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Hello there, i would like to sell my files, the files are latest Vanganth L2OFF Interlude.

Also the best geodata from "l2geo.ru".

Aswell im handing over the custom modified system that suits all the files modifications.


I have a test server up and running so if you want to check it out drop me a pm with your skype and we can discuss more.


Here is the list of features of what my files contains :


Exp : x35
Adena : x75
Party Exp : x2
Weapon Enchant Rate : 65% ( lowering by 5% after each enchant )
Armor Enchant Rate : 50% ( lowering by 5% after each enchant )
Max Weapon enchant : +12
Max Armor enchant : +8

Every newly created character starts on lvl 20 with the following items in his inventory :
* D-grade armor/weapon/jewel coupon that can be exchanged for gear at our Npc's.
* Consumables and pocket adena.
* A custom mask that gives passive nobless for 12h. (either you wear it or not)
Main Town Giran Castle Town
Talking Island - Olympiad town.

Npc Buffer with 2nd class buffs plus PoFire and PoWater.
Global Gatekeeper that contains only the most needed locations.
Epic Gatekeeper that contains teleport points for all epics. ( few locations for each epic )
Retail Barakiel PvP Zone with the respawn of 4h -/+1.
Custom Barakiel in Wild Beast Reserve with the respawn time of 24h - Not a PvP zone.
Misc Shop with all needed consumables.
Infinity shots to reduce SS lag.
Etc Shop - where you can trade raid/event tokens for items/goods.
PvP Shop - where you can exchange your earned pvp coins for armors/weapons and other goods.
Armor Shop - where you can buy C B A S armors/jewels.
Weapon Shop where you can buy C B A S weapons with adena and S weapons by S pieces + adena
Tool Shop - where you can unseal your B C A S armors and jewels, also you can add SA's on weapons.
Custom Shop - where you can buy Legacy Cloak, Legacy Armor (EDK) and the Legacy Skilled Jewelery.
Custom Skilled Jewelery : Resist Shock / Resist Elements / Run Speed / Heal Ability / Hp/Mp Recovery , to be enhanced by pvp coins raid token and materials.
Custom Augmenter located in center of Giran.
Custom sell Npc.
Delevel Npc.
Symbol Maker located in center of Giran.
Class Manager - where you can change class by a certain fee.
Black Judge Npc - where you can do your PK quest.
Custom Olympiad Shop - where you can find all the buff sticks and olympiad consumables.

Events :
* TvT and Deathmatch with Event Token as reward.
* High rate event - 4 Sep.

PvP reward system, you have to be 76 level minium.
Custom enchant scrolls for armor and weapon S grade with boosted chance.
Custom empower potion.
Custom toogle skill that prevents grief buffing.
Custom skill that increases weight capacity.
AIO system - special buffs created for AIO. ( aio has custom armor and custom duals and custom hat )
Custom raids that drop clan skill items and also giving CRP.
Custom raids (ketra-varka) with custom drops.
Custom raids Ember Shyeed Galaxia , are under PVP zone with boosted drops.
All epics are boosted to level 80 also QA Core Orfen Zaken , all epic zones are under pvp zone.
VIP system on 3 levels : LvL 1 Vip Rune : 50% boosted exp/drops/adena etc , LvL 2 Vip Rune : 75% boosted stats , LvL 3 Vip Rune : 100% boost.
Newbie system on 3 levels : LvL 1 Newbie Rune : 15% boost , LvL 2 Newbie Rune : 25% boost , LvL 3 Newbie Rune : 40% boost.
Day and Night system, boosted drops on in-game night time by 50%.
Custom mobs near Floran to remove pk's.
Remote buff coin system, a special coin where you can buff yourself without a npc. ( no hp restore )
Custom Donation Npc where you can purchase services and goods automaticly.
Offline Shop and Gold Bar system.
Mmost of the mobs world wide are removed just the needed ones for quests and leveling are left. ( to prevent npc server lag )
All town npcs are removed, what is left are just the most necesary ones. ( to prevent npc server lag )
Npc Buffers are set in all towns.
Npc Buffer, Global Gatekeeper and Warehouse are set in all clan halls.
Special functions : .menu with special functions and .goldbar buy/sell command.

Farm Zones are set by two era's :
Era 1 : Ketra (solo zone - full buff zone) + Monastary of Silence end rooms (party zone - LR+HR)
Era 1 explanation :
Monastary of Silence end rooms the entrance coridor is a cancel zone, inside you cannot use mana neither you can summon. You need 6 members in a party to enter the zone or else you get ported away.
These will be the features in the big picture, some more may be added.
Era 1 lasts 6 days, 1st 3 days of the 1st era MOS end will be LR zone and 2nd 3 days of 1st era will be a HR zone.
In the end of MOS there is a custom raid boss called Ice Fairy with awesome drops.
Era 2 : Varka (solo zone - full buff zone) + PI Plains (party zone - LR+HR)
Era 2 explanation :
PI Plains has all the entrances as cancel zones, inside you cannot use mana neither you can summon. You need 6 members in a party to enter the zone or else you get ported away.
Era 2 lasts 6 days, 1st 3 days of the 2nd era PI Plains will be LR zone and 2nd 3 days of 2nd era will be a HR zone.
In the end of PI Plains there is a custom raid boss called Uruka with awesome drops.


The price is negociable.

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