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Report magaki13 v2


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[gr]Ti tha ginei me tn karagiozi? Tha tn afinei adespoto na gamaei olonwn ta topic?


[En]What will happend with him? You ll let him fk'd everyone's topic?


Ps On my topic jaharakal just 'cleaned' it,didnt dekarma him or something. Waiting for a serious respond that time.

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mathew get a life ... you take this forum too serious! If creator of topic wish to report him, he will do it. You as FIGHTER OF JUSTICE dont need to do it. Idiota ;)

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mathew get a life ... you take this forum too serious! If creator of topic wish to report him, he will do it. You as FIGHTER OF JUSTICE dont need to do it. Idiota ;)

Brzoza let me tell you this.Magaki was spamming on matthew's topic with idiotic replies and i just junk matthew's topic and let magaki w/o one de-karma and w/o a warning.And know magaki continue that behavior again,i de-karma him and i warn.
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