try the fake enchant.. i cant explain you how to do it...but i can say to ya one thing...dont waste your time playing on a L2Java server especially when it is low rate :O


Tired of everyone giving u a bunch of bullshit and teasing you with "you have to use programs to do this trick"...yeah fuckin bullshit u dont need a program for it.

This is the simple way to the overenchanting exploit.

Step 1: Get item you plan to overenchant

Step 2: Get Scrolls

Step 3: Go to a hidden area

Step 4: Give all but 1 scrolls to a friend, keep last one.

Step 5: Set up a shop selling the last scroll for 1 adena, activate scroll before it gets sold

Step 6: Use scroll on the preferred item, it will tell you if it breaks or not without accually breaking / enchanting the weapon. (you must have no scrolls in your inventory or the enchantment will be real)

Step 7: If it says it will succeed, get ur friend to trade you the scroll back and enchant the item. If it says it will break, get friend to trade scroll back and repeat steps 5, 6, 7.

NOTE: This exploit will allow you to have 100% success in enchanting, but a single mistake can turn things bad and even if it said it would succeed it would break.

After testing this i have found 4 major reasons why it would break.

1. Taking off and re-equiping item

The point of this exploit is to trick the server so it will enchant to your liking, re-equipping an item will completely reverse this so itll trick the server in a way that will probably NOT be to your liking.

2. Server lag

Lag of your own connection will not interfere, but if the server itself lags in any way, most specifically lag of items, it wont matter if you try over and over "fake enchant" until you are confident it will not break after saying it will succeed 2,000,000,000 times. It will break or succeed at its choice because of server lag. If server lags while a friend buys scroll, or possibly even if the scroll cancels, i suggest u sell the item and try another. Lag while trading items will not matter however.

3. Friend trading more than 1 Scroll after "fake enchant" says enchant will succeed.

If your friend trades you more than the scroll he bought from store (doesnt have to be the EXACT same one, just must be ONE scroll, not two, not three, ect. ect.) it will trick the server once again. This will cancel whether or not "fake enchant" was right. NEVER do this, even if it involves the 2nd scenario of Step 7.

4. Not Testing

Yeah go ahead and try enchanting the big bad shining bow to +16 without even testing this method beforehand to fully understand what not to do. I would do nothing more than laugh if you said you broke something expensive because you didnt test it first. Simply, get about 5 D grades and test them to make sure it works.

With all this said, HAVE FUN ENCHANTING!


ctrl+c, ctrl+v from http://gamehaqs.com/ :)


© by Genocidal65 :)

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