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greater queen ant ring ? first time :D i knew that exist only blessed or improved,dont remember exantly..and only for gms or pvp servers

in russian servers is named greater ant queen, check urself. believe whatever u want fak off im out of this shit bye


paty your intellect will never seize to amaze me :)

Keep doing it man, at least you make us laugh ;)

and you make us laugh thinking you play on noncorruption serv, im suprised how some failers like you thinks is the best, and 3k online, MAN, SANTA CLAUS NO EXIST, AND YOU ARE A RETARD


Server have like 800 online, and corrupt as fack


in russian servers is named greater ant queen, check urself. believe whatever u want fak off im out of this shit bye

kid, im just say, i dont dissagre with you, i know world is one of most corrupt server, so stop cry

and you make us laugh thinking you play on noncorruption serv, im suprised how some failers like you thinks is the best, and 3k online, MAN, SANTA CLAUS NO EXIST, AND YOU ARE A RETARD


Server have like 800 online, and corrupt as fack


From 3500-3900 we have max 50-60 real others are fake :D

Also we give +16 items to everyone :D


Anything other ? :D


kid, im just say, i dont dissagre with you, i know world is one of most corrupt server, so stop cry

we go play lineage2.com at least there gms are not so stupid to give items to their friends in first days of the server.


we go play lineage2.com at least there gms are not so stupid to give items to their friends in first days of the server.

Check our forum, players search for you to make them laugh :D


We have max 50-60 real others are fake :D

Also we give +16 items to everyone :D


Anything other ? :D

you are funny, you have like x2.5 fake online and mby more , still, can someone explain me how possible to have 1800 online at 7gmt+2    and 3200 at top time like 20:00 gmt +2? so? not even x2 ppls joined from morning till top time?THATS SHOW THE FAKE ONLINE, NO NEED BOT OR smthing to check, you must be BLIND to believe this..

normal server, a example

Morning 500

Top Time 2000


b1tch pls, dont tell me that all are brasils or smthing , all servers have brasils etc etc but always MORNING HAVE  KINDA LESS,  x4 or more, it cant have 1800 morning 3200 afternoon


any explain mr world?


otinane... perhaps if you "scroll back" on the topic - you will see my pretty interesting explanation ;)

shame, it's not for everyone, looks kinda complicated for you

Another interesting thing you can find out is exactly who I am.


otinane... perhaps if you "scroll back" on the topic - you will see my pretty interesting explanation ;)

shame, it's not for everyone, looks kinda complicated for you

where is the answer about  my question

1800 morning

3200 top time? IT CANT BE, I FEEL SHAME for you if you think its NORMAL




you are funny, you have like x2.5 fake online and mby more , still, can someone explain me how possible to have 1800 online at 7gmt+2    and 3200 at top time like 20:00 gmt +2? so? not even x2 ppls joined from morning till top time?THATS SHOW THE FAKE ONLINE, NO NEED BOT OR smthing to check, you must be BLIND to believe this..

normal server, a example

Morning 500

Top Time 2000


b1tch pls, dont tell me that all are brasils or smthing , all servers have brasils etc etc but always MORNING HAVE  KINDA LESS,  x4 or more, it cant have 1800 morning 3200 afternoon


any explain mr world?


Normal brain IQ - 100

Your brain IQ - below 0 :)


I cannot get your logic about fake and online peek x2 :D

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