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hellbound [russian-platformL2J] L2BFP 15x opening on 22 March!

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if not stalone alone, so maybe he suck revenge's balls and work together. Remember me Stalone is for sure in this. Maybe its a cooperation


if not stalone alone, so maybe he suck revenge's balls and work together. Remember me Stalone is for sure in this. Maybe its a cooperation

stalone or revenge, both failers, and for sure one of them but as i said im sure its revenge :)

Revenge bought failed files from wfr , got a better DDoS protection (maybe) , changed names from wfr to bfp , and wouala..Next 2 days fail server with

Epics from donations in first day =)


we all know about faked up donates at eoa, but server have 3000+ ppl.....

3k? you believe this numbers?i will make one server and i will add 5k you will believe? serv had x3fake online, ye had 1k and now is DEAD cuz of donates

1k is good... but if you ppls like to play on donate epics /vorpals OE server ok play! haha :)


U can see Steven7 profile... Mouse are u a Neonazi ? did u know how hard ur Greek ppl was -beep-ed by nazis ? What kind of retarded are u mouse.... please call Valeri and re/open Divinity, otherewise shut the fck up scumbag !


the politic believes of anyone doesn't affect the lineage2

and remember 90% of german are the ppl who murder many countries not nazis

THEY VOTED THE NAZIS so leave the shits thats why german now has merkel because nazis -beep-ed up everyone and now are gonna do it via economy

those shits moron are out of topic and stop answering via profile summary

i am greek and i would stand against any nazi or stalin or shit who wanna take this country


one problem of you, noone saying come to play


they are making servers for money, but still there is server better than no server, i hate secret donate, but show me server where is not secret donate, everywhere is secret donate, or support


if you see one of the big freeservers of russia rpg club, and admins supporting russia players and what? noone care, they was catched for bot, and unbanned for free and noone cry? so please if you dont want join server, so no join and keep topic clean, they have fake online everythink and who cares?


you can go play to l2silver, where is after 2 weeks of server 80+ items +10+++, 17 days of lag, after bug for ele stones, and you think if some freind of one gm will say he will pay him for somethink, and he is trusteable he will not support him? Welcome to world money is everythink. If you think the server cost 1 euro per month, and good soft to one euro why you dont start server without coruption?


only calculate ddos, antibot, good hosting, dedicated machine, geodatas, soft and maybe 10 starts for server for take money back from server?


or you can go to russia servers, in one day you can have everythink from admin but who cares?


if server have 500 real online, and on servers is about 1 - 20 donators its bad? after 1 - 2 week of server


for me i dont care if its donate is max vorpal, but when is clean from foundation + oe, players will play


better one kid with big dady, for server where you can play :x


and if you know 90% donators are big lams and you can easy own they without donate if you want


I will let You know how Mouse make fake online from Russian files


#Allow fake players (safe and impossible to know the real online for players)

#Разрешить фальшивых игроков на сервере (совершенно безопасно, никто из игроков не сможет найти разницу, есть пакетная поддержка)

AllowFakePlayers = True


#Percent of fake player : online, set above 100 to feel the difference

#Процент соотношение фальшивые : игроки в мире, ставьте больше 100 для накрутки (150 = +50%)

FakePlayersPercent = 100


I will let You know how Mouse make fake online from Russian files


#Allow fake players (safe and impossible to know the real online for players)

#Разрешить фальшивых игроков на сервере (совершенно безопасно, никто из игроков не сможет найти разницу, есть пакетная поддержка)

AllowFakePlayers = True


#Percent of fake player : online, set above 100 to feel the difference

#Процент соотношение фальшивые : игроки в мире, ставьте больше 100 для накрутки (150 = +50%)

FakePlayersPercent = 100


at russia server is normal fake online x10 and they dont care  :troll:


http://mistworld.ru/ when on web 13,5k online by l2net about 2,5k online

http://fiveworld.su/ same there


both are phoenix as bfp  :happyforever:


three week back we want with my friend go to russia interlude midrate and at website was 6k online and ingame was 268 ppl


so x2 online is still not bad :D


server is not stalone's neither mouse

and valeri is out of l2 buisness for long and who knows for how much

i got contact with all of them and no fucking reason to tell you shits

i got no profit from lineage2 and i hate lying... fuck past of servers if you dont like dont play stop qq and saying its his server his server his server qqing and spaming


one problem of you, noone saying come to play


they are making servers for money, but still there is server better than no server, i hate secret donate, but show me server where is not secret donate, everywhere is secret donate, or support


if you see one of the big freeservers of russia rpg club, and admins supporting russia players and what? noone care, they was catched for bot, and unbanned for free and noone cry? so please if you dont want join server, so no join and keep topic clean, they have fake online everythink and who cares?


you can go play to l2silver, where is after 2 weeks of server 80+ items +10+++, 17 days of lag, after bug for ele stones, and you think if some freind of one gm will say he will pay him for somethink, and he is trusteable he will not support him? Welcome to world money is everythink. If you think the server cost 1 euro per month, and good soft to one euro why you dont start server without coruption?


only calculate ddos, antibot, good hosting, dedicated machine, geodatas, soft and maybe 10 starts for server for take money back from server?


or you can go to russia servers, in one day you can have everythink from admin but who cares?


if server have 500 real online, and on servers is about 1 - 20 donators its bad? after 1 - 2 week of server


for me i dont care if its donate is max vorpal, but when is clean from foundation + oe, players will play


better one kid with big dady, for server where you can play :x


and if you know 90% donators are big lams and you can easy own they without donate if you want

I couldnt agree more, This kind of flame makes me think these ppl after all are just jealous or something.

If they are so perfect and all that, why dont they make their own servers and play there?

What do you win with flaming Admins?

If you dont like certain Admin or his server, dont go there, so simple.

Maybe you fullfill your Ego with such lame forum replys, makes you feel Pro and special cause u can do in here what u cant do in real life, wich is flame the ppl you dont like, on the internet makes it so much easier right? In real life you would go eat some grass, after getting punched in the face.

Get a life.....


one problem of you, noone saying come to play


they are making servers for money, but still there is server better than no server, i hate secret donate, but show me server where is not secret donate, everywhere is secret donate, or support


if you see one of the big freeservers of russia rpg club, and admins supporting russia players and what? noone care, they was catched for bot, and unbanned for free and noone cry? so please if you dont want join server, so no join and keep topic clean, they have fake online everythink and who cares?


you can go play to l2silver, where is after 2 weeks of server 80+ items +10+++, 17 days of lag, after bug for ele stones, and you think if some freind of one gm will say he will pay him for somethink, and he is trusteable he will not support him? Welcome to world money is everythink. If you think the server cost 1 euro per month, and good soft to one euro why you dont start server without coruption?


only calculate ddos, antibot, good hosting, dedicated machine, geodatas, soft and maybe 10 starts for server for take money back from server?


or you can go to russia servers, in one day you can have everythink from admin but who cares?


if server have 500 real online, and on servers is about 1 - 20 donators its bad? after 1 - 2 week of server


for me i dont care if its donate is max vorpal, but when is clean from foundation + oe, players will play


better one kid with big dady, for server where you can play :x


and if you know 90% donators are big lams and you can easy own they without donate if you want

ye you dont care about donates,  200euro set epic you dont care? some of jw you can obtain  alone but some jw like anthy you can only dream..


what about +13 vorp l set on gh?  ye  "we dont care for donators" even shirt +9 for +1 all stats, and without donate its IMPOSSIBLE since it cost 5k apiga, ye ok you buy 1, you think you will make it +9 directly! haha


gogo kids,feed more mouse with money, he will feed you with epics

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