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NA Account Platinum border + icon


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A friend of mine stopped playing league and gave me his account. It was 2018 elo season 2 and it has platinum cup icon and border. It's also 0-1 in placement matches so that you are good to go!


Champions: 65

  - Ahri

  - Akali

  - Alistar

  - Amumu

  - Anivia

  - Annie

  - Ashe

  - Blitzcrank

  - Caitlyn

  - Cassiopeia

  - Cho'Gath

  - Corki

  - Darius

  - Dr. Mundo

  - Evelynn

  - Ezreal

  - Fiddlesticks

  - Gangplank

  - Garen

  - Gragas

  - Graves

  - Heimerdinger

  - Janna

  - Jax

  - Karthus

  - Kassadin

  - Katarina

  - Kayle

  - Lee Sin

  - Malphite

  - Master Yi

  - Morgana

  - Nasus

  - Nidalee

  - Nocturne

  - Nunu

  - Orianna

  - Poppy

  - Renekton

  - Riven

  - Ryze

  - Shaco

  - Singed

  - Sion

  - Sivir

  - Soraka

  - Talon

  - Taric

  - Teemo

  - Tristana

  - Tryndamere

  - Twisted Fate

  - Twitch

  - Vayne

  - Veigar

  - Vladimir

  - Warwick

  - Xerath

  - Xin Zhao

  - Ziggs

  - Zilean



  - Unchained Alistar

  - Goth Annie

  - Nottingham Ezreal

  - Deadknight Garen

  - Championship Riven


Rune Pages: 9 (It has limited razor runes.)

IP: 1611


I did my maths and 2018 season 2 is 1709 elo season 3, but if you buy a boost for the placement matches and make them 9-1 it will be platinum 2-4. Oh, and it has 7 wins left on IP boost.


NOTE: Email included.





Payment Type: PayPal.

Price: I'm looking for $100.

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