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hellbound [russian-platformL2J] L2BFP 15x opening on 22 March!

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ye you dont care about donates,  200euro set epic you dont care? some of jw you can obtain  alone but some jw like anthy you can only dream..


what about +13 vorp l set on gh?  ye  "we dont care for donators" even shirt +9 for +1 all stats, and without donate its IMPOSSIBLE since it cost 5k apiga, ye ok you buy 1, you think you will make it +9 directly! haha


gogo kids,feed more mouse with money, he will feed you with epics

And if they do? its their money not yours.... or u feel like you own ppl wallet?

Everything a donater gets you can get, they just get it faster, and for non donaters takes months.  :rage:

Get over it


And if they do? its their money not yours.... or u feel like you own ppl wallet?

Everything a donater gets you can get, they just get it faster, and for non donaters takes months.  :rage:

Get over it

ok sir a donator will full epics +13 armor its ok , normal players can make easy, especialy armor +13 right? or anthy, SIR, mouse pay you or what?cuz you looks retard..

Be aware of this server people, this admin is Stalone, he sells EVERYTHINK for money +16 sets/epic jewels. Also he gives item to his friends on server.

His server will fail like are his servers in 1-2 weeks. im just warning you all do not waste time here.


ok sir a donator will full epics +13 armor its ok , normal players can make easy, especialy armor +13 right? or anthy, SIR, mouse pay you or what?cuz you looks retard..

1st I didnt say players non donaters can make it easy. I said donaters get it faster and non donaters have months of work to reach such items.

2nd I have no clue who is mouse and I couldnt care less, aboout him. I talk in general not about some specifc Admin.

3rd If i look retard, you should buy some kind of mirror and look at urself first, and then call others retarded.



i dont know why everyone saying fucking stalone





i know the oe thinks are bad but say you own the sux donator easy? yes you can



check the lowrate/ official with fucked up donate, everywhere is donate, but if you can go send about 2k euros for server and we can start server without donate


Today they had 894 ppl in Beta  :troll: :troll:


so no cry and go play back to silver, where everyone know you are the best playa ever


and be aware of secret donate, bcs i dont see full dynasty founda light set on donate list, but i know about player who have equiped, from admin, ciao


so no cry and go play back to silver, where everyone know you are the best playa ever


and be aware of secret donate, bcs i dont see full dynasty founda light set on donate list, but i know about player who have equiped, from admin, ciao

oh this kind, you can compare silver donates with eoa? nothing to add, how this guy can compare..he cant be more retaraded


ye 894 in beta trolololol

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