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interlude [L2J] Interlude.PRO x1000 PvP Reborn at March 30, 17:00 GMT+2

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in forum all servers copy  real lineage 2 game! The game 30% bugs where admins fix from me start.Bug augument bug stuck hp  atk speed bug anti heavy  stuck skill on bffer and more ..Yes last 4-5 server ask for items reason no time farm and more time for play, i work and fitnes no time .But 90% server i play real no tower no phx no other program





kOzA: I dident attack the server and i dont had any reason to do that,but by insulting me without reason,your server Just failed mate,have a nice day ,and i wish you good luck,realy belive me you will need have fun.


Lameguard saves from tower/phx.

Antiheavy is made


lameguard can stop me[one click in server can say you all for server ] ? i know staff l2tower man ;d i know have ddos protection from ddos guard ...no fix down all ips where atk topzone,your server start fail ;d


How can you use phx/l2tower when lameguard doesn't allow you to use it? Only way is that I would be using outdated lameguard.


What about topzone? It is down because of DDoS, but it doesn't affect my online cause website hits 1000 unique visitors every day.




have japan and russia boy were work l2tower show how use lameguard is fun game but phx no idea how leave him.. i can delete but no log in l2 ... l2tower use special inject

  topzone more effect no vote coins no balance no have rb jewls ;d


have japan and russia boy were work l2tower show how use lameguard is fun game but phx no idea how leave him.. i can delete but no log in l2 ... l2tower use special inject

  topzone more effect no vote coins no balance no have rb jewls ;d


Why topzone no vote coins? There is L2JTOP and hopzone.


Who showed you how to use l2tower through lameguard? I spoke with lameguard creators and they said that it's impossible..


Why no RB jewels? They are gained not through vote, but through farm.


if u keep ddos on the new private servers little kOzA i will nonstop make u famous in all forums by spaming ur video.. so stop threating all sv cuz ur network life is gonna be focked op ;)



Some Things About kOzA We Didnt Knew

This video really Funny.  :D Dude, Haters Everywhere [  True Story ..  :troll:


kOza Said That Interlude.pro Maybe will get atack But He Said Also That Sv Has Good Protection So It's A Hard One...

Ok Mathew Is this Enough For u?? But I Dont Care..

Some Pathetic Unskilled Players Like NiggaSuckMyDick-kOzA And Some Others Have No Future..

There Will Pretend Always The "DDOS-DOS" Atackers.. Muhahaha Waiting For Reply By kOzA The true Leader of ATS Him Self.



Some Things About kOzA We Didnt Knew


true ... i dont give me word for ddos for now but have  more donate or other problem ... 2 days max  server 4 ever  = brute ddos erros and atk real life ;d  l2 fantastic admin know ;d i say down server = down , but play can see me game me nick 100% 3 days say me admin give items reason server online fun boys ..........

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