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interlude [L2J] Interlude.PRO x1000 PvP Reborn at March 30, 17:00 GMT+2

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Announcement: Hello dear players. The new PvP rates server will start on the March 30 at 17:00 GMT+2. Invite all your friends and clans to join, and help us to advertise the server.




Rates x1000

20sec teleport protection

Only 1 box allowed from 1 IP Address

Anti heavy protection

Offline shop system (just put your sell shop and exit the game)

Wedding system

Retail olympiad (teleports out of olympiad immediately after the fight)

Dualbox in Olympiad protection

Protection from exiting olympiad fights (immediately takes points from the leaver)

Nick, title coloring from pvp/pk system

Clan add rep item (from 5 clan level, adds 1000 rep points to a clan)

Account protection system(bind your account to your ip and be secured)

Stackable enchant scrools (Enchant scrolls take 1 slot in inventory like in higher chronicles)

TVT Event everyday

DeathMatch Event everyday

GM Events






Class Changer

PK/PVP Top 100 NPC

Enchant Skill All in One NPC

And others!




Safe: +3

Max: +18

Max from vote/donate: +18

Simple Scroll: 80% (Max +15)

Blessed Scroll: 85% (Max +15)

Crystal Scroll: 100% (Max +18 )




Main town Giran, starting town Goddard

Adena 1,2,3



Raid boss zone


Other information:


Max subclass:5

Max members in clan 30, max clans in ally 2

No S grade penalty

No weight penalty

Auto pick up

Olympiad everyday 18.00 - 24:00 GMT+2

Oly validation period 24 hours

Buffs 9 hours, max buffs 50

Fully working geodata

Fully working augmentation system

Augment skill chance 20%

Max 1 passive and 1 active augment at a time

You get Noblesse after you log in

DDoS protectons

BOT protections




Website: http://www.Interlude.PRO

Facebook: http://facebook.com/InterludePRO

Account registration: http://acm.Interlude.PRO

Report bugs: http://bugs.Interlude.PRO

System patch: http://Interlude.PRO/index.php/page_downloads (will be uploaded before the server start)

Server video:

Invitation Event: http://invite.Interlude.PRO (share your link with your friends and get reward - donation system points!)


We will meet you in server at March 30 at 17:00 GMT+2 :)


U dont mention LS skill chance.


If you would be interested in server you would have checked it in website, but I see you only flood through the topics, I mean your 2-3 minutes gaps between writing posts.


no sh1t. anyway,saw it.but u dont say which LS unless u have deleted all LSs and left only one in srv.


also,no I dont read all da srv infos since its 90% same in all interlude pvp ones mkay? just happened to skip da LS line.


i leave you maybe reason me clan come here but if want test me ok know me nick only need ban me and for dsbk now where are you ? russia boy fuck your ass now  for what use vpn ? i get realy low atk  from you ... and want say  all kid want ban me cry down server but if im fuck kid for what go help topzone where 90% from server ... 1-2 days site back full protection ban all idiots !dsbk ddos topzone reason cant down l2bfp ... noob style  ! dsbk say me delete server reason  he stole him pack so gf him now ! no RESPECT LINEAGE 2 ALL GET DOWN !

GOOD LUCK  sorry for your site but you spam much


i leave you maybe reason me clan come here but if want test me ok know me nick only need ban me and for dsbk now where are you ? russia boy -beep- your ass now  for what use vpn ? i get realy low atk  from you ... and want say  all kid want ban me cry down server but if im -beep- kid for what go help topzone where 90% from server ... 1-2 days site back full protection ban all idiots !dsbk ddos topzone reason cant down l2bfp ... noob style  ! dsbk say me delete server reason  he stole him pack so gf him now ! no RESPECT LINEAGE 2 ALL GET DOWN !

GOOD LUCK  sorry for your site but you spam much


Too stupid to read, ignored :D


I start to understand that Niggastolemybike is trying to help the L2 community by killing noob servers.


I start to understand that Niggastolemybike is trying to help the L2 community by killing noob servers.


He is just trying to make ppl believe that he is doing ddos attack on server and it is succesful:p he is crying cuz he cannot ddos attack server and admin wont give him free items:p and this is the reason that he's spamming on mxc and he wont join to play server:) normal things!


Nice facebook messages


Facundo Guzman


    Your server will be attacked by 5 people ... !! i just wanted to inform you. His name is Koza and the others do not know.

    I hope that you will be able to use my information, I don't want it to another server fall.

    This is translated i speak spanish.





I start to understand that Niggastolemybike is trying to help the L2 community by killing noob servers.

in forum all servers copy  real lineage 2 game! The game 30% bugs where admins fix from me start.Bug augument bug stuck hp  atk speed bug anti heavy  stuck skill on bffer and more ..Yes last 4-5 server ask for items reason no time farm and more time for play, i work and fitnes no time .But 90% server i play real no tower no phx no other program





kOzA: I dident attack the server and i dont had any reason to do that,but by insulting me without reason,your server Just failed mate,have a nice day ,and i wish you good luck,realy belive me you will need have fun.

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