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General Clarifications About Ps


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General Clarifications About PS:





This is Universe.

I would like to tell you some of my points in PS that can help to understand some things that you think is Chinese.


First of all, I know the feeling of the beginning I passed very badly but for get ahead of this issue you have to be more open-minded and positive and of you need a lot of practice.

After a ton of mistakes you will see the success.


Okey some things that you need to know are these:




1. What is Render?


- Render is everything that you can find but it is in trasparent mode. When I say transparent I mean everything which doesn't have backround. If you want to understand fully what I Mean go to File > New > and down you will see "Backround Contents" this means the frame of your backround you choose what you want to have before you design. If you choose Trasparent mode you will see what I mean.



2. What are the Graphics/Effects?


- Well, this a very big story. I will be as quick as I can. Effects are used wise and very carefully in every piece of art you have to be very detailed in this part. You have to analyze every detail that can make your tag beautiful. How can I use effects? Hmm, you can take ready wallpapers and very simple go to New Layer > Image > Apply Image > Wallpaper - Right Click > Rasterize Layer and erase the effect that you dont need. How can I erase? Search for eraser tool.



3. How can I delete something?


- I have one solution for this you can use the "Spot Healing Brush Tool" this tool has the ability to delete a spot that you want. You choose the area that you want to remove and after that you will see the result. It's very easy.



4. What is Blur?


- Blur is an option that can improve the quality of one specific spot in your image. But don't overuse it. Οne example for blur: When you see in a render wrinkles blur can easily dissapear these wrinkles for making his/her face better without them. How can I use Blur? Easy, with blur tool. Where is it? Its in the family with the "Smudge and Sharpen tool". Ιt looks like a stain. Or Filter > Blur > OK.



5. What is Sharpening?


- Sharpening its a very nice option but it needs a lot of attention when you use it. It's like a pixeleration in your image it make your image more clean but it destroy a bit the quality of image if you overuse it. How can I use it? I'm using it by filtering its way more nicer. Filter > Sharpen > Sharpen > OK.


TIP: If you want to have a perfect result go apply first some sharpen at 85% Opacity and after that Blur at 50% Opacity you will have a package Blur + Sharpen.



6. What is Burn?


- Burn Tool is a tool that gives you the ability to darken some spots. If you have some lights spots you just pick this tool and darken the light spots.


TIP: Every mistake that you do with all of these tools you can easily correct it by the eraser tool. But first you have to apply everything that you done. You can blur something and correct but before you did it you need to apply it somewhere Image > Apply Image and etc.



7. What is Dodge?


- Dodge Tool is a tool that gives you the ability to light some spots. If you have some darken spots you can light them.


TIP: You can use it at effects if you want to accentuate something.



8. What is Sponge Tool?


- Hmm, this is the most strange tool I have seen in my whole life. He changes totally some things in your image  like the "color, the feeling and etc of the image" Use it and you will see What I mean.



9. What is Eraser Tool?


- Eraser tool is used just for correcting a few things in your image.


IMPORTANT: If you want not to do a bullshit with this tool make sure that you apply layers before you use this. If you apply layers you just destroy the spot that you want to erase.



Ok take this for now.

Now we will go a little deeper.




What is Blending?


- Blending called all the adjusments that you use to improve the quality of your image like "colors, effects, and ton of modifications". I will make it a little clear for you.




1.  What is Brightness?


- In Brightness we have 2 options:


1) Brightness : How dark or light you want your images you play with it.

2) Contrast : How reacted you want your image. It totally changes the feeling of image.



2. What is Levels?


- With Levels you just imporve the darkness or the brightness of your image your play with it.



3. What is Curves?


- Curves is an extra option again for darkness and brightness it impoves it more.



4. What is Exposure?


- Well, I never use this and I recomment you not to use this. Forget about it.



5. What is Vibrance?


- Vibrance are some color modifications that you want to use.


You have 2 Options:


1. Vibrance: For improving your colors

2. Saturation : For energizing more your colors.



6. What is Hue/Saturation?


- It's another option for color modification it gives you the ability of making your tag more bright, more colorful and etc. Play with it.



7. What is Color Balance?


- Well, one more option for your colors it gives you some name colors and play with them.



8. What is Black & White?


- Black & White it gives you the ability of change your colors again by using a filter. Prefferable Soft Light. You can do your selection with colros and after that you can apply a Soft Light on it to see a better result.



9. PhotoFilter


- PhotoFilter is a color filter you just choose what color you want and make it as you want.



10. Gradient Maps


- Gradient Maps are the most importand for a better quality at the colors and also in general at your quality.


When you use Gradients always remember to apply Filter on them like Soft Light, Vivid Light, Overlay, Luminosity and etc.



11. High Pass


- High Pass is a very interesting option for making your quality a lot better. How can I enable it?


Easily by Filter > Other > High Pass > OK.



Also, there is some plug-ins for the PS which are improve the quality of image like topaz. Topaz is a plug-in filter which give you some extra adjusments in order to improve your quality in your tag. I'm using Topaz Clean 3.0 its free from the net.





PS: It's not necessary to use all these adjusments I just told you what are the most important that you need to know.



That's all FellaS

All Credits to : Me

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1) Wrong section.

2) Already posted by MasterDisaster MasterDisaster & Morian.




It's not the same.

And for god same stop being a bad ass mod.


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    • What I do or who I work with is none of your concern, and honestly, I couldn't care less. Lately, I've seen a lot of people trying to make a quick buck off scams, so let's not even mention names you wouldn't want them getting upset, right? 🙂  As for the projects I've been involved with, there's a server about to launch that I’m personally waiting for, and when it does, I’ll release the work publicly for free because people deserve better than what these so called "developers" are pushing. I’m not here to defend anyone, but if you had any real knowledge, you’d see how poorly written some of these scripts are. I’ve worked with Vraekar in the past, and I know for a fact he’s never sold anything I’ve created. So before you start running your mouth, ask yourself: why are you even juding me?
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