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White Tiger Ring - Produces the following effects: MP +50, increase resistance to poison by 40%, increase poison attack chance by 40%, increase accuracy by 8, increase critical damage 20%, increase resistance to hold by 30%, increase hold attack chance by 30%, increase Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd, Max Hp and Max Mp, +10 attributes defence. If a character wears two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied

Emperor Necklace - Increase PvP SKill Damage, Increase Earth Atack Power +80, Increase Max HP +500, Increase Max Cp +1500,Reuse delay +9%, Reflect Damage +20%, Accuracy +4, Resist to all damage +5%, Increase P.And M. Defs +5%

Baylor Earring - Dark Resistance +30,Dark Attack +80,Increase Health Recovery, Vampiric Effect 15%, MP +31


this quite ruining the server


ok tattoos are alright ,15% max bonus but the rings stats are just devastating...

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White Tiger Ring - Produces the following effects: MP +50, increase resistance to poison by 40%, increase poison attack chance by 40%, increase accuracy by 8, increase critical damage 20%, increase resistance to hold by 30%, increase hold attack chance by 30%, increase Atk. Spd. and Casting Spd, Max Hp and Max Mp, +10 attributes defence. If a character wears two identical rings, the effect of only one ring will be applied

Emperor Necklace - Increase PvP SKill Damage, Increase Earth Atack Power +80, Increase Max HP +500, Increase Max Cp +1500,Reuse delay +9%, Reflect Damage +20%, Accuracy +4, Resist to all damage +5%, Increase P.And M. Defs +5%

Baylor Earring - Dark Resistance +30,Dark Attack +80,Increase Health Recovery, Vampiric Effect 15%, MP +31


this quite ruining the server


ok tattoos are alright ,15% max bonus but the rings stats are just devastating...


Before 2 years, i was play on one of servers [GF] and i saw new jewels, its was same stats. and was 1300 online players inside.. was everything is fine. now... i have made a little same stats, dont worry! this stats was tested, and all is balanced.

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BTW, you lack population ,forum is empty ,if forum is empty then the server will be empty too, are you sure ur going to antempt OPENING tomorrow?... with no advertise at all??.... (oups, double post...)

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BTW, you lack population ,forum is empty ,if forum is empty then the server will be empty too, are you sure ur going to antempt OPENING tomorrow?... with no advertise at all??.... (oups, double post...)


show me forum where have more players always?:) no one care about forum, all ingame, gang or other forums, have empty, but ingame have players.. here is same. advertisment i have in custom forums.. if you know some free anons or forums about lineage, putt here or to my pm, thanks

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i swear guys! this server is BEST OF BEST PVP! before open this server, we have checked much more servers.. and our idea very different of all servers. just look to info.. but game will show you except pictures. real gameplay too!

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