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interlude [L2J]A First Look at Lineage 2 War / The ultimate experience of PvP.

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Season 1. The game is being based in seasons,

more info coming out soon.




Few words about us

Hello we're glad to announce that Lineage 2 War is preparing it's grand opening at this month, the server is based at a russian project project with many extensions and many features for a perfect pvp server. The team of La2War is trying to resurrect interlude client, while we believe it is one of the L2Community's favorite client.



• Xp Rate  : x 90

• Sp Rate  : x 90

• Party Xp : x9

• Party Sp : x9

• Adena : x30

• Drop Rate : x20

• Spoil Rate : x15

• Raid Drop : x12

• Pet Xp Rate : x50




• Max enchant for weapons: 20

• Max : enchant for armor: 15

• Enchant chance for weapons: 66%

• Enchant chance for armors: 63%

• Safe enchant: 4




• Custom balance system.

• Skills working 99%.

• Noblesse quest obtainable after Barakiel's extermination.

• AntiHeavy System.

• NWATCH Shift+Click in order to see the inventory of a player.

• Special Trade Zones

• Special Channel for players with more than 2000 pvp's

• Color name changes by increasing your pvp count..

• All in one(AIO) buffer system.

• Champion Mobs system.

• NPC Crest determined by the Owner of the area.

• Wedding System.

• NPC Crafter.

• Offline trade system.

• Class Master.

• Subclass obtainable under quest.

• Olympiad working retail like.

• Olympiad circle 1 week.

• 12 Unique events in NPC engine

• Fully working geodata.

• 24 Buffs slot - 6 Debuff

• 4 sec player spawn protection

• Flood protection.

• Dualbox is allowed with some restrictions.

• Bot protection.

• GM Shop up to A-Grade.

• Global Gatekeeper.

• Npc Buffer (Basic buffs).

• Custom raidboss drops.

• Many custom quests.

• Custom craft quests.

• Buff time 3 hours

• Custom armors, will have same stats as S-Grade armor, it's optional. Normal S-Grade armors can still get picked.

• .blockip (Being able to login only with 1 specific ip, the one you had when you typed .blockip)

• .blockbuffs (Something like antibuff shield)

• .repair "Name here" (Without "-")

• .noexp (Character no longer receives exp)

• .menu (Opens a menu panel)


•Explanation of custom armors

Nothing special to be honest about, custom armors are going to have the same stats as retail S-Grade armors (Draconic etc). It's just optional to choose them, since retail S-Grade armors will be still obtainable.


Here's a the preview of the heavy armor for humans:



( Feature list is not full )




he is promising srv but i see you wanna do the same mistake's like every fail mid interlude,aio buffer and custom armor,when you posted first time and asked for opinion's,you say you want some kind of oldschool l2,but already you try to do same moneymaker mid srv,sry for you when i saw your post first i was thinking you really wanna do a good mid srv :lied:


Hello there. One of those days i was planning to explain the situation about custom armors. Custom armors are optional, if you want you can take the retail armors (Draconic etc). It's just an addition for players that want something different. Both armors will have the exactly same stats.

The aio is a way of donating, in order to pay the machine fees in a way that won't ruin the game for anyone.


Hello there. One of those days i was planning to explain the situation about custom armors. Custom armors are optional, if you want you can take the retail armors (Draconic etc). It's just an addition for players that want something different. Both armors will have the exactly same stats.

The aio is a way of donating, in order to pay the machine fees in a way that won't ruin the game for anyone.

i understand your point,but believe me i talked with many players,most of them hate aio buffer,if you add aio what's the point of making bd/sws/wc?is not oldschool anymore bcz every1 will buy aio buffs,this is what i think and many ppl from my clan think,i know you need money for machine and all stuff,but you can make donations for subclass,nobles,S grade set's,accesories,some clan halls,there are many more stuff who can't affect gameplay believe me,ofc is your project and you can do what you want,me personally i dont like aio buffer,custom farm zones,custom armor's,look around on every mid srv who added this stuff,is there any1 who survived more then 1-2 months?gl

Well AIO buffer is an alternate if someone is bored to make a buffer for his main. So ppl can continue playing those classes.


Bump, don't miss the chance to get a free aio for 10 days!

Also we're looking for some global moderators regarding the forum. If you feel that you got the requirements to the the position feel free to pm me.


- Our testers are trying all the skills one by one and we fix them in order to get everything synced and as much close to retail.


- Soon i announce the many features, stay tuned.

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