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Hi all i'm selling my lvl99 Wynn Summoner (Elf Female) nobless and never banned before


*Main lvl99 wynn %8.38

*1st sub(this is dual class)=>lvl92 Healer %25

*Other subs lvl 80 and all skill certificates learned (if u want u can change skills)

*in same account have lvl 86 tank

*premium account still have 18 days


*she has +3 Eternal heavy full set+full antribute (bound)

*for sub healer have +3 Twilight robe full set armor

* +4 Specter Thrower Focus+Full antribute (not bound ) R95

* +3 Specter Retributer Acumen+Full antribute (bound) R95

*Refined Istina's Bracelet

*Refined Refined Octavis' Bracelet

*Draco Hat INT (gives +3 int)

*+3 r95 Top-grade Magic Ornament Seraph Belt PvP Defense

*in inventory 217.333.334 adena +36000 knight epaultte(u can buy fortress dyes +5 -1)

*in wh +inventory have more stuffs to gain adventage of your char (vita pot+life stones+event items like title colour change and more)

*dyes +5int -1 wit  +4 str -2dex (x2)


if u rly serious to buy we can talk mumble or teamspeak after work GMT+2 after 17.30 pm

price 150€ (if u rly play offical u can understand this is a cheap price)  payments only on paypal

first pm me then we can meet speak program

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